𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐱 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Requested by @Venusdemilo988

Title: Sewer Water

Why does Shredder even want me? All I can do is control water; it's not that big a deal. Someone with literally just a flamethrower could take me out- or even just taking me to a place like the desert.

My powers weren't as impressive as they seemed.

Anyways, I got tired of answering to Karai, since all I ever did was cool her off after training or fill her glass up when she was thirsty. So I decided to leave.

Bad idea. Shredder didn't like that, at all.

I was immediately hunted, and I didn't have any type of fighting experience, so I headed for the one place that always had water; albeit disgusting.

The sewers.

Making my way down the ladder, I started running in a random direction, hoping Karai would lose me in the darkness. I was wrong. She silently tackled me to the concrete ground, shoving my face into it.

"Please," I whimpered, glancing around for some water. In order to use my powers, I had to be able to see the water; otherwise it was pointless.

Seeing some murky liquid a few feet away from me, laying in a small pool, I looked up at Karai and suddenly jerked my hand towards me. The water flew at us, knocking her over my head and into another tunnel. I didn't stick around to see if she was okay.

Taking off in a random direction, I noticed a dim light in the darkness, barely noticeable from the tunnels. Shrugging and glancing back, I sped up and soon made it to the light, not expecting what I saw. It was a house set-up. In the sewers.

"Who makes a house in the sewers?" I questioned, glancing around at the surprisingly normal furniture and smell. The sewer stench still lingered, but it was more bearable in the large area.

"Us," I suddenly heard from behind me. Swiveling around, I held my hand out threateningly, even though I knew I would most-likely be taken down by whoever it was that had found me.

"Turtles?" I gasped, seeing four of them standing in the lighting coming from the house area behind me. At my word, the one wearing an orange bandana shuffled behind the red-wearing one, seemingly embarrassed. I immediately felt bad as I saw three glares on me.

"Who are you and why are you here?" the blue one spoke strongly, pointing at me. Suddenly remembering why I was in the sewers, I fell to my knees and looked up at them.

"Please, help me. I'm being chased by Karai and-" I was cut off by all of them speaking at the same time.

"Karai? Where?" the blue one, wondered, sounding weirdly excited.

"Did she follow you here?" the purple one demanded, glancing behind him as if she would jump out any second.

"Why is she even following you? Why would she go through the trouble of chasing someone like you?" I tried to not feel offended at the red turtle's words, so I silently stood up and wondered how I could show them why exactly she was after me.

"Can you come with me for a second?" I asked, walking past them into the darkness of the sewers again. Sharing wary glances, they followed, drawing weapons I didn't notice until now.

"Does anyone have a light?" I asked, awkwardly, as I paused. The purple one silently pulled out a flashlight and turned it on, balancing it on me. Nodding thanks, I glanced around for some water. Finding a small puddle, I turned to them, playing with my fingers.

"This is why Shredder wants me," I flicked my hand and the water lifted, shifting into a small ball. It rolled through the air and landed in my hand. Shifting my hands, I rolled my hands over it and caused the dirty grime to fall out of the ball, leaving a clean ball of clear water. Gently waving my fingers, I pushed it over to the orange turtle and he hesitantly took the water in his mouth, drinking it down with a smile towards me.

"You can control water," the blue one whispered and I nodded slowly, training my eyes on a larger puddle of sewer water I had just noticed.

"Can you summon water?" the purple one wondered and I shook my head.

"I can only control it if I can see it," Just then, I heard a bang behind me and we all tensed up. Holding a hand out towards the puddle I had just acknowledged, I noticed a figure running through the darkness, straight at me. Karai.

Gasping, I turned, and lifting the water from the ground. I shoved it towards the turtles, pushing them away from the fight as they protested. Keeping my eyes on the water droplets as they fell, I brought the water back together and threw it at Karai, cursing silently as she dodged. Trying again, I summoned the water and threw it on her from above just as she reached me. Keeping it around her head, I held it there as she panicked, believing she was going to drown.

I only let her pass out. As she fell to the ground, unconscious, I let the water slither away from her and back into a puddle. Remembering the turtles, I turned back to see them all staring at Karai's body in fear.

"Is she-"

"You killed her!" the orange turtle cut off the purple one, throwing his hands up into the air. Shaking my head, I walked over to her and picked her up by her shoulders.

"No, she's just unconscious," I started dragging her away, being stopped by the blue turtle.

"Uh, Raph and Mikey can take care of her. We should probably talk," the blue one said, motioning for someone to take her body. The red one, maybe Mikey, groaned and the orange, maybe Raph, followed.

Taking me by the shoulders, I was steered back towards the dim light, the brightness getting bigger with every step we took. 


"So, that's about it, I think," the purple one, Donnie, sighed as he sat back on the couch, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I glanced back as I noticed Raph, who I now knew was the red one, being followed into the lair by Mikey.

"Is she staying here?" Raph asked, ignoring me as he sat by his brother, keeping Mikey close to him. Leo came back from the kitchen with a bottle of water and glared at Raph as he sat by me.

"We were going to take a vote and figure that out," Donnie shrugged, sitting up again. "Raise your hand if you want (y/n) here, staying with us," Everyone except Raph raised his hand.

"Oh, come one. You know that water trick was pretty cool," Mikey nudged Raph as he groaned, raising his hand too.

"It was pretty cool," He muttered, sending a small smirk my way. I smiled back.

"Then it's official. (Y/n), you stay here while we get a room set up," They all left me alone as they walked off. I smiled to myself as I glanced around, pulling my knees up to my chest.

I did it.

I had a home. 


and btw, i was scrolling through insta when i noticed something that i need an answer to. CAN SOMEONE CONFIRM THAT MAGGIE LINDEMANN, BLACKBEAR, AND MACHINE GUN KELLY ARE FRIENDS? they comment on each other's posts a lot and i NEED this to be true cuz i love all of them sm.


editing this crap is so hard why tf was i so dumb 3 years ago good Lord i loved commas for no reason

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