Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Zayn’s POV*

The headache that I had earlier, wasn’t going away. By the sound of the booming music from the house, it wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. 

He parked a couple of streets down, so nobody would see Ed’s beat up car. We didn’t want people to see us here. This wasn’t our scene. 

People we hanging around outside the house, holding the classic red cups, no doubt filled with liquid that was illegal for well over half of this crowd. Not a lot of people were drunk yet, but by the vibe this party was sending out, I’m sure everyone will be very drunk, very soon.

“Only a couple of hours.” I reminded Ed as we crossed the lawn, not caring about using the sidewalk. He kept his arm wrapped around Amy’s shoulders. Even though Ed was quiet and a musical genius, he was the best boyfriend to Amy. Anyone could see that.  

Ed didn’t reply as he kissed the top of Amy’s head before opening the door, letting the music completely filling my ears. It pounded my chest as well as my head. The sound of people’s voices got louder, and the volume of guests was suddenly very clear. There must have been the entire senior class there in that house. We walked in, looking around the large entry way, the air thick with moisture from people dancing.  Who was this guy? What was his name again? Steve? Dan?

“Stan!” I heard Amy cheer. I turned to see Amy step away from Ed for a moment before reaching her arms and wrapping them around the neck of a guy about three inches shorter than me. He had short brown hair, matted with sweat from the game. I knew he played, because he wore his jersey. Looking at his number, I think he was a kicker.

“Amy! Glad you can make it!” He said happily. He looked like a junior who was excited to have so many seniors at his house. Sorry buddy, nobody here cares whose house it is, as long at there’s booze. 

“Where’s Hannah? I want to say hello!” Amy said cheerfully while Harry, Ed and I stayed quiet. It always amazed me how upbeat she was, and how she got such a mellow guy like Ed. 

“She’s- um- somewhere in the backyard I think.” he blushed at her name. Wait, wasn’t he the guy that she came to the game for? Oh well. They’ll figure out that they actually like each other sooner or later. No need to get involved. 

“I’ll he back, baby.” Amy smiled at Ed before giving him a light peck on the lips. She gave Harry and I a little wave before she bounced cheerfully through the crowd of people and off to the backyard. 

Stan turned to us, giving us confused looks. He was probably wondering why guys like us were here. I was wearing my dark jeans with the long chains, and my white tank top. I wore my favorite black leather jacket, covered in patches with my favorite bands or places. Harry wore a simple white tank top, tight jeans, and a grey beanie that rested above his mop of curly hair. Ed wore his simple green sweatshirt and jeans. None of us were popular, so being at a party like this, was rare.

“Um, there guys are in the living room, I think.” Stan said, unsure if he should introduce himself to us. Harry nodded as he led us deeper into the house. Sweaty drunk people kept falling on us, and it took all of my strength not to shove them off me. 

“Here, bud.” Some dude with a jersey and blonde hair said as he handed me a red cup. My headache lessen and my body seemed to relax as my fingers curled around the cup.I nodded in thanks to the guy and took a much needed sip.

I couldn’t name the taste, but the burn it created down my throat led me to think it was some mixture of vodka.

The dude smiled and handed Harry and Ed a cup as well. They both took it eagerly and took gulps. The dude laughed a hearty laugh, before turning to me, “So what are your names? I don’t think I’ve seen you around.” 

“Zayn.” I offered. He seemed like a nice guy. “That’s Harry and Ed.” I said before taking another sip of my drink. My headache seemed to be completely gone now.

“I’m Niall.” he offered taking a sip. “So who brought you here? You don’t seem to be enjoying yourselves.”

“Hey Ni, let go play bear pong with the guys.” A guy came up and patted Niall on the back.

I’ve only ever admitted to Harry and Ed that I like both guys and girls. I’ve only ever been with girls before, but they’ve never lasted long. When I saw the guy come up, I swear I stopped breathing. He had brown hair that was short and fuzzy. His eyes were wide and a rich chocolate color. He wore a jersey with the number 23 on it. I wasn’t lying when I say that he had the fittest body I had ever seen. 

“Yeah, I’m coming.” Niall said turning to us with a nod, “see you guys around.”

The unknown boy locked eyes with me, and I swear we must have stared at each other for over ten seconds. It only broke when Niall pulled him by the arm and the two of them disappeared in the crowd.

I took a sip of the drink, trying not to think of number 23.


Two hours later, Ed and Amy were making out on the couch, And Harry and I leaned against the wall, enjoying the buzz. I didn’t know the people around me, but I chatted. It was all small talk, and normally, I would have been quiet and annoyed, but since I was drunk, I really didn’t care.

“Hey! Zayn, right?” the energetic blonde came up to me again while Harry was chatting with a good looking girl. I nodded, “Neil?”

He laughed, getting red in the face, “Niall.” he corrected before grabbing my arm. “We need more people to play a game.” 

I shrugged and let the boy pull me along.  He dragged me until we were in a living room full of blurred faces. He sat me down on the couch, squished between two very comfortable people. 

Niall began explain loudly the rules of the game, but my brain didn’t catch it all. Something about not touching each other. Well if that was the case, then my neighbors and I would have already lost. 

“Okay so everybody close your eyes while two people are blindfolded.” He said. I didn’t understand what he meant, but I closed my eyes anyways. About ten seconds went by before Niall told everyone to open their eyes. 

One little blonde girl got blindfolded, as well as a big football player. My mind skipped the process, but they ended up standing across from each other, still blindfolded. 

“Ready, go!” Niall yelled, and they leaned forward until their lips touched. They moved their lips against each others, slowly at first. They stayed an awkward distance away from each other, which led me to believe that was the ‘no touching’ thing Neil was talking about. 

