Chapter 1

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Katie's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm which means time to wake up and head to hell, I went into the bathroom and took a shower and after about fifteen minuets I hopped out put on my blink-182 shirt black skinny jeans and white convers. I headed down stairs and looked into the kitchen and as usual parents aren't here, but they left a note on the table "Katie sorry we couldn't be there in the morning but Tyler will be there when you get home form school. And we are going away for a few months. Bye Hun see you soon. xx" great another day or should I say months without my family here but Tyler... I headed to school and walked up to my best friend Ayla and Emma. "Hey Katie." Emma said with a smile and hugged me. "Hello" I replied and Ayla just hugged me and we walked into class first off to start off the day was History. As our teacher called roll the phone rang, after he hung up and he said "Katie the front office wants you." and looked away the class oohed at me and I smirked and walked to the front office wondering what the hell they wanted the admin girl said "Oh good your here, here is the schedule for the new boy who is joining us today. you have been at this school from the start so you basically know where everything is." she smiled at me and told me to go in the principles office as I waked in the principles office Mr. Young looked up at me and smiled and said "Ahh here she is Luke, this is Katie she will show you around today you two have fun and have a good day.!" I looked at the new kid and god he was cute blond hair, blue eyes like me, and tall I mean I was tall but he defiantly beat me out of that. "Hey Katie, I'm Luke." he smiled and his dimples and noticeable Australian ascent make me smile and cheeks flush pink "Hello Luke shall we get going.?" I said happily "yes, please." he giggled and we walked out of the front office I looked at his schedule "Hey.!" I shouted happily "We have the most classes together." I said looking up at him and he was laughing at me and licked his lips and bit his lip ring "okay we'll before I show you the rest of the classes we have to go get my things from my class witch you have with me anyway, so follow me young child." I said jokingly and giggling at the same time.

We walked over to mine and his History class and before we walked inside I said "Okay, before we go in most of the girls will droll over you Lukey. Can I call you that.?" I giggled and he smirked at me "Yeah only you though." he said jokingly and it made me blush I opened the door ad everyone looked at me and most of the girls looked at him I walked up to my teacher and introduced then both to each other the teacher asked "Were would you like to sit.?" Luke looked at the class and all the girls razed there hands and one of the girls pushed a guy out of his set and me and him laughed.

"Can I sit by Katie since I just met her.? If that's okay.?" He said politely and the teacher agreed and the girls sighed. and we left class and I showed him the rest of the classes and it was finally lunch I walked out with Luke and walked over to my friends. "Hey guys." I smiled and they turned around "He- holy fuck who is he" they said in unison Luke laughed and said "Hey I'm Luke, I'm new here." Luke said and I smiled and Emma said "YEAH CLEARLY." She shouted but not in a mean way in a funny way.

For the rest of the day we carried on doing our thing. Once in a while I would see Luke look at me and just smile and look away.


Luke's POV

When I first got at the new school and that super pretty girl Katie walked in I was nervous. We walked into the hallway and she said we had most classes together and I was happy. before we went to to the first class she said okay we'll before I show you the rest of the classes we have to go get my things from my History class witch you have with me anyway, so follow me young child." she said and it made me laugh. she is so pretty.before we walked in class she warned me about the girls and when I met the teacher he said "Where would you like to sit.?" I looked around the class and all the girls razed there hands and one pushed a guy off his chair witch I found super amusing. I decided to sit next to Katie since I just met her anyway. after she showed me the classes it was lunch I met up with Katie and she showed me where her and her friends hung out at and as we were close to her friends Katie said "Hey guys."

with a smile on her face. god her smile was so cute and her one dimple made my heart flutter. they turned around an they said "He- holy fuck who is he." they said at the same time witch made me laugh "Hey I'm Luke, I'm new here" and her friend Emma yelled "YEAH CLEARLY" witch made me laugh even more I like Katie's friends there funny but I can't hang out with girls all the time while I'm here but there are 2 guys in my English class named Calum and Michael with. I found them as super cool dudes.

After the bell rung I went to Maths and Calum was in there. so I had someone I knew at least "Hey Luke. Right.?" "Yeah it's Luke." Calum smiled and said "Soo Luke. hows your first day.? See any interesting girls yet.?" He chucked "Yeah actually her name is Katie." I smiled when I said her name. "What dose she look like I might know her actually." He said laughing "Um she has long blond hair. um, beautiful blue eyes, she is like 5'8 or 5'9" Calum eyes widen "Damn." he said looking away "What.?" I asked nervously "She is the girl who showed me around on my first day." he laughed

"Do you like her.?" I asked worried but didn't really show it "Kinda, but I got a girlfriend her name is Ayla. she is perfect everything for me to keep me happy." he said laughing and blushing "I met her today she is really funny and that girl Emma that is with them she is pretty too." I smiled. "Oh that's Michaels girl, They have been dating for a year or two." He said looking away out the window and back to me. "That's cool. Hey do you play any instruments.? because you look like you do." "Actually yeah I play guitar and bass I'm in a band with Mikey, and one of our other friends Ashton and we actually need another guitarist." he said

"Do you play.?" "Yeah I do I play guitar." I said happily "Wanna join out band.? We are playing a gig at this Hotel on Sunday night wanna come.?" I took a minute to think then I answered "Hell yeah.! Do you guys have a band name.?" "Yeah it's '5 Seconds of Summer'." damn that's a good name to call a band I thought.
"Band practice starts tomorrow if you want to be ready, Can I see your phone.?" "Yeah here." I pulled out my phone and Calum put his number Mickeys and the address "If you want Ashton's number you have to get to know him before you get it." I chucked and the bell rang and it was the end of the day.

I walked to the front gate of the school and I saw Katie looking at her phone I walked up to her. "Hey Katie." I smiled she looked up and smile "Oh hey Lukey how was the first day.?" She said in a cute voice "Good I already made friends I guess" I laughed so did she "Who.?" "Calum, Michael, Emma, Ayla, You and this girl named Nicole." Katie's eyes widen "what.?" I asked scared "Don't talk to Nicole he fucks everybody she sees and since your new and attractive she would do anything to fuck you." Wait did she just call me attractive.? I felt myself smiling "Hey Katie can I have your number.?" I said my face going pink

"There you go Lukey." she smiled her one dimple showing. "Thanks I'll text you later.?" "yeah I'll be wating." she smiled and she left with her brother I think it was at least and walked home with a smile on my face.


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