Part 40

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It's been a long time since I updated the story. Sorry because I was quite busy. I can't assure you regular updates from now.

Feeling the warmth of sunshine on her body , bela woke up and found herself clinging onto her mahir ji's body. She spared a moment admiring him. Then the next moment, she found herself wearing a frock like dress
"Oh god , what I'm wearing? I can't remember anything that happened yesterday night" she said to herself
"But I remember" mahir said suddenly pinching her cheeks
Bela:Mahir ji...
Mahir: Yesterday we were high on alcohol. You wore this dress and we danced together.
Bela: Seriously!
Mahir:But you were awesome when you were high on alcohol. Really awesome😉
Bela angrily punched on his stomach.
Mahir:Arey , my boxer wife please don't kill me.
Bela was about to get up but mahir grabbed her by waist and pecked her lips.

Mahir:Can we romance?
Bela:You want to romance 24 hours
Mahir:No I'll romance for infinite no: of hours
Bela:Ok fine
Mahir:Which means you agreed?
Mahir:My bela is now totally changed
Bela:Living with you I changed into a creepy girl.
Mahir:Now as both of us are creepy , our chemistry will be great
Bela:I hate chemistry
Mahir:But I love it
Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
"Who the hell is interfering on our romance?" Mahir whispered
Bela: I'm going to open the door
Mahir:No, let them knock and door
Bela: Stop this mahir ji
She went and opened the door and saw it was sumit. Sumit was mesmerized seeing her on that dress. For a moment , he stood looking at her lustfully. Mahir brock his trance by clearing his trance.
Mahir:What you want?
Sumit: It's already 9 am. Not seeing you , I came to call you.
Mahir:We were quite busy
Sumit:In what?
Mahir: Don't you know what we were doing?
Mahir:Are you a dumbhead or are you acting to be so? Anyway all your tricks are going to end soon
Hearing this sumit went away in a terrified manner.

"So, today is the end of sumit's game. I'm going to expose him" mahir said to yuvi

Mahir called all the family members to the living room.
"Why mahir , why you called us?"
Mahir:Wait yaar , something exciting is coming
Andy:I want to go to office, tell the matter.
Mahir connected a pendrive and turned on the television.
Mahir:Few years ago Divya was dead. I know she's my past and that chapter is closed. But I found something wrong in her death. It was said to be a natural death , but it is not. She was killed. Sumit killed her. See this video
It was cctv footage. In the footage it was seen a car hitting Divya.
Yuvi:Here you can see the number plate of the car. This car belongs to Mr.Sumit Suri.
Sumit:No , it's not---
Mahir:This camera belongs to a shopkeeper. Finding this death to be unnatural he saved this cctv footage. He also confessed the fact that a person who was quite anxious purchased a pair of gloves and mask from the shop. And that person is Sumit. Police will be soon here.

Sumit was about to say something but ruhi cutted him short.
"You killed divya , how dare you!" She acted
Sumit:Ruhi ---
Sumitra and andy stood shocked as they knew who the actual culprits are but they didn't wanted ruhi to be arrested. Soon police came and took sumit with them as mahir and Yuvi already filed the evidence to them.

Few moments later.....

(Behir's room)

"Mahir ji , are you sure? Is sumit only behind this?" Bela asked him
Mahir: He's in police station, right? Now they'll find it out. But now I'm really relieved.
Bela:I hate ruhi
Mahir:Why you are saying it now?
Bela:Before few hours , I saw that ruhi chudail standing so close to you.
Mahir:Jealous bela
Bela: I'm not jealous
Mahir grabbed bela by her waist and caressed her hair while she stood with downcast eyes because of shyness.
Mahir:With the finding of culprits of divya , all problems from our life will be eliminated.
Mahir:Then I want pinky and bunny
Bela:Who are they?
Mahir:My children
Bela:Do you have another wife and children?
Mahir:Oh dumbhead , what I meant is we want to have children
Mahir:I want a nursery full of children

Promo:Some problems is behir's life

I was quite busy due to which I missed reading a lot of stories of my friends. Sorry...😔

Hope you loved this part

As I was not writing for so long , I can't write flawlessly now. I know this chapter is a mess

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