Chapter 6

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"Bye Zaynie!" My mom kissed my forehead lovingly. I smiled at her; I loved my family more than anything. Unfortunately, my sisters weren't here this morning so it was just me and my mom for a few hours, until she herself had to leave for work the rest of the day.

They said that I had to stay through today, and would be able to leave later tonight, around 9 pm. Unfortunately, it was only about 2. I was counting down the seconds that I could leave this claustrophobic place.

"Bye mom." I said as I watched her leave. She gave me a wave and a smile before she closed the door behind her, leaving me alone in silence.

After an hour of reading a boring book and channel surfing through stupid shows, I sat back and looked at the ceiling. Six more hours. What the hell was I going to do for six more hours?

I needed someone to talk to.

Niall! I need to see if he's okay. Whether or not he was the one that put Liam and I together, he still tried to help me, risking his own safety. What did Harry say his room number was again? 215?

I picked up the phone on my bedside table and pushed the numbers: 215. It rang. Twice. Until an Irish accent rang through, "Um, hello?"

"Niall?" I breathed. I couldn't believe that I was doing this.

"Hi, um, who is this?" he questioned, uncertain.

"This is Zayn." That's all I had to say before I heard him gasp on the other side.

"Zayn! Oh my God I've been so worried! Harry said you were fine, but I saw the blood and you passed out so I didnt believe him." he spoke quickly making me twitch a smile.

"I'm fine. I'm actually leaving later today... How are you?" I said quietly, and if someone could hear out conversation.

"Naw, just a broken leg. Nothing too bad. Doc says that I can't play football for the rest of the season, so that's a downer. But he said maybe it could heal by the end of the season and I can play the last couple of games!" he said excitedly. He was always happy, even when something completely terrible happens, he found the bright side of things.

"That's great?" I asked questionably; I couldn't figure out if he was upset or halt about this fact.

"Did Harry come to see you today?" he asked suddenly. "He said he would visit me today, and he hasn't shown up yet." I raised an eyebrow. I didn't realize that Harry knew Niall, let alone is going out of his way to visit Niall.

"No, not today." I said, not wanting to continue that conversation about my best friend any further.

"Oh my god! Are you watching channel five?" I answered with a short no, and he continued, "Well these two people went into a thrift shop, and then they started arguing and fighting and one guy just shoved the other guy into the glass!" He laughed loudly.

I smiled before I heard the light knock on the door, filling my face with confusion.

"Come in!" I called as Niall explained the fight in full detail.

Liam poked his head in the room, giving me a small wave and smile. My jaw must have dropped, because I closed it as I spoke to Niall, "Hey, I have to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay! Bye Z!"

I hung up the phone slowly, wasting time as he quietly shut the door behind him, and made his way over to the sit next to my bed.

"How are you?" He asked me, his face full of worry and curiosity.

"Good." I said, my voice wavering. I shouldn't be so nervous around him, but I was. Normally I can keep up a conversation with someone that I liked, but with Liam, it was different. I was terrified of not being good enough for him. He was the football star of the school, and I was the weird art kid that no one payed attention to. Why was he here? Why is he taking time out of his day to see me in the hospital? It's probably because he felt bad about painting my car, something he was pressured into doing. Was I then a charity case for him? Did he need volunteer hours or something?

All I knew that no matter how much I couldn't stand him, I couldn't help but love everything about him.

"How do you feel?" He asked again, seemingly curious of my answer.

"My head hurts." I said, partly telling him the truth, partly trying to get him to feel bad and partly wanting him to care for me. "I'm getting released at 9." I said.

"What happened?" he asked, his dark eyebrows fusing together. "I thought you would be released around this time... Are you okay? Is something wrong." he tilted his head, reminding me of a puppy.

I shrugged, "They said my heart rate was unstable, and wanted to keep me for a little while longer, to see if I would be okay."

Liam rubbed his hand over his face, "Zayn," he started. It was the first time he had said my name, and the sound of it in his voice gave me chills. Like when he said it, my name was safe in his mouth. "I don't think you know how sorry I am. I got you into this, and it's all because I lost control." he sighed looking at the ground. "I'm sorry for everything." I heard him whisper.

"I'm not." I said before I thought about it. I wasn't sorry. I would get jumped all over again if I could kiss his lips even just one more time. My fingers itched to touch his skin again.

He glanced up at me, slowly, giving me a small smile. "It's still my fault. You wouldn't have gotten hurt-"

"Stop blaming yourself!" I finally say, raising my voice just a tad. "It was neither of our faults, and if it was completely up to me, I would have kept going." I said breathing hard, trying not to think too hard about what I was saying. I didn't want to regret it. "Stop blaming something that was accidental, and not your fault." I said again trying to redirect the conversation back to blaming himself, rather than me wanting to fuck him.

He gave me a smile, that was verging on the edge of cheeky. He smoothly scooted his chair closer to the bed, "I still feel guilty. Whatever you say won't make the sight of you bloody, bruised and passed out go away. It feels as though I made those marks myself."

He lightly brushed the tips of his fingers over a large blue bruise on my forearm. They set numerous chills down my body, forming bumps along the skin. He caused heat to spread from my arms to the rest of my body as he traced the outside of the bruise. I did everything I could not to roll my eyes to the back of my head, relishing in the feel of his skin once again. Was it poliet to ask him to keep touching me?

We sat there in silence as he touched the bruise of my arm. His face was full of guilt as he stared at the blue bruise, thinking deeply.

"Are you free tomorrow?" he asked, not looking up from my arm.

That question caught me completely off-guard. I stared at him for a moment before collecting my thoughts, "Yes."

He looked up at me with a hopeful smile, "Would you like to come to my house to help me with the government project?"

His house. Liam Payne is asking me to go to his house. My thoughts went something along the lines of, 'YES YES YES YES!' but I said nothing. My throat went dry. Why was I so bad at this whole conversation thing?

"Sure." I managed to get out.

The smile on his face was the brightest smile I had ever seen. It was as if he had found 1,000 dollars lying on the floor. His eyes seemed to light up as well, melting into a pool of warm chocolate.

"Zaayyniie!" someone called as they burst into the room. I broke eye contact with Liam, to see Harry with a bright smile. He became slightly awkward when he saw Liam and I so close, but he brushed it off quickly.

"Five more hours until you leave!" he cheered, pulling up the chair next to Liam. "What do you want to do tomorrow?"

I watched as Liam's face fell just a tiny bit. He thought I would drop all the plans I made with him for Harry? "Sorry, Harry! I already have other plans." Liam's face brightened while Harry's fell this time. "We could hang out tonight?" I offered, and he smiled again and nodded.

"Here," Liam took the note on my bedside table, the one that read 'Sorry for everything' and turned it over and scribbled out a 7 digit number with a crappy pen. "Text me tomorrow, and I'll let you know where I live." he gave me a wink only I could see as he handed back the note and the crappy pen, and walked out of the room.

"Oh!" Harry said understandingly as he stared at the door smirking, "You wanted to have sex tomorrow!"

I threw the crappy pen at him.

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