Part 7 - Second impression

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Yasiel pov:

Well today is an extremely important day. Foreign investors are going to come at SYE for a presentation and sign a deal. This is why I conducted a meeting yesterday with my accounting people, to evaluate the deal and find costs of the deal and ftom where we would get cash.

We had completed all our points. I like things to be perfect. I started getting ready. I remembered not to wear white shirt remembering yesterday's encounter. There was something in that girl which attracted me towards her.

I reached office and asked for some file. The intern girl came to give me. I was a bit annoyed. I called the head and told him "don't you know I don't like dealing with interns". It was quite a huge deal, so I didn't want to lose anything. These interns they were here almost temporarily so they don't know what SYE is and how we are maintaining our position so they wouldn't be able to contribute in my company go get profit.
The head apologised. I was quite serious when it came to work. Especially SYE. My parents worked hard and so I am now to make our company flourish.

Well, the investors came and we started our presentation. They appeared to be impressed. After the end, they started questioning us. I answered them and my accounts responsible was also adding points.
Suddenly the intern suggested an idea quite loudly.
What was she doing? I thought.
She was just a simple intern. She was not allowed to talk.

However, the foreign investors were quite convinced with her idea.
This would indeed benefit SYE also. Why I didn't think about it before.
There was something in this girl.

After the presentation was over,the investors were talking with the intern. I came to know that her name is Zaylee.
Such a unique name.

I asked a staff, Liam to ask her meet me after lunch in my office.
Well she looked scared and cute at the same time.
Well we started talking:

Y: well miss Zaylee, first of all, welcome to SYE. We hope that you will have an enriching experience.
I am the ceo here.

Z: thank you so much sir. I hope I will work up to your expectations.

Y: yes of course. That is why I called you today. In fact, I wanted to appreciate your idea today. Well, in most cases, interns are not supposed to talk during any meeting. But....

Z: im am really very sorry sir. I was just suggesting an idea. I promise that I will be quiet in the future. Please do not throw me out of SYE.

Y: wait.... will you let me finish

Z: ohhh sorry sir. Please carry on.

Y: yes I was just saying that before today, interns didn't suggest any idea in any kind of meeting.
But today you did. But your idea was brilliant I must say. I hope you can continue suggest us ideas to make our company flourish more.
And don't worry, you will not lose your place here because you spoke or what you did yesterday, I said sarcastically, especially the last line.

Z: thank you sir. Sorry for my behaviour yesterday.

And she went back to work.
She looked natural and I could observe that she wore practically no make up.
How could a girl stay without wearing make up. But she was different. I was also happy that she was serious in the work. Well on a second thought she is not that bad.

Zaylee pov:

As soon as I suggested the idea,everyone looked at me shockingly.
Even Mr Yasiel looked at me in surprise.
I think I should have remained silent. My mouth opens at the wrong moment.

After a few seconds, the investors started speaking. They liked my idea. I was really excited that they agreed to whatever I suggested.
Mr Yasiel also didn't seem to mind and they decided to go as I said.
I was proud that I could contribute to the success of a project.

After the meeting, the investors thanked me for my suggestion in front of the ceo. Even my head, Liam and others congratulated me.

I was having lunch afterwards then Liam told me that Mr Yasiel wanted to meet me in his office after lunch.
I was scared and also wondered about what he said yesterday about kicking me out. Was he really going to do so?

Well actually NO.
I went in his office. He appreciated my idea (i was shocked). He also sarcastically added that he was not going to kick me out from here neither from my actions today or he precised for yesterday's encounter also. To be on the safe side, I apologised for my actions.

God I wish I could erase the happenings  of yesterday. I wish I could erase his memory.

Well it was time to go home. On the way just like everyday, I told William everything. He was happy. He also told me that he was also praised in his department today. We were happy that we were both progressing.

At home, we joined Peggy. She was employed at the hospital. Well we three achieved something today. So it was celebration time.
We went out to eat, had ice cream and came back home.

I phoned my parents. It had been a while since I hadn't talked to them properly.
I told them about today. They were happy for me. I still felt as if they wanted me to return back. I would be having a hard time to convince them to let me remain here.

Soon, I went to sleep still thinking about Mr Yasiel. I guess, the second impression is that he was not that bad.

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