𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Requested by @Totally_Weird

Title: Kiddie

Donnie groaned as he accidentally put too much chemical into another one of his experiments.

"It's supposed to be orange! Why is it clear?" he glanced around for a glass and splashed the chemical into it, throwing himself angrily back into his seat.

"Hey, Donnie, Leo broke the toaster again." Raph waltzed into the lab and Donnie growled.

"You know exactly how to work it. Why do you let him break it every time he tries to use it?" Donnie rubbed his temples and glared up at his brother.

"It's funny when he gets scared of the sound." Raph shrugged as Donnie yelled in rage and stomped off towards the kitchen with his tools, bumping Raph's shoulder as he passed.

Raph, furrowing his eyebrows, also started to get a little mad. He sat down in Donnie's chair and rolled around in it, hoping to let go of his anger before he took it out on his angry brother.

Just as he was leaving, he happened to catch a glance of a glass of water and huffed. Snatching and drinking it, he laughed on the inside as he set the cup down and exited.


As Donnie came back into the lab, exhausted from teaching Leo- once again- how to work the toaster, he set his tools down and glanced around. Smiling a little at Raph's absence, he sat in his chair, then immediately froze.

The glass that was holding the failed experiment was empty. He quickly grabbed it and his eyes widened as he clutched it to his chest.

"Raph is..." he gasped, screaming as he heard someone shriek. Raphael.



"Yeah, I'll come over. What's up, Don?" I asked as I put my shoes on and made my way out of my apartment. He chuckled nervously and I raised my eyebrow.

"I'll uh, tell you when you get here. Bye." he quickly hung up and I began walking even faster to get to the lair.

As I walked in, I noticed a few things were happening. Mikey was cheering someone on as they were being held back by a struggling Leo. That someone looked as if they were trying to strangle Donnie as he tried to run away.

I cleared my throat and everything stopped. Donnie ran up to me and hid behind me as the person stomped up to me. I then realized it was Raph.

But, it was a smaller Raph. Like, an eight year old Raph.

"Uh, Donnie?" I asked, not looking away from the fuming child.

"No time to explain! Just watch him while we go out to get something for the antidote." Donnie ushered Leo and Mikey away as I continued to stare at the kiddie Raph.

"What?" he snapped, crossing his arms and glaring up at me. I began to laugh as he stomped over to the couch and turned the t.v. on. I joined him and there we sat, watching a rerun episode of Space Heroes.

After a few minutes, he began dozing and as he leaned on me, he began sleepily talking.

"Hey, (y/n)?" he yawned and I looked at him.


"I really like you." I smiled gently and ran a hand down his back.

"I really like you too, kiddo." he growled slightly and shook his head.

"I mean I really like you, (y/n). Not as in a friend way." I grinned and pet his head.

"Go to sleep, Raph." he fidgeted, but eventually fell asleep. After a few more minutes, Donnie came running in, Leo and Mikey right behind him.

"Is it gone?" Leo panted and Mikey shook his head.

"Guys?" I waved and they all snapped up, looking at Raph on the couch, still asleep. As Donnie went into his lab to make the antidote, Leo and Mikey went to clean up as they'd come sprinting into the lab covered in dirt.

After the antidote was completed, Donnie shook Raph awake and he sleepily drank the green drink, scrunching up his face in distaste as he did so. Then, he passed out.

"Don't worry! It's a side effect!" Donnie quickly explained as I turned to him. As everyone went back to doing their own thing, I sat by Raph and laid down.

Had he meant what he said about liking me? Or was it just his eight year old mind telling him that he "liked me" cuz we were friends? Probably the latter, right? And suddenly, my thoughts were gone as I drifted into sleep.

I was woken up by a sudden groan of pain. As I sat up, I noticed a fully grown Raph, stretching as his bones popped. He smiled as he noticed me and I grinned back.

"So, straight to business, what I said about me liking you, was true. (Y/n), I really like you. A lot." my breath caught in my throat and I could do nothing but nod.

"I- me too." was all I could muster. Just as he smiled back and opened his mouth to say something, Donnie walked out of his lab and grinned at us.

"So, Raph you're back to normal I see?" he smiled and Raph growled.

"You turned me into a baby!" he stood up and began chasing Donnie after giving me an apologetic look.

"I'll be back in a second." he took off running after a screaming Donnie.

"It wasn't a baby!"


What? A double update?! Whoo I'm good. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you had a good day!

And, I have to say, for the time being, please stop requesting because I have about 15 requests I have to get to. Thanks!

raph after drinking the glass on donnie's desk- >: ))

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