5. The Worst Part

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3rd person P.OV

It has been a week since Alex's abduction. Malfoy went to work five days a week and came home consistently. They both ignored each other not wanting to address that night. The night they almost commited a Filthy act.

Meanwhile, at school Thalia and Marcus went about daily life, but everything felt different. Each day seemed longer and more bleek the the last. Alex was gone and so was the light to their lamps.

And at the Parker residence, gloom resided like mold pouring out of the walls, sucking all life out. Both Mother and Son were distraught beyond belief. It is almost as if they'd lost their own mothers. They are helpless and vulnerable, and in need  of nurturing only Alex can give.

Alex P.O.V

I grumble getting up. I’m on a stupid sheduled routinue. Meaning I get up at  fucking 6 o’clock for breakfast, sit at the table, staring at Malfoy. He then leaves for work. I read, have lunch, read some more, Malfoy comes home, we eat dinner, we go to bed.

 I finished P&P again. I’m reading a new book To Kill a Mockingbird. I had wanted to read Turtles All The Way Down, but his collection excludes non-classical literature. Although in most ways Atticus is the Hero of the story. He’s a plain man, lacking substance. He has his morals, but rarely does what he knows is right. Scout is a young girl who defies lady-like standards, she brings life to the story. And then There’s the real hero- Boo Radley, a man buried in judgement and solitude, who saves a little scout despite how it might look or endanger himself. The innocent Mr. Robinson was not acquitted, Boo Radely never got to be recognized as the odd but heroic man he was. I like this story, maybe because it was sad and depressing.

It’s been nearly a week, and I still have faint marks on my neck from the love bites. God I’m a whore. What the actual fuck. I wasn’t even drunk off my ass, I had two sips of wine! I was just going to jump into bed with my kidnapper?! Ugh. I have a headache. 

I leave the library, tugging my sweater pulling it tighter to me. I pass the doors on the right, sailing towards the kitchen.

“Hey Jo”

“Bonjour, chére” she greets

“Puis-je avoir un verre d’eau? I have a headache” I explain

“Yes, of course. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?”

“What not wrong?” I shrug

“Comment vas- tu?” Considering the circumstances, I'm fine.

“I’m alright” I breathe, she lays her hand on my own

“I’ll have Priscilla get you some medicine”

“Thank you” I say, she simply pulls me in for a hug. She shooed me away, I went back to the Library. A few moments later, Priscilla comes in handing me some Tylenol.

“Thank you Patty”

“You’re most welcome!” She beams. She has become my friend over these few days. She is always so nice and positive. She was about 25 or so younger than Josephine and Zeph for sure.

“If you don’t mind, you can join me if you’d like?” I ask

“I am done with chores, so I’d love to” I smile

“So do you have a boyfriend, husband?” I ask curious,  glancing at her ring finger. She smiles in thought.

“Yes, a fiance actually, he just proposed. He’s an American like you. He’s a Doctor who loves dogs. His name is Liam.”

𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃✧ /𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲/Where stories live. Discover now