Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Accidental

"Your body has adjusted well enough with one kidney, so you can go home!" The doctor announced to the four of us after he checked one of the machine's history.

Karen and Geoff looked to their son with great joy in their eyes. As if they had forgotten all other troubles in life, and blinded by joy at the fact that their son can join them at home once again.

"Make sure to get a lot of rest. No more football either; that's too hard on your body." He said, taking out the two needles in Liam's arm before quickly replacing the small holes with tiny band-aides. He then pulled out a bottle of pills from his jacket pocket, handing it to Liam's parents, "Make sure Liam takes these twice a day. One in the morning, and one at night. It will help his one kidney do the job of two; cleaning out his blood of waste products." Karen took the bottle with a wide grin and a short nod. She glanced at her son with pride in her eyes.

"As soon as Liam's dressed and ready, come out to the front desk to sign him out." He gave us all a smile before taking the mobile IV stand out the door with him.

Liam turned to his parents and I with a shy smile, "Would you guys mind waiting outside while I um... Change?"

I smiled and he blushed, and his dad chuckled, "Just for you, Liam." He rolled his eyes as he guided a laughing Karen out of the room with smiles flashing in Liam's direction.

"I'll meet you outside, okay?" I said bending down to kiss his forehead.

"Okay." He said brightly, reminding me of a small child.

I gave his hand one last squeeze before I left the room, closing the door behind me.


" Careful, Liam." Karen pestered again as Liam walked up the steps. He was slightly lightheaded, but he was walking just fine. He glared his mom again as he swung his arm over my shoulder.

"I'm fine, mom. You don't have to keep telling me to be careful. I feel just fine. Good even." He gave me a smile, squeezing my shoulder.

"We have every right to be worried about you, LiLi." Karen said matter-of-factly as she jiggled her key into the lock.

Liam just rolled his eyes as he smiled at me, his eyes shining. My heart flipped and my cheeks blushed. It was addicting being near this man.

"LIAAAM!" Three voices shouted as the door to the house opened wide. Liam was taken from my side, and swallowed into a group hug consisting of Louis and Niall, while Harry chuckled enthusiastically.

"Boys, boys!" Karen scolded. "Be careful!"

The boys ignored her as they grabbed Liam's cheeks and lightly punched him on the arm playfully. He giggled like a child and swatted uselessly as the two of them. Watching him made my heart swell three times it's size. It amazed me that through everything that's happened to him this week, he still is as happy as a bouncing puppy.

Harry smirked and nudged my arm with his elbow, "How you doing, Zaynie?" His question and manner was playful, but I knew what he was asking. He was asking about my mental stability going through Liam's almost death and the constant visits to the hospital.

"Good." I said, watching as Harry's eyes never left the blonde lad's back, who was messing with Liam's face.

"Really?" His eyes left the scene, looking to me with curious and searching eyes. He slung his arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer to add, "How are you holding up?" He rephrased it.

I smiled at him, "I'm fine, really." I let my mind wander away from the emotions that bubbled over the other day. I never lost control like that, and I promised myself that I wouldn't lose myself again. I would stay strong for Liam and his family.

I watched as the two lads dragged Liam inside after his disapproving mother, calling after Harry and I to follow them inside. It was his own coming home party, and I knew it would wanted to be shared with his friends. By the look Harry gave me, I was sure he felt the same.

"Hey, Liam!" I called as he turned around with a big smile on his face. "Harry and I are going to head out." I watched as his smile dropped slightly in disappointment. I quickly added, "I'll see you first thing in the morning, okay?" His smile reached his eyes and he gave me a quick nod.

He seemed to hesitate before almost skipping back to me and wrapping his arms around my neck. My heart beat furiously as he snuggled his nose into the crook of my neck.

"Thank you for everything, Z." He whispered, his hot breath roaming over my sensitive skin.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, holding protectively close to me. He was about the same size as me, but at that moment he felt so small. So delicate.

He placed his hands on either side of my head before placing a soft kiss on my lips. He leaned back and smiled at me. "I'll see you soon!"

"You will." I winked. We parted and I turned to Harry who was giving Niall a bone crushing hug. As they parted, Harry dipped in a gave Niall a quick peck on the cheek, making the blonde lad blush with a silly smile slapped on his face.

"Bye, boys!" Louis smiled and waved as Harry and I began towards my truck. We both waved back, my eyes locked on Liam's. he was so beautiful. I wish I could spend every day and night with him, never leaving his side.

We climbed in, the silence comforting. I turned on the car and the sound of soft guitar playing came from my speakers.

Harry gave me a sly smirk, "You listen to CD Ed gave us?"

I shrugged trying to hide my guilty smile. "Yeah. He's pretty good."

Harry nodded slowly, nonchalantly turning up the volume as he began to sing. "I'll say." It was silent for a moment, the soft sound of our best friend filling the empty spaces.

"Ed said something about a new CD he wanted to give out. You know, publicity." Harry shrugged, a slight furrow in his eyebrows, as if he were slightly confused. "He wanted to give one to Liam, Louis and Niall." I could tell in the change of voice when he said Niall's name. As if the name itself brought a tingle to his tongue and a pink tint to his cheeks.

"Let's go to his place." I suggested, turning onto the main road towards Ed's house. "Haven't seen the guy in a while."

Harry pulled out his phone, no doubt to let Ed know that we were coming. All the stress from Liam's hospitalization was exhausting, especially when I was in a hospital and unable to smoke. I couldn't wait until I could get my hands on a cigarette and relax with my friends...

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