𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Requested by @Multifandoms27

Title: The Walking Dead

Leo lifted (y/n) onto his shoulders and made sure she was secure before jumping for the stairs to a fire escape, and making his way to the top of the apartment building. Swiftly landing on top of the roof, he made his way to the water tower where they always started patrols, and set his girlfriend down. Firstly making sure there was no visible danger or attacks going on, he turned back to (y/n) and smiled as his eyes landed on her face.

"So, why did you want to come tonight?" he asked, leaning against the tower to look at (y/n). She shrugged, folding her arms against her chest. She walked up to Leo and smiled as she took his hands in hers.

"I just wanted to be with you. Plus, Mikey's angry at Raph tonight, and you know how that song and dance goes," she rolled her eyes playfully and grinned up at her boyfriend as he smiled softly down at her. Leo loved her; he really did. He loved her as much as he did his brothers and father; though, of course, not in the same way. He thought he'd never find love again after Karai, but, then-

"What are you thinking about?" Gosh, he should've kept his mouth shut. Instead, he immediately opened his mouth and said the first thing that came to mind.

"Karai." His eyes widened, and there was a beat of silence as (y/n) took the word in. She pursed her lips and pushed her tongue to the side of her cheek, looking down at the floor. Leo didn't dare speak. He didn't move either, honestly terrified. He didn't dare move her hands from his, not wanting to pull emotions out of her. She finally looked up at him with furrowed eyes as she pulled her hands from his. Leo's eyes crushed themselves closed as he bit his lips and let his hands fall. "(Y/n), I didn't mean-"

"No, I think you did," she said as she took a step back and sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You know much she messes with me, Leo." She said quietly as she licked her lips and turned away from him. Leo sighed; he did know. 

When the two had first met, he was still in love with Karai, and was always talking about her to (y/n), since there was no way he was ever telling his brothers about her. He always talked about how perfect she was, how beautiful she was. Sarcastic with just a hint of realism and a dot of compassion. Leo really did think he loved her at one point; and (y/n) knew that too. But, soon those feelings faded as he found out about Karai being their sister. And, feelings for (y/n) began to grow instead. He, of course, waited a while to tell her as he didn't want her to feel like a backup; but when she did find out, she quickly accepted and said she felt the same. She just made one request; never talk about Karai in front of her, again. Leo found that request to be really easy, since he had not one real reason to mention her again, but then, he slipped. And he'd never been more sorry.

"(Y/n), I know, and I'm so sorry. I was just thinking about how she was my first love and-" Leo snapped his mouth shut and rolled his blue eyes to the sky. He obviously wasn't helping, so why was he still talking? He didn't know. (Y/n) just stared at him with no expression on her face, scaring him. Why did he have to think about Karai; even not like that. Honestly, he had no business thinking about her at all, even as a sister.

"I'm going home, Leo. And you can call me when you've finally stopped thinking about her." As she turned around to walk down the ladder, Leo held his hand out and called her.

"It's not safe for you to walk home at this time of-" She turned away and Leo was startled to see tears in her eyes. She was clenching her teeth together, her hands fisted as she stared defiantly at her boyfriend.

"I'll ask Raph to come get me," she gritted out, tears falling from her eyes now. Leo could feel tears begin to form in his own eyes, making his throat begin to burn. "Goodnight, Leo." (Y/n) muttered as she turned and started down the ladder, holding her phone to her ear. She didn't look at Leo after that, her red-rimmed eyes staring down at the rungs. "Hey, R-Raph?" Her voice cracked as she disappeared down the side of the building, Leo's heart disappearing with every step she took away from him.

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