Part 27

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Bela's POV

When I woke up next day, I found Mahir ji wasn't there on the bed. Noticing a note in the table I read it.
"Sorry bela, I got a call from the office. An urgent work, we can see at evng" it was noted like that. My mornings started with his kiss which I missed now. I opened the door to go out but I bumped with sumit.
"Hey sumit" I said
He pushing me slowly got inside the room.
Sumit:Your room is so nice. Well decorated.
"It's all done by mahir ji"
He was busy looking at our wedding photo.
"Sumit, I'm going to kitchen"saying so I came out.
After about 15 minutes when I went back to room, what I saw shocked me to hell. The wedding photo of ours were lying down broken into hundreds of pieces. I ran down to there and collected all those broken pieces. Then to frame the pic, I gave it our servant bhushan. As my house works were over, I decided to go to sumit's room. When I opened the door, I was embarrassed as he was standing shirtless.
"Oh sorry" I said moving back
But to my surprise he grabbed my hands makimg him land onto his bare chest.

Sumit:There's nothing to be embarrassed.
But I turned back and he wore his t shirt.
Sumit:Bela, how's mahir?
Hearing his name was enough to lighten up my mood.
"He's so sweet. He's the best thing that happened to me. I thought him to be rude but he wasn't" I said in one breathe with love for him in my eyes.
He smiled pathetically.
Pov ends

Receiving a phone call, bela came out of the room. It was her mahir ji.
Bela:Hello mahir ji
Mahir:Bela, a bad news. I'll be back home after a week only.
Mahir:Since 2 months, there's pressure from the office for a meeting which is quite distant from our area. I can't resist their force now. I should go, it's very urgent.
Bela:But I'll miss you.
Mahir:I know that, I'll video call you at evening.

Bela after cutting call stood depressed
Sumit:What happened bela?
Bela:Mahir ji won't be here for 1 week. He's busy in a meeting.
Sumit:So what, I'm here na,
Bela:But you won't be equal to my mahir ji
Saying so she went to the living room.

"Bela, it's only a case of 1 week. Don't be so sad yaar" vish said to her hugging her.
Bela:But I'll  miss him.
Yuvi:If vish was in your place, then she should have conducted a party now.
Vish punched his stomach in anger.
Yuvi:Arey I was just kidding
Seeing them bela laughed a little bit.
Vish:I wanna ask you something.
Vish:Who's sumit?
Bela:He was my friend.
Yuvi:I find him too annoying
Vish:I hate him
Bela:But he's not that bad.
Yuvi:But we don't find him too good too.

It was evening. Bela was in her room waiting for mahir's call and suddenly her phone began to ring. She attended the call (video call). Bela then closed the door of the room as she didn't wanted anyone to listen to their naughty romantic talks.
Mahir:Hello babe
Bela:When will you come? I'm missing you a lot.
Mahir:Me too, But I'll be back soon
And one more thing waiting for your love is so painful and at the same time so sweet too. Let's enjoy that.
Mahir:My problem isn't that, I can't kiss you. I'm missing your lips😉
Bela:You are a ---
Mahir:Pervert, isn't it
Bela laughed hearing it.
Mahir:When I come back, then you'll die in my love. Be ready to tolerate it.
Bela:Oh really
Behir leaned towards the screen to kiss. Suddenly sumit entered the room. Mahir in anger, cutted tha call while bela was embarrassed.
Bela:Don't you have manners, sumit?
Sumit:I thought you'll be like my old bela.
Bela:Now I'm married, I need privacy.
Bela went away angrily


Sumitra hearing the calling bela, opened the door. A middle aged lady with over makeup was standing in front of her.
Sumitra:What a pleasant surprise!
Andyyyy, come see who's it
Andy:Arey, I can't believe! Why you don't informed us?
"It's my house too right, why should I come to my house informing all"
Andy:Your attitude hasn't changed yet. Come in

"Mommmmmm" ruhi screamed and hugged the lady.
"I badly missed you" she said hugging her.
Andy:Nishi, how are you?

This is nishi, mother of ruhi

Nishi:I'm fine, but I want to talk to you.
Andy and nishi went to a room.
Nishi:Why you didn't allowed marriage of my ruhi with mahir? You know right, she loves him.
Andy:One night, on a party, bela and mahir got---
"Locked in a room, media saw them, it became a shame for both the families and you conducted the wedding, right'' Nishi said cutting him short
Nishi:But what about my daughter?
Andy:We can find a suitable guy for her marriage.
Nishi:You don't try to find groom for her, she loves mahir only.
Andy:But he's married.
Nishi:That's none of my business and it's not an excuse too
She stormed out of the room

Promo:Conflicts in sehgal house

What will be nishi's motive? Comment your guesses

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