New Chapter

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It's a rainy day, the sky is dark and cloudy, Ruby is in her room, she is very sad, she is lying on her bed all pink and velvety, was planning to go to Corona with some excuse to be able to meet Varian, but since it rains and it's not possible for her, she snorts and gets up, but suddenly she hears a ticking from the window, thinking it was Varian, she turns around with a big smile, but realizes that it was only Safiria (her owl) R: what are you doing out Saf?  - she opens the window to her, Safiria enters, leans on the bed and looks at her.  R: What is it?  - she says nervous - but suddenly a voice that comes from under screams: Ruby !!!  -Ruby jumps for fear , she looks out the window and sees ... Varian!  Ruby smiles, she is happy that Varian is there, R: what are you doing there hahaha come in and get wet.  - V: I came because .. I wanted to invite you to have a picnic with me!  (Screams) R: (hahaha what a fool he is) she thinks.  ( it's so beautiful).  R: Get inside!  - Varian smiles and goes to the entrance to the door, Ruby opens and lets him in.  R: Come on I'll give you a towel.  she fetches the towel and puts it on Varian.  R: strange that it rains today, we are in summer, It's impossible.  V: Can't you see there is the sun ?  -  R: but where?  I only see big clouds - V: it's right in front of me.  (Smiles) - Ruby blushes and smiles nervously, turns around and says: Can I get you some water?  Yes, I'll take the water you see you're thirsty haha ​​* - V: Nono quiet I'm fine- Ruby does not listen to him and goes to get water.  She comes back to Varian with some lemonade, V: didn't you have to get the water?  - R: this is water!  -V: actually it says lemonade- Ruby looks at the bottle, widens her eyes and says: ahahha my mistake, okay what were we talking about? -V: ahahahaha it's okk Ruby, looks it's about to stop raining.  - R: ohh right, what do you say if we go to Rapunzel's afterwards?  - V: don't you want to go for a .. picnic? - R: ohh yeah yeah, but .. but .. here I am .. I don't feel so well, maybe we can do it another day ??  - V: Sure ..!  -Ruby smiles sadly, she knows she did it because she is afraid of doing something stupid and embarrassing, so that he can understand how she feels about him.  Varian is afraid to reveal his feelings, it seems that Ruby does not feel the same (he is simply blond inside ahaah) Ruby looks at Varian and sees that he has changed expression, she then tells him: Varian if the weather is nice tomorrow go to the Picnic it's a promise💕- Varian is happy, he sees that maybe there is hope, he really likes that girl, she is strong, funny, protective, and above all beautiful.  Ruby gets up and takes Varian by the hand as she runs outside, so they decide to go to town.  They arrive in Corona- V: Ruby look over there!  That guy is doing magic tricks! - R: hahaha that's not real magic it's just a stupid magician.  (covers his mouth with her hands) - The magician looks at her badly and approaches her, he is a boy of about their age, he has dark hair and green eyes, he is a little taller than Varian, his face is pale.  R: I'm so sorry, it was not my intention to offend you ..- Varian stands in front of Ruby as if to protect her, but the boy moves him.  Boy: Could you do better?  - R: and you ask me? pff of course I know how to do better.  - Boy: Show me baby doll.  - R: in the meantime, don't call me a doll, right ?!  - Boy: hahaha Ok, baby doll.  - Ruby gets nervous - R: can you do this?  she throws a small flame on his ass.  - Boy: Ouch!  How .. how did you do it?  - R: Magic.  - The boy is stunned and tells her: Nice to meet you, I'm Liam, would you be ..?  - R: my name is Ruby - L: it's a really nice name, beautiful like you.  (he kisses her hand) -V: okok now we have to go, to never more dear Lemon!  - drags Ruby- L: my name is Liam not lemon, little baby- Varian turns around: who did you call baby ?!  _ R: Varian!  - L: is that your girlfriend?  (He smiles wickedly) -V: emh, well.. no.  - L: So it doesn't bother you if I ask her out, right? - Varian gets nervous, but manages to keep calm, looks him in the eye with annoyance and goes to the castle with Ruby, without saying anything.  L: See you again Ruby!  (screams from afar) and smiles. - V: Ruby you don't have to go out with that guy, he's not a good person, he looks mean and unpleasant, I don't like him.  R: Varian ... are you jealous?  - Varian blushes: I'm jealous?  Hahaha nono it's just that I care about you and I don't want something bad to happen to you. - R: maybe there is something you want to tell me?  (smiles) - Varian starts to get nervous so he changes the subject out of fear, V: we have arrived at the castle!  - R: let's go to Raps!  - Ra: Guyyyys! I haven't seen you for a while, is everything okay? - Together  answer that everything is ok, Cassandra arrives and greets them, Ruby and Varian are happy to see her again, C: Ruby would you like to come with me for a moment ??  I know you like the bow and since you're here now I can teach you how! - R: ohh Yess Cass let's go !! - Varian is left alone with Rapunzel, she sees that Varian is sad, Ra:Varian?  Are you really sure that everything is okay? - V: No, it's not all right (he sheds a few tears) There's this stupid wizard in town who wants to go out with Ruby, what if she likes it?  I will no longer be anything to her.  - Ra: you like her.. right?  -Varian looks into her eyes, for a moment he doesn't answer and looks down.  V: ahhh!!! Yes I LIKE SHE, but I don't know what to do, now this has got in the way, he wants to invite her out.  - Ra: hey Varian, I can help you!  I'm pretty good at these things!  (she says satisfied ) -V: really!? (smiles) -Ra: I have to think about how we can do it, don't worry. (hugs Varian)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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