Part 29

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Bela heartbroken

"What the hell!" Bela screamed at sumit. They were sitting on the balcony area of the house.
Sumit:I have selected this time as mahir isn't here. He's not good, you initially thought about him to be a pervert and that was true. I have evidence.
Bela:What evidence!
Sumit:He went abroad not for business but for hanging out with his girls.
Bela:Shut up
Sumit:I'll show you
He showed bela some photos in which mahir is standing shirtless with some girls who were barely wearing anything much to the shock of bela.
Sumit:If you can't believe, then check his chats and also ask ruhi.
Bela:I won't ask her, she's bad
Sumit:Mahir illustrated her to be bad but actually mahir cheated her.
You notice mahir, you'll get to know his character. Don't trust him blindly.

Bela's pov

I got up from there and went to the kitchen. While cooking food also my mind wasn't there. I trust mahir ji a lot. But these pictures.... I can't understand anything. I should observe mahir ji so I can understand everything. I shouldn't be tensed.

That night when mahir ji came and went to take a shower, I secretly took hold of his phone. Then going through whatsapp, I saw a girl's message.

Mahir ji:Hey babe, how are you?
Girl:Missing you😔
Mahir ji:Don't worry, I'm coming there, then we can enjoy whole night😉
Girl:But my bf is here.
Mahir ji:Make him go somewhere.
Girl:I'll try
Mahir ji:You should do, I'm missing you. I'm fed up with that bela in my bed. I want you
Girl:I'm here to entertain you😉

Losing my senses, I putted the phone somewhere. I can't believe what I saw, how it can be true. I always believed him but.... Now I didn't wanted to see my ''husband" who was indeed a cheater. I laid on the couch, pretending to be slept. I can hear he comimg from washroom and then coming to me.
"Albela slept earlier today" he said in a baby voice. Earlier that voice was a pleasure for me but now it was like prickling thrones over my body.
I hummed.
"Why are you sleeping here? Come to the bed" he sat on his knees near the couch
"I'm tired, let me sleep" I murmured and pretended to be in a deep slumber

I was really fatigued that day because of which I slept a lot. When I woke up, he hasn't got up yet.
"Why you did so, Mr.Mahir sehgal" I said looking at him who was sleeping peacefully. Wiping off my tears, I came to the hall were vish was arguing with kuhu for something. I ignoring all, directly went to the kitchen. Our maid was already there.

"Where's your morning kiss, you give it whenever I'm going office" mahir asked grabbing me to a lonely area before getting onto the car.
"I'm not in the mood, leave me" I jerked back while he looked at me helplessly.

Pov ends

"What, bela fainted! What happened to her?" Mahir said with a voice mixed with fear and anxiety on his phone
"Doctor came, she said it's because of stress"
"I'm coming" mahir got in his car
Soon he reached home. Bela on her room was surrounded by all family members.
Mahir:What happened to her?
Dr:Extreme stress is the reason.
He sat near her in the bed, caressing her forehead.
Dr:I have written some tablets for her. Buy it, okay...take rest.
Doctor went away while all the family members moved from the room to give behir some privacy.
Mahir:Bela what happened, are you stressed? What's the reason?
Bela:Everything won't have a reason
Mahir:Why are you speaking so melodramatically? I'm going to buy the tablets for you. You take rest


"So our plans are working" ruhi said to nishi
Nishi:Now, bela will distance herself from mahir. When mahir forces her to say the reason, One day she'll erupt like a volcano, BOOM!!! Mahir will he hell angry, a fight will be there. Bela will feel more attached to sumit.
Ruhi:But sumit should fake more love and care.
Nishi:That I'll manage, then divorce of bela and mahir. I know what to do then.
Ruhi:Now mahir went to buy medicine. Let me sent sumit to her room, when mahir comes he'll be burning with jealousy and anger
She went to sumit's room where he was busy reading some magazine.
Ruhi:We have given you 1 lakh for all and you are chilling reading magazine.
Sumit:Then what should I do?
Ruhi:Don't you want bela?
Sumit:I want her, that's my ultimate aim.
Ruhi:Then go to her room and make her husband jealous.
"Ok'' he said uninterestingly throwing away his magazine
"Now again drama is going to start" ruhi said to herself

"Why you are here?" Mahir asked on seeing sumit on his room when he came back after buying medicines
Here sumit was sitting close to bela who was so tired because of which she was sleeping.
Sumit:I came to see my friend who wasn't well.
Mahir:I already told you right, don't enter this room.
Sumit:This room is not only yours, it's bela's too.
Mahir:Even bela hate your presence.
Sumit:Oh really, let me ask
Mahir:No more arguments, get out from here
Sumit:I'll go until and unless bela tell me to do so
Being angry mahir grabbed him by his shirt's collar and was about to drag him out but suddenly bela shouted, "Stop this nonsense"
Bela:I'm not well, because of which I'm resting. You are making a lot of drama. Sumit came here to see me. Why are you offensed by that? Stop it
Mahir:I have told y---
Bela:What,I don't want to hear anything. Please stop this!!! Let sumit sit here.
Mahir:But he's not good
Bela:Now I know who's good and who's bad
Bela:Should I say get out or will you go by your own.
Sumit:Can't you hear properly, Mr.Mahir sehgal (with a smirk)
Mahir was furious by all these. He went away from the room but not before breaking a cup.

"Why bela is doing all these? If she has any problem, she's responsible for giving me the reason. Now she's acting as if I have an affair with another girl" mahir murmured

I know you'll be angry reading this part, I know it well. But please don't kill me😅 Something is gonna happen. Please wait till then....

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