Chapter 2

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I woke up on Monday morning, feeling tired and crusty. I hated Mondays and mornings so I didn’t wake up in the greatest of moods. 

I dragged myself out of bed, and fixed my ratted and matted hair. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and went to change into my simple outfit of a white t-shirt and my leather jacket. 

I grabbed my skinny black binder and walked out to my car. It was a simple black pick up truck. It wasn’t the best car in the world, but it got me places, and that was enough.

I got to school, and parked in the lot in the back which not a lot of people used. It was right outside my wood-shop classroom, so it was convenient when I needed to get supplies to and from places.

I got out and sat in my trunk, taking out a cigarette, and lighting it as Ed pulled up and parked right beside my car. He and Harry climbed in my truck and pulled out their own cigarettes, lighting them with my lighter. 

We didn’t need to say anything as we sat in silence, staring out at the grassy practice fields. We had four more minutes until class started, so we just sat and stared at nothing. I loved doing things like this, thinking about nothing. Kind of like clearing our minds of all worry. Cigarettes help with a distraction; something to do with your hands. Art distracts me as well. I don’t like thinking about the future or anything like that. I like staying in the present with my two best friends. Taking one step at a time, enjoying every moment of life that I can. 

The bell rung loudly, echoing through the empty lot. The three of us slowly made our way up and out of the truck. I dropped the filter of my cigarette on the concrete and ground it with the toe of my shoe.

“I’ve written another song.” Ed said casually as I locked my car and began walking towards the school. 

I nodded approvingly. He writes music and sings, and the worst part is, he is really good. He just doesn’t seem like a popstar. “What’s is called?” I asked curiously.

He shrugged, “I don’t know.” 

I smirked, “What’s is about?” 

He thought a moment, “Getting drunk.” 

Harry and I caught each other’s eye and then burst into laughter, holding our ribs. “That will be a best seller.” Harry joked.

“Very inspirational.” I smirked at Ed who just shoved us both. “Shove off. I also wrote one about a cracked out prostitute.” he said completely seriously, which made us double over in laughter.

“Sheeran, what do you write about?” I said in-between breaths. 

“You’d have to hear them to know.” he shoved us one last time before turning around, “I’ll pick you up after school, Harry! See you guys later.” he said before exiting the school. It was times like this that I wished that Ed didn’t graduate. When I wished he still went here; or that I had already graduated. 

Harry and I were still laughing as we made our way to our first class. We had English together, and that just happened to be first.

“What are you laughing at faggot?” A dude with a SnapBack and red converse sneered at me. I stopped laughing and looked at him for a moment, quickly deciding that he was talking to me. He didn’t even skip a step and continued walking to class. 

Faggot? Since when does everyone know about my sexual orientation? Since when does anyone suddenly care? I rolled my eyes and kept walking to my class, not even phased by the guy.

“Where did that come from?” Harry asked annoyed, but made no move towards him. 

I shrugged; I honestly didn’t even care all that much. He can say whatever the hell he wants as long as he doesn’t touch me. 


I was sitting alone in my government class when I saw him. He was in my class all this time, and I never noticed him before. He sat with a few other football players, one that I recognized as the guy who came in the bedroom after us. He was on the far other side of the room, but that didn’t stop me from stealing a glance now and again.

He was even more beautiful now. He kept laughing with his friends, his eyes crinkling. I wanted to smile too. It was like he lighted up the entire room with just his smile. Not to mention that he looked hot as hell, wearing a simple black T-shirt and jeans. The memories of Friday night came rushing back as I felt his lips against mine, his breath on my ear and his chest pressed to my own. I bit my lip, trying to push those memories down. I shouldn’t be wanting more. I shouldn’t be lusting after him. It shouldn’t be happening. 

“So I heard you sucked face with a dude!” a dude said, whom I didn’t recognize. He was bigger than Payne;  by a lot.

I watched his reaction carefully, wanting to know exactly how he felt about Friday night. He bit his lip, but quickly covered it up and shrugged his shoulders and rolling his eyes, “I was drunk. I don’t remember a thing.” that was his excuse. That was the entire reason for everything that happened at the party. I would be lying if I said that it didn’t hurt. I would also be lying if I said that I didn’t feel like crawling into a hole and crying. Crying wasn’t usually how I took pain or sorrow, but I felt like crying. Or a cigarette. Or paint. Anything would have been good right then. I just needed a distraction.

“Dude, even drunk that’s so gay.” the dude rolled his eyes. “Are you a faggot, little Liam?” he mocked. This wasn’t in any way friendly. I couldn’t even be excited that I knew his name, I was just concerned for him. Gay or not, that guy was way out of line.

“Back off, Pal.” his friend with the weird brown hair defended.

“Why, are you trying to hide something?” he snickered. 

“Lay off my nuts, man. It was just a party.” Liam said trying not to start a fight, but trying his best to say a polite, ‘Fuck Off’. 

“Why? Don’t you like nuts?” He mocked.

“Sit down in your assigned seat, Nathan.” the teacher came up to the front of the class, looking at the guy mocking Liam. He shrugged his shoulders and went to his seat without another glance to Liam. 

I watched as Liam ran his hands over his face, as his friend patted his back comfortingly. I felt bad for him, because it wasn’t his fault that he kissed me. He just wanted another fun party, but instead, he got me. 

I lowered my head, not wanting to be seen. I didn’t want them to notice that I was in the room. I didn’t want to see the reaction on Liam’s face. I didn’t want to cry.

I distracted myself by picking up my pencil and drawing on my ‘notes’, letting my pencil take it’s course. I focused on the way the granite hit the paper, so suddenly and all under my control. The sound of the teacher’s voice was a soft hum as I drew. Soon, I wasn’t thinking about drawing anymore. My body and my thoughts were disconnected as I moved my fingers in delicate patterns across the paper. It wasn’t until the bell rung, that I looked back and seen what I had drawn. Two big eyes were staring at me, the gleam in the iris, was making it appear real. I tilted my head, as the eyes looked familiar. Harry’s? No they were too skinny. Ed? No, not right.

Suddenly, my mind came to the realization of who’s they were. Everything was familiar; the similar oval shape, the crinkles on the corner, and the way the bottom lid rose slightly in the middle, as if laughing. 

I had drawn Liam Payne’s eyes.

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