Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 accidental

"After a few more tests," The doctor paused to look at the four of us straight in the eyes in Liam's hospital room before continuing, "We've discovered that the aneurysm isn't in any immediate danger of rupture. At this point, it would be counterproductive to perform a dangerous surgery on him when he is in no danger."

"So what now? Will he be okay?" Mrs. Payne asked, eyeing her son carefully. I rubbed my thumb over the soft skin on his hand as I watched him look at the doctor with confusion and a slight fear.

The doctor pursed his lips, "It might not be in danger now, but that doesn't meant it won't ever be. It could burst tomorrow, next year, a few years from now or maybe never." I looked to his parents as confusion spread over their features.

"So, you're telling us," Mr. Payne started, "That his life is in danger every second for the rest of his life?" He seemed irritated with the doctor, and I suddenly felt out of my place to be here in a family event. I squeezed Liam's hand in a soft reassurance.

Mrs. Payne's eyes got wide and she lightly smacked him on his thigh. "Geoff!" She scolded, glancing worriedly at Liam, who's face remained neutral.

The doctor shrugged. "At this point, there is no way to tell when it might burst. We can do periodic tests to see if the vessel is reaching it's breaking point. Stress is an important factor, as well as health. Which brings us back to only having one kidney." I felt Liam's hand twitch, and I looked at him, to see fear slowly appear on his face.

"The fact is, that Liam has only one kidney." He said, talking more to Liam's parents. "It may affect the speed at which the vessel will burst, but it may not. It depends on how well you take care of his body. He needs proper nutrients and plenty of medication to take the place of what his second kidney now can't do."

They both nodded as if they completely understood what the doctor was saying, but the confusion in their eyes was evident. I looked to Liam, and watched as he took his left hand and absentmindedly touched his side, as he was probably silently thinking about his lost kidney.

"So, in a few days, Liam should be fine to go home. Right now, his body needs to adjust." Liam's parents looked pleased and looked to Liam with comforting smiles. He just looked away, looking at the tubes and machines as if he just noticed them for the first time.

"Visiting hours will be over soon, so I'll let you say your goodbyes." The doctor said, giving us all a kind smile, before striding out of the room.

Mrs. Payne got up and went to Liam with a brave face, "We'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning, sweetie." She kissed his forehead before petting back his hair and looking at him as if he were the pride of her life. His check tinted pink, but he didn't move of say anything.

Mr. Payne came over and grasped his son's hand tightly, before smiling and ducking in for a hug at an awkward angle. "Get some rest, Liam! Have a good night!" He took Mrs. Payne's hand and the two of them began out of the room.

"We'll give you a few minutes, boys." She gave us a knowing smile, "We'll wait for you in the hall, Zaynie." I couldn't help but blush and smile at that, as she closed the door behind her.

Liam looked at me with a small smile, but I could see the fear and dread in his eyes. "Bye, Zayn... Will you be here in the morning..?" He asked quietly, as if he was afraid for my answer.

I cupped his face with my hands, staring down at his beautiful and dark brown eyes, "Of course I'll be here tomorrow. I'll be here tomorrow, the next and the next day. I won't leave until you are healthy and at home, and even then I'll stick around." His mouth twitched into a small smile, and I couldn't help but feel weird butterflies.

I lent down and pressed my lips to his, nothing but sweet passion. It was a reminder that I still loved him. It was a reminder that I will be here for him no matter what.

We broke apart and I placed my lips onto his forehead, letting them rest there and I enjoyed the feeling of his skin on my lips.

"Drunk or not, you're still fucking sexy." Liam whispered, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

I chuckled and kissed his forehead again, thinking about that night at the party. I couldn't tell him how thankful I was for that party and that stupid game that caused me so many problems.

"I love you, Liam." I said as I parted from him, leaving my skin feeling empty and cold. He smiled at me before saying, "I love you too, Zayn."

I gave Liam a small goodbye wave and I left room 223, turning around to face his parents smiling at me.

"We talked to your mom, and the two of us are taking you out to dinner." Mrs. Payne said, who wouldn't contain her bright smile.

"You talked to my mom?" I asked, smiling a bit. So I'm guessing my mom knows about my boyfriend, now... Not that I wasn't okay with that at all.

"Of course! We'll take you home after." She said, looking to her husband who just nodded and gave me a smile.

Suddenly, she pulled me into a bone crushing hug, whispering, "Thank you so much. Thank you for being there for my son. You are more than any parent could ask for."

I could feel the tears prickling at my eyes, but I held them back. "It's nothing. Thank you for letting me be apart of his life, and yours now."

They both just smiled and began to lead me out to the elevator. "Mrs. Paune, can I go to the bathroom really quick?" I asked, leaning my body towards the bathroom on the opposite side of the elevator shaft.

Mrs. Payne rolled her eyes playfully, "Call me Karen, please. But of course honey, we'll meet you right here."

More tears threatened as my face turned hot as I smiled then turned to the bathroom.

I went over to the sink, turning on the water and splashing the cold water on my face. The tears were running down my face with an unexplainable emotion.

I've never felt so totally accepted by anyone, other than Liam, before in my entire life. She said that I was more than anyone could ask for, and I felt pride bloom in my chest. She approved of me. She thought that I was good for Liam. Me! Out of anyone and everyone, she thought that I was good enough for her only son.

That feeling was indescribable.

On the other hand, it was bittersweet. Liam is in danger of dying, and I might be the only person Liam would ever be with, and that put a lot of pressure on me. I had to be the best boyfriend i could be to him. i couldn't screw anything up. At the same time, my chest ached and my stomach turned uncomfortably at the thought of Liam dying.

So, I couldn't help but cry at all the weird emotions running through my head. Liam meant so much more to me that I once realized as I watched the cool water run down my face.

Then I remembered that Karen and Geoff were waiting outside, while I was in here having an emotional breakdown like a little girl. I grabbed paper towels and dried my face, hoping that my face wasn't too red. Thankfully, it was only slightly pink, and that would go away by the time we would reach the restaurant.

As I traveled down the elevator with two of the best people in the world, I thought of Liam, and all the dreadful things that could happen.

My fingers itched for a cigarette.

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