Chapter 16

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Luke's POV

Katie and made up and I'm glad we did I really love her and what I did was stupid and I got jealous over her friend I'm not going to let someone ruin our relationship over a picture. "LUKEEE" Katie yelled down the stairs and I ran down the steps and went outside where she was "What's wrong.!" And the boys and her were laughing "See Ash we told
you" Calum laughed and Katie walked over to me "sorry babe but we made a bet on how you would react and it makes me happy that you react like that" she smiled and I kissed her "I love you" she said "I love you too baby girl"

"Luke can you dive me to Cher's please" she said extending the please and blinking her eyes fast and a smirk "ugh fine" I laughed and I went to get the keys and said bye to the boys who were in the pool and I unlocked the car and Katie got inside then me and we drove to Cher's.

"Hey.!" "Cher.!" The two girls ran to each other and hugged then I got out and then Katie looked back at me "this is Luke Hemmings the Luke Hemmings from 5SOS" the other girl giggled "Hello Luke" she smiled "Holy shit Katie you didn't tell me she's British." I said laughing and Cher put her hand on her chest "ha why thank you" I smiled at Katie "So Katie my producers are here but I don't know there answer but I think they want to hear you preform before they sign you" she said and Katie nodded "Wait what.? Katie your going to get signed.?! This is amazing.!" I kissed her "we'll I don't know yet" he giggled "oh c'mon now Katie I think we all know you will" Cher said winking at me "we'll I don't know can we go see them.?" Katie questioned and Cher nodded and leaded us inside.

My girlfriend getting signed this is amazballs.
Michael's POV

"hey Mikey.!" Calum yelled "what.?" I called back "come here." I walked inside and looked at the tv it was Katie and that guy Timothy kissing each others cheek

This week on Celeb Life Luke Hemmings from the band 5 Seconds Of Summer also known as 5SOS has been in a relationship with a girl named Katie Walston for months now and I wonder of the fans know. Do they.? Anyway I think Ms. Katie is having an affair with Timothy Brown as you can see in this picture they are kissing cheeks and also on Timothy's twitter is this tweet

@Timothyy__Brownn: I love my girl @KatieWalston she is my everything and I love her so much. x

With a following tweet 5 mutineers after

@Timothyy__Brownn: @Luke5SOS can you stop trying to steal my girl away @KatieWalston is mine.!

I turned off the tv "Cal this is bad.." He turned to me "No Shit.!" I ran my hand thew my hair "we have I call Katie" I said "why her we have to tell Luke Katie will read the comments and she will lose her shit.!" Calum stated "we'll if Luke sees it he will be pissed so let's just tell Katie." I said without Calum giving me a response I called Katie.
Katie's POV

"Wow Luke your so dumb" I laugh at him "hey babe wanna hear a joke.?" He said laughing still "yeah sure" I rolled my eyes playfully "why did the chicken cross the road.?" I shrugged "I don't know why.?" "To get to the idiots house" "that's wasn't very funny Lucas" I laughed "knock knock" he said "who's there" "the chicken.." then he busted out laughing "wow you think I'm an idiot" I frowned "Noo babe it was a jokee" he whined I looked away ignoring him "babeee" I didn't look "BABEEEEEE" he whined louder he came over and put is chin on my lap "babe" he gave me sad eyes. I leaned in and kissed him the feeling of his cool lip ring against mine sends a static shock down my spine and I love it I pulled away by my phone ringing then Luke pretended to faint and fell of me into the floor and I laughed "H-hello" I I said in between laughs "Katie hey it's Michael and please don't go on twitter because there's drama going on and they fans are going to freak there shit Katie and don't tell Luke okay I'm sorry but I have to go.. Be safe" and he hung up "um okay.?" I said forgetting like was there "what who was it" he said still laying on the floor "nothing babe" I put my phone away "okay.." he sighed "Katie they are ready for you love" Cher said smiling "c'mon" Luke I kissed him and he sat up with a groan. we walked into the booth.
Luke's POV

I knew my girlfriend was a great singer but in the booth she seems so comfortable and she sounds amazing. she got signed right then and there it was fucking amazing after she for signed we said goodbye to Cher and walked to the car "Babe" I said and she looked at me "yeah.?" She smiled "I love you." I put my arm around her and pulled her into a hug "I love you too" she whispered and I kissed the top I her head.

"Were back.!" Katie yells running into the house and Michael and Calum literally fall down the stairs and Ashton just laughed at them "So.!" Calum started "Did you get signed.!" Michael finished she put on a sad face, I know what she is going to do "um" she looked at the floor and the boys smiles faded and they hugged her "Yeah I got signed you guys are so gullible" she giggled then Calum did a high pitch what and ran outside and jumped in the pool and he yelled "IT WAS A BET.! CMON GUYS" Ashton and Michael jumped in after them "um... Okay" Katie laughed she started to walk I grabbed her hips and turned her around and she winced "babe..? You okay.?" Her smile faded and she shook her head... did she do what I think she did.?

She grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs into her room and she went into the bathroom and she tied her shirt up and had underwear on but I didn't care about that... all up her sides were new fresh cuts.. "Katie" I breathed out and I covered my mouth I walked up to her and she put her head down in shame I lifted her head up with my finger and whispered.

"It's okay, you're still beautiful in my eyes baby. I'll never let you go. and I'll never leave you. And I'll NEVER let anyone hurt you or take you away from me. I love you so much..." I kissed her and pulled her into a hug careful of to not to hurt her I pick her up and set her on the bed and trailed my fingers up and down her side feeling every bump that god forsaken razor did to her.

And I kissed the scars on her skin. new, old, I don't care I love her so much and I can't lose her she is my light in my life.

I'm glad I she came into my life because I'm head over heals for this beautiful girl.

Could This Be Love // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now