After a moment, the guy leaned forward and placed his hands on either side of the girl’s face. The people watching all booed and the girls mostly cheered. The two broke apart, and Neil led them to a guest room, closing the door behind them, saying through the door, “Breanne can do whatever she wants to you!” 

“Close your eyes!” he announced again. I closed my eyes, taking a blind gulp of my drink. 

Two more people were chosen, this time, a slutty cheerleader and an awkward nerd. I laughed loudly along with everyone else. Whoever was choosing these people, were genius.

All I remember was that the guy lost, and when Neil opened the door to the room, Breanne and the football player stumbled out, faces flushed and clothes messed up. 

I vowed that if I was chosen, I wouldn’t lose.

“Close your eyes!”

I closed my eyes and after a few seconds, a bandana was wrapped around my eyes. I smirked to myself. I wouldn’t lose. 

Neil told everyone to open their eyes, and I was pulled up and led to the center of the room. Noise of laughter and scowls sounded around me, but I ignored then when I felt warm breath on my cheeks.

“Ready, go!” 

I leaned forward slightly, feeling the pressure of lips on mine. There was something about them that was different. My brain couldn’t identify the out of place thing, but that didn’t stop my heart racing.

I nudged my lips against theirs, enjoying the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, and the heat rushing to my face. God, these lips felt so damn good. But I mustn’t lose. I can’t be embarrassed and lose, this was a game I should be amazing at. And that’s exactly what I set out to prove. That turned out to be a much harder task than I anticipated. 

I allowed my lips to take over as I kissed more hungrily. It startled me slightly when I felt a hot tongue graze over my bottom lip, but I obliged rather quickly, enjoying the feeling of their lips much more than I should.

My finger kept twitching to reach out and touch them. To hold their face as we kissed. But I stopped myself. I had to win.

I went on for quite some time as our tongue battled for dominance. I kept tilting my head getting a better angle, exploring their mouth. It was exhilarating.

Soon, a hand gripped the back of my neck, pulling me closer, and at first, I was more than willing. The noise surrounding me made me realize that this was just a game, and I had just won. 

I pulled away from them, breathing hard. I wanted to touch them, to kiss them, and luckily since I won, I get to do whatever the hell I want to them.

A hand guided us towards the bedroom and we waited for the slutty cheerleader and the nerd boy to exit, before they shoved us into the room.

“You’ve got five minutes.” Niall voice said before shutting the door.

Instantly, I took off my blindfold, ready to see my competitor. I just wanted to kiss them again; so badly.

What surprised me, was that my kisser, was a guy. Not just any guy, it was the brown eyed beauty that I had seen before. Number 23.

Before I could react, he ripped off his blindfold and attacked my lips with his without a single thought. 

I stood there for a moment in shock. I’ve seen this guy before. He was the most popular guy in school. Payne, I think his name was. He was straight. He was drunk. He wouldn’t have kissed me if he were sober. He wouldn’t have wanted this.

“Congrats on winning.” he mumbled against my lips, making me shiver. “Do you want to take charge of me or am I gonna have to do all the work?” he whispered before moving us to the bed, causing me to fall onto the bed on my back, him on top of me.

Goosebumps formed on my arms at his words, melting into his lips. I shouldn’t be kissing him, but damn it he feels so good! I pulled away, but Payne just attached his lips to my neck.

“Stop, Payne.” I said breathlessly. It went against everything that I wanted, but I knew that he would be upset if I let it go any further. 

“Why?” He whined sucking on my collarbone. “You don’t want me?”

I held in a groan. This guy was really testing my limits. This was like the game; I have to win. “Not like this.” I breathed as he ran his hands down my sides.

“I think you’re lying.” he bit down on my collarbone as he ran his hand over my growing bulge through my jeans. 

“Stop.” I said, trying to breath normally. I grabbed his hand and took it up and away from my cock. I didn’t need the extra distraction. 

“Touch me.” he begged drunkenly. He took his face away from my skin and looked me in the eye. Aside from looking lonely and sad, I could see the redness around his eyes, and the smell off his breath; he was drunk. He didn’t want me. He liked girls. He would have wanted to leave the room. For some reason, I wanted to help this stranger to his own benefit.

“I wish I could.” I said under my breath. I cupped his face in my hand and slowly sat up, “But not right now.” 

He frowned, “But we only have five minutes!” 

“You are drunk. You don’t like guys. You are just drunk and horny and you’ll regret this in the morning.” I said sadly, removing my hand from his face and rubbing my temples. I wanted to be out of here. I didn’t want to look into his eyes and tell him that I didn’t want him. I wanted him in every way humanly possible. I was already itching for the warmth of his skin on mine. 

It was silent as I kept my eyes squeezed shut. The alcohol must have left my body after the serious conversation, because my fucking headache was coming back. 

“Drunk or not, you’re still fucking sexy.” I heard Payne mutter. I looked up to see him getting up and walking straight out of the room. 

Once alone for a few moments, I heard Niall bring in his friend who I’ve seen around; the one with light brown hair. He was with a girl with bright blonde hair both of whom, were blindfolded. I mumbled an apology before making my way out of the room.

“How’d it go?” Neil asked me, smiling brightly at me. 

“Good choice with people, Neil.” I said a little pissed off. They chose Payne with me because it would mess with his status the most. The most popular football player with the faggot that nobody knows. Real smart there. 

“Niall.” he corrected. “And it was a joke, everyone knew that.” he didn’t seem to get it. 

I rolled my eyes before turning on my heel and shoving my way through the crowd, looking for curly or red hair. Thankfully, I found the red mop of hair first, playing beer pong.

“Only a couple of hours.” I reminded him.

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