Part 32

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This part is wedding special.

"Play the music" Ruhi said to rehaan
Song bang bang was played. Ruhi went to near mahir. Grabbing his hand she started to dance while sumit grabbed bela's hand and danced with her. But accidentally both the couples bumped onto each other interchanging couples. Now bela was dancing with mahir while sumit was with ruhi. Bela tried to go but mahir didn't let her. Having no other way ruhi and sumit danced.
"Leave me" bela murmured
"No way" he said winking while grabbing her waist
Soon the party was over. Bela being tired went to her room to sleep.

Feeling someone's presence bela woke up and saw sumit sitting her bed leaning towards her. A shocked bela suddenly got up even though he tried to grab her. Pinning her to the wall he said, "Bela why so embarrassment! Tomorrow is our wedding. Next day night I'll be devouring each of your molecule."
Bela felt so ashamed hearing it due to which she stood with downcast eyes.
Sumit'I'm only asking for a kiss
Bela:Now... no... please go out
Bela pushed him out of the room and shut the door tightly. Then supporting herself onto the wall she cried her heart out.
"I initially thought sumit was a good person. But he's not at all. How he's behaving!" She murmured

"Mahirrr, come out of the room" sumitra roared standing in front of mahir's room
"I'm coming" he said opening the door while combing his hair
Mahir:Mom, how am I looking?
Sumitra:You're looking good....but beta...are you sure about what you are going to do...
Mahir:Mom, everything will be alright. Don't worry
Both came to the hall where all guests were waiting for them. The pandit was chanting mantras while all others were busy talking to each other. Mahir sat on the mandap. Soon sumit too came. Sitting on the next mandap, sumit glared at him while mahir smirked at him.
Pandit:Call the brides

"Come carefully" nishi said holding ruhi's hands. Nishi was holding her as her face was covered with veil.
She made her sit near mahir. Then sumitra came with the next bride holding her hand and made her sit near sumit. The rituals started. They exchanged garlands then did saath pheras and atlast the grooms tied mangal sutra on brides neck and made them wear sindoor.
Pandit:Now the wedding is complete.

Guest 1: Is there reception tonight?
Sumitra:No it's on tomorrow.
Now you all can go to your rooms (to mahir, ruhi, bela and sumit)

Ruhi is sitting with her veil in the bed waiting for mahir to come.
"It's my first night with mahir. I'm so excited. I didn't expected even in my day dreams that my wish is going to get fulfilled this fastly. Now I'm officially his wife. Hope he'll come soon" she thought happily
Hearing the sound of door getting opened she looked towards there and saw someone through her veil.
"I think mahir has came" she muttered
Standing from the bed, she raised to hug him and hugged him tightly while he too reciprocated it.
"Yesterday night you acted so shy. But today you are so different" he said in a husky tone
Ruhi:Who acted shy yesterday? And mahir your voice has a change.
"Mahir!!!I'm not mahir" he said
Lifting her veil both stood shocked for a moment.
Ruhi:It means I married you!!!
Sumit:And mahir married bela!!!

Bela is on her bed wearing her veil. After some moments, a person entered the room. Bela slowly got up and went towards him. He slowly lifted her veil.
Bela:What I married you, I can't believe. How can I marry you?
"Even I can't believe I married you" mahir said
Both stood shocked for few moments and then they bursted into laughter.
Mahir:How was my plan?
Mahir:Now Mr. Suri and Mrs. Suri are enjoying there first night in their room😂
Bela:I can't control my laughter thinking about that. Seriously mahir ji, I didn't expected everything to turn this much well.
Mahir:But I had full confidence
Vish and yuvi came to their room.
Vish:Without us your plan would have been a flop
Bela:That's true
Vish:I was just joking. Anyway mahir your idea was awesome.
Yuvi:Can I peep on to ruhi's room?
Vish:No yuvi, it's their first night😂
Yuvi:Ooh, I'm letting them enjoy

Flash back

Mahir after returning from abroad after 3 weeks.
Mahir:Why bela you are acting so?
Bela:Mahir ji, there's something fishy about sumit. (Whispering)
Bela:He knows something about divya. I saw her photo on his bag. We should find out it. That's why I'm asking.
We should find out the murderer of divya as fast as possible. We should trap sumit.
Mahir:But then we should make a plan

"So mahir and bela you are going to act as if you hate each other" Vish asked
Yuvi:So you should quarrel a lot to make him believe

To be continued....

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I wanted to update more earlier but due to lack of time I became quite late, sorry.....

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