Chapter 6

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Katie's POV

"Tyler.." He looked over at me then looked at the road again. "did you hear about what happened to mum and dad, Gavin, as Brayden..?" He sighed "Yeah I did and you know that I'm sad about it Katie but god has closed and opened a door for us and all we can do is be strong. and I know you guys were always close but when we get home throw away your razors I don't need my sister dead too since you are all I have left.." And with the rest of the car ride it was silent. I opened the door and went into the music room and sat the piano again

"Don't try to explain your mind I know what's happened here."

"One minuet it's love and suddenly it's like a battle field."

"One word turns a... why is it the smallest things that tear us down."

"My worlds nothing when you dont... I'm not here without a shield can't I back now."

And after that I heard someone by the door singing the next line.

"Both hands tied around my back for nothing, Oh no"

I stopped playing and turned around and saw Luke standing there and I felt myself smile. "Why did you stop.?" He asked I blushed "I'm not used to singing in front of people Luke.." I said embarrassed he sat down next to me "Why your voice is beautiful." I looked up at him and smiled and looked down "I don't think so Lukey." In the corner of my eye I saw him lick his lip and bite his lip ring. God he is so attractive, I smiled and giggled he put his hands on the piano and played a familiar song

"What would I do without your smart mouth drawing me in and kicking me out, you got my head spinning no kidding I can't pin you down."

Then I started to sing along as when I did he stopped singing to hear my voice

"What's going on in that beautiful mind I'm on your magical mystery ride, and I'm so dizzy don't know what hit me but I'll be alright."

He stopped playing and said "Katie your really talented." I laughed "Thanks, your not bad yourself." I smiled and he did too "Hey tomorrow Calum, Michael, Ashton and I are playing a gig tomorrow can you come.?" Really Luke wants me to come. I looked into his blue eyes and man are they blue... "Oh uh yeah sure, when and were." I smiled and he blushed "I'll text you.." there was a silence but it wasn't a awkward one it was kinda like enjoying each others company then he broke the silence "Katie." he asked nervously I looked at him "Yeah.?" I looked at the floor "I was wondering um if you- you wanted to go on a date with me sometime." I swear I could have had the biggest smile on my face "Yes.! Yes.!" I jumped up and hugged him he makes me really happy.
Luke's POV

"Hey Calum." He turned and looked at me "Yeah bro." "I really like Katie not even like anymore, I love her." He smiled at me "Go get her Luke every time I see you with each other she is happy, YOU make her happy." I smiled and messed with my thumbs "Go to her house because I know she will be there and ask her out I know she will say yes." And after that I went to see Katie. as I got to her house I knocked at her door and her brother opened the door he looked at me and said "Go get her Luke." he smiled he might of new I was there for her I nodded and went up stairs and I heard the piano and a beautiful sweet voice sing it was battlefield by Jordan Sparks

so I followed the music and as she played I sang with her and when I sang the next lyric she looked embarrassed "Why did you stop.?" I asked i loved her voice she has a bright future with that voice, she started to blush and said "I'm not used to playing in front of people Luke." she said as I sat next to her in the bench of the piano "why your voice is so beautiful." I smiled and she looked up at me and smiled. when she smiles the whole world stops it really beautiful "I don't think so Lukey." She looked at the piano and I licked my lips and bit my lip ring. then I started to play cords from all of me by John Legend and I sang some lines of the song and she joined in. I told her about the gig tomorrow and she agrees to come then it was silent. it was a nice one though the I broke it "Katie." I asked kinda nervous "Yeah.?" She responded i scratched the back of my neck "I was wondering um if you- you wanted to go in a date with me some time." He jumped up and said "Yes.! Yes.!" The biggest smile on her face grew since her parents died then she hugged me she makes me so happy.

Could This Be Love // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now