Part 26

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(Bela and mahir reached sehgal house)

"You know how much I missed both of you. Come in" sumitra said hugging behir
Ruhi:Actually I too missed both of you.
Bela faked a smile hearing it as she knew ruhi was angry and jealous of her.
Ruhi:But I have a surprise for you bela
Yuvi:Surprise for bhabhi! What's that
Ruhi:It's a surprise exclusively for bela. You'll be shocked seeing it.
Bela:What's that
Ruhi whistled suddenly. A person was seen opening the gate of the house and coming to the house. He was wearing a hoodie while behir stood thinking who it was. That person suddenly came in front of bela and removed the hoodie. Bela who was initially confused suddenly smiled widely and hugged him.

Bela now looked at mahir and said, "Mahir ji, this is sumit my friend"
Sumit:Not friend but bff.

So this role is played by sumit suri

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So this role is played by sumit suri.

Mahir's POV

Actually I didn't digested the idea of him being her beastie. I know it may sound to be cliché but his intention seems to be not so good. Why he's hugging bela that much, maybe I'm quite over possessive of her. Whatever I didn't wanted to be in the house in the presence of that guy.
"Bela, I want to go to office now, there's some urgent work penting"I said
Bela:But we have only returned from the trip.
"I don't have much time" I said taking some files trying to be away from her eye.
Taking the files and bag I went out while she too followed me. When we reached a place where there was none she suddenly came on my way and hugged me enlocking her hands around my neck melting my heart. I know I'm being insecure. It's normal to have friends who are boys and those who are girls. I'm being quite over dramatic.
Bela:Mahir ji, Why you appear to be sad? I can't tolerate it
"Nothing bela, I have been away from office for few days na, some problems in office"I said a lie with a heavy heart
To my surprise she kissed my lips. Initially in the shock I wasn't responding but in the flow of love I too responded to it. I wanted to kiss her like that forever, even though it's impossible. I was feeling hopeless without no reason. My heart was crying.
After few minutes, in short of breathe we backoffed. I got into my car and drove away while bela waved at me.

That day was definitely a bad day for me in the office. I even spilled coffee on myself, signed on the wrong paper, scolded employees for no reason. I wasn't able to focus on anything, else bela. I'm tensed as ruhi brought back that sumit. Who the hell he is? I told myself to take long breathes to calm down.

Pov ends.

Bela is in her room ironing some dresses while sumit came to the room.
Sumit:Bela, why you iron mahir's dress? Can't he do it by himself?
Bela:Mahir ji is going to office and have tons of works and tensions. I should do atleast this much for him.
Sumit:I just asked it randomly, don't take it serious. Bela you know I miss those good olden college days.
Bela:Mm (said while ironing)
Sumit:Do you remember that day, you slapped a girl for being over close to me?
Bela:Now thinking back, I feel like I shouldn't have done so, It was pretty disgusting.
Sumit:Why you feel so?
Bela:We can be friends with anyone right, she wanted to be your friend but I slapped her.
Sumit:Were we just friends?
Bela:Yes, for me you were my friend.
Sumit went out of the room while bela continued her work.

Ruhi is checking her phone, suddenly she received a message.
"I'll be in the sehgal house tomorrow"
Ruhi's face brightened on seeing that single message. Hearing a knock on the door, she opened it and found Kuhu there.
Kuhu:I can't accept bela as my bhabhi
Ruhi:She won't continue in that position for long.
Ruhi:Wait and see what I'm going to do

It was dinner time. Sumitra, andy, vish, yuvi, mahir, ruhi, Rahul, kuhu were sitting on the chairs near the table. Bela came with trays of foods and started serving it.
Mahir:Why you are doing all these works? Here are servants.
Bela:But mahir ji,
Mahir:Eat something properly, now itself you look so pale.

She was about to sit suddenly sumit came.
Sumit:Bela can you please come with me?
Both went to sumit's room. He took a bag and opened it. It was full of some photos and other things.
Sumit:I called you to show you all those things.
"Do you remember, this pic" he asked her by showing some pictures and they got busy in their discussions about old college days and those photos.
All were finished with eating while mahir was expecting bela to come.
Yuvi:Bhabhi will come, bhai you eat
Mahir was hell angry which was evident by his actions. He was crushing food with his hands in anger. Atlast he went away without eating anything. At the next moment when bela came, she saw mahir going angrily to his room. She too became nervous and went following him.

"Mahir ji, he was showing me old photos and I was really enjoying it" bela said to angry mahir
Mahir:But you know bela, I was waiting for you and you didn't came. You know a lot about my anger. Being angry I came here.
Bela:Oh that's okay
She took the plate of food and fed him a piece of chapatti.
Mahir:Have you ate food?
He took another bite and fed her, like that they ate. Behir slept huggung each other tightly. Bela was lying on his chest listening to his heartbeats which was muttering her name💓

Which part you loved the most? Comment😃

"Now the real play has started. I'm back, ruhi I'm with you" a lady said to ruhi
Ruhi is laughing in an evil manner.
Bela crying and mahir angry

Really happy to announce that this story has ranked #6 in pearl
Love you all😘💓🤗

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