Chapter 7

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"Hey! You don't look like complete death!" Niall commented with a bright smile. I walked into his hospital room, limping since every part of my body still ached.

I had just been signed out of the hospital, but I couldn't leave without saying a goodbye to my new friend. He laid in the bed, with a large light blue cast on his leg, and a bright smile on his face. He had light bruises that covered his arms, but he looked unfazed by this.

"Thanks, Ni." I said, trying not to smile.

"So what are you going to do with your newfound freedom tomorrow?" Niall asked bringing his hands to the back of his head, looking at me with knowing eyes.

"I was going to head over to Liam's house around noon." I said, trying to sound casual about it, but I couldn't help but smile and blush.

Niall pointed at me and laughed. "Someone has a cruuuuush!" he jeered, laughing heartily. I just crinkled my nose in my best attempt to lie, "No, Just doing a project."

He gave me a look, "You are terrible at lying." He suddenly thought of something and smiled widely, "And I brought you guys together! SUCCESS!"

I stared at him smiling slightly, "You are in a cast because of us..." I mentioned.

He just shrugged, "If you two get together it was all worth it." he gave me a wink and I just rolled my eyes. "I better get going; my mom and sisters are waiting outside."

"Tell them I said hi!" Niall smiled.

"Sure thing, bro." I said giving him a small wave and limping my way out of the room.

My mom greeted me just outside the room, going in for a hug. "Mom! Sore as hell, remember?" I gave her an apology smile.

She lightly swatted me, "Don't cuss, Zayn! Your sisters are around." I pretended to be hurt from her swat, "Don't be a baby." she winked, letting me know that I was a terrible liar.

"You're no fun." I complained as my sisters came up to me, all with worry in their eyes.

"Are you okay, Zayn?" Waliyha asked me, looking at me with worried eyes.

I nodded giving her a smile. "I'm as good as new!" I ruffled her hair, something that she hated. She just groaned and rolled her eyes, "Great."

I smiled at her, "You know you love me." She just smiled and rolled her eyes.

My mom took my hand protectively and we walked to the car together, all smiling and joking. I ignored the stabbing pains on my ribs with every step, and the migraine pounding in my head. I ignored the fact that when I swung my arms, they burned from the bruised left there.

I hoped that this wouldn't last too long.


I stared at the clock, deciding whether or not to get ready and go. It was noon. I hadn't text Liam yet, the number still on the note crumbled in my hand. Did he really want me to come over? For a project that I'm almost done with?

He was probably expecting me. He was probably waiting for my text. Did he forget about it? Did he forget about the plans I had made with him? Was he happy that I didn't text him yet, or betrayed?

I sighed deeply, cringing at the movement from my ribs, and picked up the note. I saved his number as 'Liam', then opened up a new text.

'This is Zayn. What's your address?' Was that too direct? Was it not personal enough?

'Hey this is Zayn! How are you doing? Am I still coming over for the project?' Okay maybe too personal since I barley know him.

I settled with: 'Hey Liam, this is Zayn.' and pressed send without thinking. I didn't want to send the time to regret it.

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