Chapter 16

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Alright I was very eager to get this uploaded, that I haven't spellchecked it or anything... So bare with me.

Also, to all you silent readers, vote and leave comments! ;)


Chapter 16 - Accidental

"Hello, Mrs. Payne." I said as Karen came to the door. It was definitely something I was expecting, and I sure did feel awkward, knowing that she knows about Liam and I. Regardless of my awkward position, I smiled kindly at her.

"I'll get Liam... although he's probably waiting around the corner." She added the last part in a whisper, giving me a little wink.

I chuckled lightly, as Karen called, "Liam! Your date is here!"

The never ending heat flashed across my face. "Coming!" i heard my love's voice echo through the house.

Karen turned to me while I gave her a sheepish smile. She rolled her eyes at my shyness towards her, giving me a kind grin.

"Don't be shy, Zayn. You're practically part of the family, now!" She pulled me into a warm embrace. "That doesn't mean I give you permission, though." She joked, hinting at a possibility of me and Liam's marriage. I blushed furiously and looked away from her loving but teasing gaze.

"Ready, Zayn?" Liam asked, bounding down the steps. I looked him over, noticing he was dressed nice for the occasion. This was the first time he was leaving his house since he came home from the hospital three weeks, and he said he waged to spend it with me. I accepted happily.

Karen stopped him by his elbow before he could reach me, turning his body around to face her. She looked sternly at him as if he were a child, "Liam, do not run around and go crazy. I mean it. You're going to hurt yourself."

He rolled his eyes, giving his mom a short hug, "I'll be fine mom! Ill text you the whole time!" He gave her a wink before rushing to my side, gripping my bicep.

She looked at us, and smiled. "Alright. You two head off. Love you Liam!" She said as we began walking out the door.

"Bye mom, I love you!" Liam said, wrapping his arm around my waist as we continued down the short distance to my car.

"So, what are the plans for today?" He asked, sounding like an excited child. I grinned, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You'll see!" I teased. I had nothing too special planned; just a nice lunch then a movie. I just loved to see Liam beg.

"Zaaaayyyn!" Liam whined, trying to to smile. We separated and climbed into my truck.

"What?" I asked smiling, turning the key in the ignition.

He shoved me playfully, "Tell me where we're going."

I shook my head, "Nope! Just sit back and relax, Payne. You're safe me."

He chuckled and put of his seat belt. I shoved Ed's new CD into the slot, and instantly newer selections of my best mate floated through the air. Liam smiled, "Ed dropped by my house and gave me this CD..." He thought for a moment as I pulled out and began down the street. He looked like he was hiding a smile, "Remind me that I have a surprise for you in my bag, okay?"

I smirked at him, "Oh! So now you're keeping secrets too!" I teased, nudging his thigh.

He swatted me away, "I'll show you eventually... But for now, what's my surprise?" He said, turning to me as if I would spill the greatest known secret in the world. That's what I loved about him; he's always happy and waiting for an adventure.

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