Chapter 12 (Dream)

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I was surprised to see who until I felt my heart stop beating. The sound of the wind tickles my ear and a man with broad shoulder who is half naked standing by my cooking stove. There he is. Making some breakfast for both of us. He saw me and put down his apron and approached me slowly.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE XIUMIN?!!! HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN KNOW WHERE I LIVE?!" I shouted at him but he didn't even flinch. He just stood there smiling as though he was looking forward for my presence.

"Good morning sweetheart! Did you sleep well? I try to wake you up but you're sound asleep  and I don't want to disturb my princess after a long day working right? So I decided to make breakfast for both of us so that we can eat together. What do you say hmm?" He said as though he has been staying here for a long time with me. I barely knew him plus he kills girls. I don't want to be the next victim of his.

He grab my hand but I pulled away before he even reached it. I backed away slowly but he walked towards me, took my hand and push me on the couch. This time he was on top of me. I tried to push him away but he's way too strong.

He brought his face near me and look straight into my eyes as though he's reading me. I tried to look away but his hand is fast that he brought my face to look at him.

"Nobody makes me feel this way Je Soo....nobody...why are you doing this to me?" He said.

"You say the same thing like this to others girls before you killed them right?  Get off me your jerk! I won't hesitate to kick your ass before you do anything to me!" I shouted at him.

He stroked my hair and hold my chin up. "Sweetheart, you don't know what I want to do to you right now. You're stuck here. How is it possible to even kick me? Don't use your anger to me. I'm just a criminal that you want to interview but never get the answers that you wanted. Listen, if you want me to answer them, you have to do everything I say. Okay? Is not that hard right?"

It's true, my life is on the line right now. I don't want to be killed by him just because of a stupid reason. I nodded my head and he smiled looking at my respond.

He stroke my hair again and this time he brought my face closer to him until our lips touch. It's a soft and slow kiss. I tried pushing him away  but it was too late. I melt when his tongue met mine and had enter me when I didn't allowed him to. Then it becomes a bit rougher. He holds my waist and gently massage my back. I was holding on to his neck and deepened the kiss. He pulled away and look at me with lust.

"You're beautiful sweetheart" He continue kissing me again until we both rolled down from the couch and suddenly everything when black.

It was a dream?! But it felt so real! " head...what was I thinking?" I got myself up and sit on the couch. What was that dream about? It felt so real! Do I really want this? I mean I've always long for kisses like that from my boyfriend not from psycho criminal like Xiumin.

I got myself up and went to my room to freshen up. I checked my boyfriend room and he wasn't there. I sighed. Then I heard the front door opened. I rushed down the stairs to see who and it was boyfriend. He saw me but he didn't smiled like he used to. I ran to him and hug him. It felt so good to hug him after for so long. I miss him like crazy and I hope he felt the same.

"Chanyeol ah...I miss you...where did you go these few weeks?" I hug him tightly but sadly he didn't hug me back. He pushed me away so that I can get off him.

"I'm sorry... it's so messed up back in the office...I just want to go freshen up and go back to the office for my meeting. I'm sorry Je Soo...I'll come back soon and see how things go alright?" With that he walked away without kissing or hug me or even worst he called me by my name instead of honey, darling or sweetheart.

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