Chapter 11

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Accidental - Chapter 11

I paced in the waiting room, unable to keep still. They put him through an emergency operation as soon as they got here, without telling me anything.

What was happening? Was he dying? Is he going to be okay? A million questions swarmed my brain, making it impossible to think of anything else. How long had it been since he were here? An hour? Two? I wasn't sure.

"Liam James Payne! Where is he? Is he okay?" I heard yelling from the check-in counter. I whipped my head around at the sound of his name, to see Liam's mother and father, both worried sick.

I walked over there and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to me, her eyes softening at recognition, "Zayn? Oh my!" She wrapped her arms around my neck. "He told me everything." She whispered in my ear.

I tensed. Everything?

"How is he? What happened?"

I told her everything. I told her about the football game, then the ambulance ride. I told her about the giant bruise on his side, and how the medics rushed him into operation immediately.

"Did they tell you what's happened?" His dad asked concerned.

I shook my head, "No. As soon as we got to the hospital they pushed me into the waiting room telling me that they'll let know what's happening." I checked my phone for the time: 9:46pm. "It's been two hours since then and... Nothing."

Liam's dad pursed his lips, then stood. "I'll figure out what's happening." Liam's mom and I watched him walk away, and around the corner.

Liam's mom turned to me, rubbing my shoulder, "Liam came home from school in tears." I sighed, very close to tears; I didn't want to think about the pain I caused on Liam. "I asked him about it and he told me he was gay. He told me about that party he went to, and kiss you. He told me about the fight you got in, and he told me about meeting you at the hospital." Her eyes were sparkling with tears and adoration. Me? Why would she be idolizing me? I've done nothing but break down everything Liam and I had.

"He also told me that he was in love with you."

My heart stung at those words, because I caused him so much grief that day, for something that I was a little peeved about. I wanted to take back every word I said to him in that car. I just wanted to go back those times where we cuddled on his couch, talking of nothing of importance, but everything all at once.

I put my face in my hands, groaning deeply. I just wanted to see him. I just wanted him to be healthy and okay.

"I found the doctor." Liam's father spoke up softly, and we both stood instantly. I looked around until my eyes landed on a solemn looking man dressing in all white, with light blue scrubs underneath.

"Mr. and Mrs. Payne, I'm afraid I have some bad news." My brain instantly focused on everything bad that could ever happen to him. My heart broke and my legs felt wobbly, but I fought through the confusion and pain to listen to the doc.

"As suspected, your son suffered through a bad injury to his side while playing football. His kidney was badly punctured, causing internal bleeding, which we were able to keep under control. Unfortunately, his kidney won't be able to function properly ever."

Liam's mom exhaled with a shaky and hysterical cry, "Will he be okay without it, though?"

The doctor nodded hesitantly, "It will take a while for his body to adjust, but I believe that with careful watching, his kidney should be just fine."

She nodded with tears streaming down her face. "Just tell us what we can do to help." She offered, he hands visibly shaking.

The doctor bit his lip, "There's more. To closely examine his abdomen after his surgery, we put him through a series of CAT scans." I held my breath. What could be worse? What could the man that I love be going through? My heart ached to know. My hands yearned to touch him, to be near him once again. I wanted to kiss him, and tell him that everything's alright.

"We discovered that Liam, in fact, has a Brain Aneurysm."

My heart stopped. Quite possibly literally. I knew a little about aneurysms, knowing that they were blood vessels that formed a bubble and keep groaning until they pop, creating a lot of unfixable damage to the brain; most of the time, causing death.

"We caught it in the early stages, so he showed no symptoms up to this point. Now, here are a few options, we can perform a dangerous surgery in a couple days to remove it, or we can wait and hope that it will soon dissolve."

I felt numb. My heart was the only thing that I felt, which had slow, heavy beats. I had an itching to hold Liam in my arms, never letting him go. But right now, I had nothing but the sickening news that he might die.

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