𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭

787 17 96

Requested by mecuzweneedthisdontlie

Title: Halloween Special

Rushing into the lair, I glanced at the time and quickly went around to the turtle boy's rooms, knocking on their doors. It was already seven-thirty; which wasn't bad, but nowadays, people tended to close up their candy shops before nine due to the fact that not a lot of people went trick-or-treating anymore at all.

Sad times.

Anyways, I stood in front of the t.v. in the living room, tapping my high-heeled boot as I glanced at my phone every few seconds. Catching drift of my reflection, I grinned when I saw myself in the glass in the t.v. I was dressed as Jack Skellington from the oh-so-famous Nightmare Before Christmas, wearing his famous pinstriped suit with a matching skull-like face. Grinning stupidly, I straightened the bow around my neck and glanced down at my phone again.

Seven thirty-eight.

"You'd think for turtles they wouldn't take this long. It's like they're already dressed up anyways," huffing with impatience, I stepped away from the t.v., ready to drag them out of their rooms if I had to. Just as I had though, all of the doors opened as if in sync from a Backstreet Boys music video, and the boys stepped out.

"What...are you wearing?" I deadpanned, staring at their outfits. Mikey scoffed with offense as the others looked down.

Leo was wearing a Captain Ryan suit, the exact same mustard yellow that brought back memories of him forcing me to listen to him recite random lines from the show as we watched those exact moments. It wasn't a bad costume, just a little strange to see a giant turtle in a yellow suit.

Raph, bless his soul, was just wearing his samurai armor and classic frown, arms crossed against his chest. It actually didn't look too bad, the whole samurai-turtle thing he had going on, so I left it alone.

Donnie was wearing a lab coat and a pair of green goggles, holding a pair of clamps up to his face, one in each hand. He had on a smoothed-back white wig and was wearing two watches, one on each wrist. It made me feel nostalgic just looking at him.

"Are you-" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. He nodded in confirmation, a dorky smile on his face. Still grinning, I turned to Mikey. My smile fell.


He was wearing a blow-up dinosaur suit, the only thing visible being his large grin. As if showing off, he stomped his feet and faked a dinosaur screech, sounding pretty real to the rest of us.

"You guys do realize you didn't need to dress up, right? You are turtles," I shook my head as I smiled at them. Then, I realized they were staring at me. "What?" I asked, looking down at myself.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Raph asked, boredly leaning against his now-closed bedroom door. I gasped, suddenly offended by everyone around me. I wanted to run home. I wanted to turn on Mr. Brightside. I wanted to put so much eyeliner under my eye that I would cry black tears. I wanted to find a journal and write about how no one understood me.

Because they didn't.

"Exsqueeze me?" I demanded, putting a hand to my chest, looking at all of them. They all shrugged. "You guys have no class. And we will be watching The Nightmare Before Christmas so many times you'll be having nightmares about "What's This?" for years to come," I giggled evily as they all looked at me like I was a weirdo.

"Okay, anyways, can we go now? You tell us we're wasting time and yet you're standing here giggling. I'm ready to go!" Mikey squealed, trying to run with his tiny legs. He ultimately fell, his little arms flailing as he tried to roll himself over.

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