Chapter 5

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My head hurt. Everything hurt. I could hear the sound of rhythmic beeping, and I felt the cool air conditioning. The bed I was laying on wasn't comfortable, but the slight uncomfortable bed wasn't anywhere near how the rest of my body felt.

I slowly peeled my eyes open, to see my surroundings. I was lying in a plain hospital room, with a boy with curly hair sitting on the chair, completely engrossed in his phone.

"Harry?" I asked, my voice hoarse. His head snapped up to look at me with a smile.

"Hey Zaynie!" he teased, smirking to himself, "How are you feeling?"

What the hell kind of question is that? "Like shit." I gave him a small smile, to show him that I wasn't dead nor dying.

He rolled his eyes at me, unable to hide his growing smirk. "Figured. You always were a pussy about pain."

I stared at him for moment before saying, "I was jumped!"

He waved his hand as if to dismiss my comment, "Doesn't matter."

I pouted while muttering, "Prick."

Before I could analyze my condition, the doctor walked in, giving me a warm smile. "Mr. Malik! You're up!" she said cheerfully as she went over to the machines and played around with the bags hanging above me.

"How are you feeling? How's your head?" she asked, looking over some papers.

"Shitty." I said honestly. I could see a smirk playing on her lips. "What happened?" I asked, but then rephrased, "How bad was I hurt?"

She pursed her lips at my papers before looking up at me, "You had a mild concussion, and seeing now that you're awake and alert, you should be completely fine. You had deep bruises on your ribs and back, but those should heal in a couple weeks." she smiled, "You'll be sore for a while, but you should be fine!"

"8What are these for, then?" I asked gesturing down to the needles in my arm, and a clip on my middle finger.

"That's for your heart monitor," so pointed to the clip, "So we can monitor your recovery. And that," she pointed to the needle that was stuck on the inside of my elbow, "is your IV cord which gives you a drug that will help you with the pain."

"Then was does it still hurt like hell?" I asked irritably. I was tired of being in pain.

"I just fixed that! It will take effect in about five to ten minutes." she gave me another smile before turning slightly to write something on her clipboard.

"You should be out of here either late today or early tomorrow. It depends on how you're feeling." I nodded before she gave both Harry and I short waves, "Let me know if you have anymore questions!" the preppy nurse turned and walked out of my room.

I turned to Harry, "How long was I out?"

He shrugged, "A couple hours. It's still Friday." he joked giving me a smirk. That's what I loved about, Harry. He always makes me feel better in times of trouble.

Harry slowly stood up, "I'm going to check on Niall. I'll be back in about ten minutes."

"Niall?" I questioned before the image of the blonde at the party came into my mind, and the screaming rang in my head. "Oh, Niall. How is he?" I asked worried for the boy who had tried to help me. I could still hear the sounds of the guys beating him.

Harry shrugged, "Alright, I guess. They beat him up pretty badly. They um, broke his leg." my eyes widened; they had managed to break his leg!?

"He's fine though!" Harry said quickly. "He should be waking up from surgery now. His friends are at football practice, and his family is out of town, so he has nobody right now." he shrugged, "Might as well give him some company."

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