"Seriously just answer the damn question! Why are you questioning me?!" ~Je Soo
"Do you think you can memorise all the answer if I tell you about me?" ~Xiumin
"Wait...where's that paper??? Ugh where is it?? Why is there so many text here and there...
I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. It's so annoying that I threw it out. I snuggle myself for a while then realised what my boss had said about firing me yesterday. Why must my life be this miserable? This is so annoying.
I took my alarm clock up to my bed side and getting ready for another day. First stop cafe and then to the police station.
Time skip at police station
The breakfast was great and I think I order a lot for breakfast. Usually I'm not the kind to eat a lot especially in the morning. However, because of yesterday incident. I can't even eat anything.
I make my way to the counter and asked for my belongings. After I got my things I was about to make my way to the exit until one of the officer were talking about Xiumin.
"Yo! Do you know there's this hot chick came over yesterday to see him? After meeting with that chick he totally went silent the whole time!" The officer said while munching his donuts.
"Really?" Said his partner
"Yeah, usually he'll just look around at people and talk a bit but yesterday, he stay silent and didn't even move from that chair." He said.
"You worried about him mate?" His partner said while lifting his eyebrows because of curiosity.
"No not at all. In fact who cares about his feelings after killing so many girls out there. I bet he's surprised when a girl came over to talk with him after so long" he said.
The two officers walked away and left me standing there alone. Is my question really affecting him? I can't believe those officer have to say that about him. Although he's a criminal, he still has feelings though. Wait what am I talking about? I'm defending him now? Great this place really is doing something to me.
I was about to get out when my boss's words ring the bell. " If you don't do anything about this interview, I won't hesitate to fire you!"
I closed my eyes and held my anger in. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream my heart out. I ignored those negatives thoughts, take a deep breath and make my way to the admin counter to go and see Xiumin.
The admin let me in his cell and there he is, sitting so handsome and sexy at that chair while his hand is being handcuff. He looks hot but at the same time adorable. I feel like pinching his face but I know my action would make it worst. I have to control this hormones of mine before it gets out of control.
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"Hai Xiumin" I said while waving at him. He looks surprised and smiled at me.
"Hello Je Soo! You're here again? I thought you hated this place?" He said while eyeing me from top to bottom. Why is he scanning me ? My heart beats so fast that I can even hear it loud and clear.
"Sorry for my action and what I said yesterday. I should have been more careful and sensitive towards what I have to ask you" I look down at my shoes and hoping for a respond from him and he did.
"Hmm sorry...not sorry" he replied. Great he's teasing me now. What the hell was that for.
" What?" I said.
"Didn't you hear me? Sorry not sorry" I sighed and just ignore his words. Looks like being nice doesn't help me in this situation. Alright I'm not gonna sugar coat this. I make my way to sit facing him. I took out my things and started asking him questions very carefully, so that I won't hurt his feelings like yesterday.
"Right...anyway I want to know what have you been doing for the past 10 years staying here?" I asked and I hope he didn't stay silent like yesterday.
"Let see what did I do here..ahah just waiting..." he said.
"What are you waiting for?" I asked him and his respond makes my heart beats fast and face blushed.
"Why me?"
Then everything went silent.
"Okay next question. Umm why do you kill?" I asked and this time his eyes widen and that looks in his eyes is darker now. OMG did I just wake up the beast in him?
"Why do want to know?" He asked me back.
"It's not your concern" I said
"Tell me Je Soo why are you so desperate to know about my life when your life is much more valuable than mine huh?" His question is like a dagger to me. He didn't know how my life is and yet he thought that my life is more valuable than his.
"Is it that important for you to ask me?" I said.
"Well you left your things here yesterday and it doesn't look like you even give a damn about this interview hmm" his statement really wake me. I don't have the intention to leave all my things here but yesterday was really a mess.
"I uhh I forgot" seriously is that what I can reply to his statement.
"Really? Is that so? Tell me Je Soo what is your intention coming here? You don't look like someone who is interested in me ." He asked and this time it annoys me because I was supposed to ask him and not him.
I tried ignoring his words when his next statement makes me frowned . " Are you desperate?
I kept silent. I don't know what to reply him. I'm not a psychologist nor a doctor. I'm just a naive and clumsy journalist interviewing a criminal in his cell.
I was about to answer until the officer have to butt in and tell me time's up. I was surprised because I didn't even have the chance to even have his answers yet. Plus, since when they had a time limit? Yesterday nobody even bother to come and check on us.
I sighed and carefully pack my things on the table. Xiumin keeps looking at me and observed every little moves I made. I didn't make eye contact with him but instead I was busy packing my stuff and leaved him all alone.
A/N Hello my lovely amazing readers❤️❤️❤️ I can't thank you enough for showing your love towards this book🥺 although I'm new here you guys are a very supportive readers🥺 I cried when the numbers of reading this increase day by day😘 thank you guys✨ I will make sure to keep this book update soooo stay tuned alright💖💖💖