𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐱 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Requested by @storylover12345677

Title: Heaven

As I stared at the screen of the television, suddenly a makeout scene came on. I quickly blushed and turned away, looking into the eyes of Raphael.


"Well, you seem to be blushing really bad for someone that just watched a two-second scene. Why's that? Were you just imagining yourself and maybe a certain someone? Maybe a brother of mine that you seem to be obsessed with?" I glared at Raph and threw a pillow. He easily caught it and put it in his lap, resting his elbows on it as he went back to staring at me.

"What, Raphael?" I asked, tired of his games. Yes, I liked his brother. Yes, he was my best friend. But didn't best friends confessing usually turn out good anyways? Didn't it? Doesn't matter; it's not like I'd be confessing anytime soon anyways.

"Let's be honest. Leo's not gonna end up with Karai," my blood boiled at the sound of the raven-haired beauty with her prefect makeup and sick piercings, "but, that doesn't mean he's gonna end up with you either." I scoffed as I stood up and made my way over to Raph and grabbed the pillow from under his chin. I began slamming it onto him over and over again as he laughed.

"You don't know anything!" he was laughing, but I wasn't. I was almost in tears because I knew what he was saying was true. Leo didn't love me. Maybe Raph was wrong about that. Maybe he would end up with Karai. I mean, who else would it be? Me? Yeah, right.

That'll happen when Mikey falls in love with a time traveler. 


"Hey, (y/n)? Are you okay?" Leo asked hesitantly from beside me. I pursed my lips and turned to him, sighing. We were on patrol together, for the first time in for-never. I was never allowed to go on patrol, but this time Leo had asked me to as it was a relatively quiet night. Shaking my head, I turned my head to stop staring and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Leo gave me an apprehensive look that told me he knew I was lying.

"Because you're popping your fingers. You do that when you're angry or nervous," I looked down to see myself unconsciously doing just that, still messing with them even though they weren't popping anymore. I pulled my hands to my side and stood up, muttering to myself.

"I'm really fine. Raph just said something earlier that upset me. That's it," Leo stood up and took my hands in his, warming my heart. Then, he spoke.

"Look, I know Raph is a little rough, obviously. But, he means well. Maybe one day you'll look back on this and laugh with him. Who knows, maybe you and him will-" I scoffed and shoved myself away from him, turning my back so I didn't have to see his stupid face.

"Is that what you think this is? Some stupid lover's quarrel?" I asked incredulously, turning back around to look at Leo. He shrugged helplessly, looking around.

"I don't know. Is it? Are you and Raph secretly together and having a fight? I don't know, (y/n). Even though we're best friends, you barely tell me anything anymore. So, yes, I do believe it's some stupid lover's quarrel, because that's all I've heard from you for two weeks," Leo turned away from me angrily and went to brood at the edge of the building, crossing his arms like an angry turtle version of Batman.

It was true; all of it. I hadn't spoken to Leo for about two weeks because I didn't want him to know about my crush on him that hadn't gone away no matter how hard I wished. It made sense, didn't it? The hothead turtle and the girl who was exactly the same, glaring as hard as her punches. But, that's not what happened. I fell for the soft turtle, who tried so hard to lead his brothers, even if sometimes he wanted a break or had no idea what he was doing, himself. And, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring myself to regret it either.

"I'm sorry, Leo," he turned his head a fraction to listen but didn't move anymore. He was waiting for an explanation, "Look, I've just been bothered a lot lately. Whether it be by Raph or you, I'm sorry I've been ignoring you because of it."

"I bother you?" Leo turned around to face me fully, a hurt expression on his face as his arms fell to his side. Eyes widening, I realized what I had said and began waving my arms around, trying to keep his attention on me. It worked as he gave me a weird look, slowly backing away from the edge of the building he was going to use to escape me dramatically.

"No, no. Of course not. Look, Raph bothers me because he wants to; he's annoying. You're annoying because you're always on my mind, okay?" I was too deep in my rambling at this point to notice Leo's head snap towards me, "you're always around. I like you, Leo, a lot. Raph's annoying because he likes to tease me about you. Today, he told me that you wouldn't end up with me, so I figured I'd stop trying because, even though he's dumb most of the time, there's an occasional point where he's right. And even though it was breaking my heart- still is really- I figured I'd give myself some space to get over-" I gasped as Leo was suddenly in front of me, grasping my shoulders. He slowly licked his lips and leaned down to place his head beside mine to whisper in my ear.

"Shouldn't I be the one to decide who I end up with?" I shivered as the hot air from his breath hit the sensitive shell of my ear. Pulling away, he smirked at me as he slid his arms down to my waist, pulling me in closer. As our hips touched, I gasped and he bit his lip smiling, "and, what if I do want you?"

"W-what?" I couldn't believe it. The teen whom I'd loved for so long was telling me he wanted me while totally dominating me at the same time.

I was in heaven.

"I love you, (y/n). I loved you before Karai and I'll love you after we defeat her father, making her hate us forever. So, will you say the same?" I almost laughed at his wording, but instead, I choked up and nodded frantically.

"Of course I do. I love you Leonardo, as long as you love me too."

"Then forever it is."

"Forever," we kissed, and it was perfect.


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