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Epilogue - Accidental

I stared at the blue sky, while I was laying on my back on the green grass. The few clouds in the sky drifted above me, dancing as they made their way across the sky. I absentmindedly pulled up a strand of grass, rolling the blade between my thumb and finger.

"Today's been good." I said quietly, afraid that the old man sitting on the bench with a bouquet of flowers would over-hear us. "I hung out with my sisters most of today." I said, trying to focus of the clouds. Maybe if I looked hard enough, I could see him.

He's always wanted to be young forever, now he will never live beyond his teenage years. He will be forever young.

"I think about you a lot." I said, turning onto my side to see the name I knew all too well. I traced his cursive name with my fingertips, the stone was cold against my skin. "I wonder where you'd be, what you'd be doing..." I said quietly. Even after three years, I can't control the tears.

"I wonder why you were gone so early. You didn't have a chance at a long life." I wiped a fallen tear from my cheek, looking around to make sure no one was around. The old man with the flowers has just placed them at his wife's gave. I see him here often. I wonder what he thinks of me, mourning for my own loss...

"Sometimes I don't want to get old with out you... Why couldn't you stay longer?" I sighed as I traced his name over and over again.

'You were too young. Sleep well. Love you forever and ever!' -Mom, Dad, Ruth and Nicola.

"It's hard to move on, you know?" I said after a while. I but my lip, unwilling to admit this to him. "I met this girl the other day... She's really sweet and I think I like her. Her name is Perrie. But I don't think I'm ready for a new relationship." I felt a bit better telling him all of this. It was almost felt like I was cheating on him, no matter how much I told myself different.

I sighed, wishing he would come back to me, but know he never would. I looked back at the sky. It was so beautiful today, but he would never see it.

"I don't think I'll ever stop loving you." I admitted quietly.

"I'll probably fall in love again sometime in the future, but always know, that you were my true love. Deep down, I'll always love you. No matter what."

I rehearsed this in my head for hours, but for some reason, it wasn't enough. I wish I could hold him in my arms, whisper sweet nothing's in his ear until he fell asleep. I wish I could kiss him on every square inch of him, whispering a soft 'I love you' between each peck.

Maybe then, he would truly know how much I loved him, and still love him now.

But now, all I had was his name engraved in a piece of cold stone, and his lifeless body buried ten feet under where I lay. I wonder if he's comfortable down there. I hoped he wasn't placed in a way that cringed his neck. I hoped he felt like he was lying on a cloud. That would be nice. He deserves it.

I got up slowly, collecting my trash of my usually daily lunch, and folded up the small blanket. I went over and placed everything in my trunk, before striding back over to Liam's grave, for a quick goodbye.

I kissed the tips of my fingers before pressing them to his name. I wiped the fallen tears off my face.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Li. I love you."


This is the end of Accidental! :(


I am in the making of a short story runoff of Accidental in the POV of Narry! ;)

So keep a lookout for that!

Also, if you haven't already, please please please check out my Larry story: Black Coffee!!!!!

Please vote and let me know what you thought of it! I love all the support I've been getting from this, and I would like to thank you for sticking with this story! I love you all!! :)

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