𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Requested by Soe1eevee4life

Title: Pizza Plushie

"Donnie, please. You've been at this for almost a week. Usually I wouldn't say anything, but usually you get some form of sleep! How much sleep have you gotten these past few days?" Donnie put down his tools and held a hand up to his chin as he stared thoughtfully at his eldest brother, his goggles covering his dark eyes.

"Ten," he finally said as he picked the tools up and stretched his shoulders, trying to pick up where he'd left off.

"Hours?" Leo asked, relieved. He'd figured that Donnie hadn't gotten any sleep at all, but this was just-

"No, minutes." Leo's jaw dropped as he looked at Donnie with wide eyes.

"What?" he said carefully, sucking his lips into his mouth. Donnie picked the goggles up off his face and smiled at Leo, his eyes a tired, cold auburn. He looked so tired. Even the way he smiled suggested that he was going to pass out any minute.

"It's fine, you're not even that blurry," he waved his hand as if pushing the problem away, and Leo sighed in frustration, grabbing the back of Donnie's chair and spinning him around to make him face him.

"Donnie, that isn't good for you. Our tech guy can't drop in the middle of patrol just because he's only gotten ten minutes of sleep! What would (y/n) say?" Donnie suddenly froze, eyes wide and mouth open.

"Nothing," he said slowly as he stood up to tower over Leo. "Because you're not going to tell her." Leo narrowed his eyes suspiciously at his brother and crossed his arms.

"What if I do?" Leo demanded, staring back at Donnie with hostility. He really couldn't understand why Donnie refused to get some sleep. He'd never been this fitful before. He usually slept every two or three days on his own.

"Then your Captain Ryan figure might find itself in a very unfortunate place," Donnie said lowly as he sat back down. Leo's eyes widened as he stared at Donnie. He knew that was Leo's prized possession, and he was still threatening him?

"Fine," Leo gritted through his teeth, throwing up his arms as he walked away, turning back around to point at Donnie just as he reached the door to his lab. "But just know that you're acting crazy!" he exclaimed as he left, slamming the door behind him. 


"There. That should do it," Leo wiped his hands and crossed his arms as he bent back to look up at the ceiling in his room, where all of his favorite action figures were taped. Suddenly, the stool he was standing on wobbled dangerously, and he went down, landing harshly on his shell. Groaning, he stared up at Captain Ryan for a second before taking his phone out and dialing a number, still not having looked away from Ryan, a blank look on his face.

"Hey, (y/n). Yeah, doing okay. You? Good, good. Listen, when you have time, can you drop by? There's a little issue. Donnie. Okay, thanks. See you soon. Okay, bye." Still not having moved or looked away from the ceiling, he put his phone away and held a fist towards the action figure, grunting in victory.



"Hey, Leo. What's the problem with Don?" (Y/n) asked as she shoved her phone back into her pocket, glancing up at the six-foot-turtle in front of her. Leo looked around before answering, secretly fearful of the purple turtle watching them converse. No doubt lay in Leo's mind that if Donnie saw them, he would go straight for Leo's collection.

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