Part 21

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This is a diwali special part... Thanks a lot for your immense love and support for this story... Happy Diwali to all❤️🤗

Happy reading

"Who'll arrange everything? Why you are asking for a party, that too at the last minute" Sumitra asked anxiously to yuvi, rahul, rohan
Yuvi:Mom, we are here. We'll arrange everything. It's diwali na, that too First diwali after mahir bhai's wedding
Rahul:Yes aunty, please
Sumitra:Mmm, okay
Rohan, rahul and yuvi hugged sumitra tightly
"You are the best aunty" Rohan said

"Bela, we can go and areange everything for the party" Bela said to mahir
Mahir:Okay albela
Bela:You are being over romantic
Mahir:When I used to be serious, you complained I was over serious, Now when I become romantic again you are complaining
Bela:If I argue with you, I'll become mad, come let's go
Both came to the hall. The garlands were kept on a big vessel.
"Bela and mahir came" vish said on seeing them.
Yuvi came to bela and said, "Bhabhi, please decorate this room with these flowers"
"So I'll decorate rooms with bela and by this I can romance her too, oh great" mahir smiled on thinking
Bela took the vessel of flowers and mahir was about to go with her but suddenly yuvi stopped him, "Bhai, where are you going? Come with us"
Mahir:But she's decorating...
Yuvi:That she'll manage. Come with us, we have a lot of work
Mahir went with them sadly while bela was laughing at her mind seeing his face.

"Bela is happily enjoying with mahir, but I won't allow you to be happy, this diwali will be your last diwali" ruhi smirked thinking
Bela stood on top of a chair and was decorating the ceiling with a garland. Ruhi fastly passed near her, she without bela's knowledge titled the chair. Bela who was busy and concentrated in her work felt like her chair is titling only after ruhi went away. She tried to balance but wasn't able to. With closed eyes she fell down, but not on floor but on mahir's arms. For a moment, in fear she shut her eyes tight. When she slowly opened her eyes, she found herself to be safe on mahir's arms.
Bela:Mahir ji...
Mahir:Don't say anything else, what if you fell down. I'll tell bushan to do all this.
Bela:But I have no prblems now
Mahir:No more talking
Mahir took bela in his arms and went out while ruhi stared angrily at them seeing all these but all others were happy and surprised on seeing the love between behir
Yuvi:How cute they look!
Vish:Mahir really cares a lot for bela.
He took bela outdoor where many decoration works were ongoing.
Mahir:Now you stand with me
Sumitra:Mahir, bela you both do one thing, go and make some sweets for the function
Both went to the kitchen.
''Mom, you sent the both for romancing right!"yuvi asked jokingly
Sumitra:Yuviii, let them have some privacy, don't go there and spoil it

Bela was kneading the dough while mahir was cooking something in the stove. When mahir glanced at her face, a little amount of dough was there on her face. Mahir suddenly grabbed her by her waist.
"Mahir jiii" bela shockingly called him raising her hands as it was covered with dough
Mahir:There's dough in your face
Bela:Please clean it
Mahir holding bela by one hand wiped off the dough with the other hand and then before leaving her, kissed her on her ear. Suddenly some sound came from the stove.
Bela:You'll romance here with me and the food will get over fried
She suddenly started stirring the food with a spoon while mahir backhugged her. After a while, he also got busy in his work. Soon both made some sweets.

At evening

"Hello, welcome" yuvi said to the guests welcomimg them
Bela came with the sweets for all in a tray and started giving it to all.

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