Marcus you are a monster!

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The two guys go back to the path to get to the castle, meanwhile to the castle ... Marcus: Guys, have you seen if Ruby is coming? - Yuma: We have no idea, she should have come a few hours ago! - M: WHAT! AND DID YOU NOT FOLLOW IT ?! As soon as this is all over I will throw you in the cellar without food and water, you are not doing what I say! (Pushes Yuma to the ground) - Gabriel: don't touch Yuma! We tried to be as careful as possible! But we have lost sight of it. - M: THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! go and look if it's close ... (Yuma cries) What are you crying, you're a stupid child. - Y: AND YOU ARE A MONSTER. YOU JUST WANT THAT STUPID NECKLACE SO THAT THAT CROWN HAS POWER. I'm leaving. - G: no! Stay here - M: let her go I don't need a baby. (Yuma runs away)
Meanwhile Varian and Ruby are on the path, a bell attracts their attention, they turn and see a pink grove with hanging crystals, fascinated they approach, the trunks of the trees were normal, brown and robust, but the petals were pink very clear, Varian took a flower and put it on Ruby's hair, Ruby looked at it and smiled, Varian blushed, Ruby knelt on the ground took a lot of those flowers and made a crown, put it on Varian's head, they laughed together. R: you are just perfect to be the prince of flowers, hahahahaha! V: do you want to be my princess? Ahahaahha. (Ruby gives a shy smile) A: I would really like Sir. Varian, hahahahha. (Then the two realizing they are showing something more, ashamed they distance themselves) R: look at those crystals, (with a snap of her fingers Ruby makes them shine bright pink) - V: WOW, it's so beautiful! - Yuma passing by that path hears laughter coming from this strange grove, fascinated too she approaches, - Y: wow .. it's really nice! But that's ... RUBY EHY !!! (Ruby turns around) do it here! I know what your plan is, I will save my mother, you want this necklace right ?! Y: No Ruby wait listen to me a minute, I don't want this to happen, I'm on your side- R: you just want .. Wait, really? - V: You better go! You hurt Ruby, you're just false. - (Yuma cries) Y: I know I was wrong, but I'm really so sorry. - R: Varian, I think now she telling the truth. - V: as before? - R: before my heart told me no only that I used my head, this time my heart tells me that it is. - Y: I have a plan , let's go to the castle, I distract Marcus by telling him how wrong I was with him, you free your mother and run away. - R: and then you come with us right? - Y: I don't think so. But calmly I'll see how to do it. You enter from the back the castle, before I left I took the key to the door where your mother is. - R: ok! Here we go. - V: I'm more confused than before. (And he follows them) - continued below...

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