Part 22

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Got to know that a_behir_fan is going to quit wattpad for an year. Really sad hearing it... gonna miss you a lot... all the best for your future ❤️❤️❤️

"Why you did so? We know you hate bela, but there's a limit for everything" andy said in a dark room
Sumitra:What andy told is right, can't you stop this atleast now! He's married and happily living with her.
"How can I forget him and let them live peacefully!Then why I did this much!!!"
Andy:If you continue like this we'll reveal everything to mahir. Then you know what's gonna happen
"Atleast understand the fact that I'm your sister's daughter. Do something for me. Eliminate bela from mahir's life"
Sumitra:If you continue blabbering like this, then I'll kick you out from this home.

"Bhai, I have a doubt. How a sparker can explode? It's not an accident" yuvi said to mahir
Mahir:What you mean?
Yuvi:We purchased everything from Raju bhai's shop. We are customer's of that shop for years and we know the quality of that products. So I doubt someone has done it intentionally.
Mahir:But whom?
Yuvi:Let's find it, we can check cctv.
Both on a laptop started checking the footage on diwali day.
Mahir:Slow the video yuvi, look at this time we have placed the crackers and all in the garden. If someone had done something, then it's at this time.
But suddenly the footage became blank.
Yuvi:It means someone switched off the camera.
Mahir:So they harmed bela intentionally. That day she got kidnapped and now this... I feel like everything is connected
Yuvi:What you mean?
Mahir:Divya's death and all these is connected.
Yuvi:Was it a normal death?
Mahir:I too thought like that. But it wasn't. That day when she got kidnapped, I heard the goons talking. Divya was killed.
Yuvi:If it's like that, then you are having a dangerous enemy, I'm scared now
Mahir:No need to be scared yuvi, we'll sort it out. But don't tell all these things to anyone

"But I heard everything"someone said in a dramatic voice
When yuvi and mahir turned with a jerk, actually it was vishaka.
Yuvi:Vishhh, you frightened us!
Vish:I'm a bhoot
Suddenly becoming serious she said to mahir, "If what you told is true, both bela and you should be careful."
Mahir:But I can't bela everything now, she'll be scared knowing her accident was intentional.
Vish:I know, it's better kept a secret.

"Now I want you, please come"Ruhi said in phone
"I can understand ruhi, I'll be there soon."
Ruhi:Yesterday bela got saved from death magically. Otherwise she would have been dead.
"We can't keep blaming past, I have some ideas. Don't be sad and tensed. I'll be there soon"

"When will you wake up?" Bela said slapping on mahir's chest
Mahir grabbed her close to him and said in a sleepy tone, "Let's enjoy for some more time"
Bela:Stop this naughtiness. I have a lot of works to do and you want to go to office too.
Mahir:I'm not going to office today.
Mahir:I want to be with you, albela
Somehow she made him get up from the bed.
Bela:I'm going to bath, after that you can.

She got in the bathroom but suddenly and unexpectedly mahir too got in the washroom and locked the door.
Bela:Mahir ji, go... I want to bath
Mahir:Who stopped you from bathing!Bath😉
Bela:Then you should go out.
Mahir:No way, we both will be bathing together dear.
Bela:Mahir jiii
Mahir suddenly poured some water on her.
Bela:You know something, something--
Diverting his attention, she splashed water onto him
Mahir:Naughty bela, you will get to know what will happen if you cheat your husband.
Bela:And you'll get to know what will happen if you trap your wife in the bathroom.
Mahir grabbed bela onto him and opened the shower. His hands were on her waist while she enlocked her hands around his neck with a shy smile.

Sorry for the short part. Next part is gonna be interesting, a entry is there. Stay tuned😃

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