𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏: 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏𝟖

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Requested by urs truly<3

Title: Cockroach Terminator

Note: updating during hiatus just cuz my bio average went up from a 55 to a 67: D which isn't the best u know but baby steps i'm getting there!

"Let's go, Leo. I'm starving!" I rolled my eyes at Mikey as he groaned on the table, turning to watch Leo, who was finishing up serving he and his brother some ramen. Turning back to my own bowl, I glanced at my phone and then up to my left at Mikey again as Leo handed him his portion with a small smile, having not answered his complaining brother. "Yeah, boy! Ramen!" he praised as he immediately dug in. Smiling, I liked a picture of my friend a commented a quick "pretty girl!" on it, tapping back onto my text messages as I played another one of my friends in pool.

Turning to Leo, I watched him for a second as he silently ate- though it wasn't weird. Leo wasn't the talking or phone type when it came to eating at the table. He ate for the silence that came with stuffed mouths and open brains. Shifting my eyes to Raph- who was sitting at the end of the table- I mused at the magazine he had in hand as he distractedly fished ramen into his mouth with the other. Donnie was nowhere to be seen- claimed he was doing some important work in his lab. Four days ago. Oh, well. Donnie and his projects.

Humming quietly under my breath, I turned back to my phone to scroll through Instagram some more- when I froze. There, on the top of my lit-up screen, was a cockroach. It was standing straight up on the very top of my phone, arms down at its sides as it stared into my soul- and I stared back, no longer hungry and no longer wanting to live. Maybe if I had been paying attention to it more, I would've seen it was wearing a tiny camera and something on it's back- but I didn't care. I was terrified of cockroaches, so I froze and tossed my phone to the table, wanting it as far away from me as it could possibly get. Thankfully for me and my non-thinking self, Leo easily caught the phone with his left hand without even looking away from his noodles. When I'd thrown my phone, the roach had fallen from it and was now crawling slowly over to the other side of the table. Leo sighed and handed me my phone and I eagerly took it, giving him a large grin, which he returned with a tiny smile. It still made my heart ache.

After it crawled off to look at Leo, I sighed in relief and turned to watch it scurry away, happy it wasn't near me anymore. As I picked up my phone, I turned to look at Mikey as I heard him hum and saw him with his stuffed mouth lock eyes with the roach as it skittered over to Raph's bowel. It crawled onto his chopsticks just as he lifted them to his mouth and he turned to look at them with suspicion as he noticed something on his noodles. I cringed away, remembering Raph was terrified of cockroaches- just like me.

He shook out of fright just for a second as he then screamed and tossed the chopsticks onto the table, throwing himself backwards to get as far away from it as possible. "Roach, roach!" he shouted as he stared at the bug that was now on the table again, staring up at him from in between Mikey and Leo's bowls. Slowly, as if it would attack him, he reached for his sai and yanked it out of his belt, beginning to stab the table as the bug fled- right onto my hand that was pressed onto the table so I could lean forward and watch Raph.

It skittered over my skin and my eyes widened as I opened my mouth and screamed, standing up and stumbling out of my stool, slamming backwards onto the ground, my falling phone landing on my stomach. Nobody bothered to help me or Raph- Mikey and Leo just moved their bowls off the table and continued to watch their panicking brother as he climbed onto it and began crawling across the surface, trying to stab the bug in the process. As he moved closer to the other end of the table, he shoved my ramen bowl off the edge and it fell onto me, noodles and warm juice coating my shirt and jeans as the bowl splattered onto my jeans.

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