Part 13 - Absence

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Now let us see what Yasiel thinks about all the happenings.
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Yasiel pov:

I arrived at office early today since I was late yesterday because of lunch meeting. At lot of things also happened yesterday.

I rested on my chair and closed my eyes thinking of what happened yesterday. I don't know what happens to me whenever any matter concerns Zaylee. I don't know why I feel protective towards her.
Yesterday during my supposedly lunch meeting in the restaurant near SYE, I saw Zaylee having lunch with a boy. The boy was also familiar to me. I remembered he was William, an intern just like Zaylee and he too became permanent. I was noticing his behaviour. Like a gentleman, he made her sit first. They were eating, talking and laughing together like they knew each other since ages. It didn't appear to me that they met at SYE. I unknowingly phoned my private detective who does all my work and asked him to find more on Zaylee and William. Zaylee also noticed me and saw that I was constantly starring at them.

After five minutes, my detective phoned me. He was quite fast, that is why, I always get my work done by him. I could not believe what he told me next. He told me that they knew each other since childhood and they stay together. Together like in the same house, under same roof. I got angry and told me to cut the phone right now. I felt like breaking everything on the table right now. I looked at them, they were still engrossed in their conversation.
I was fuming with anger and told the businessmen to end the meeting right now. They were trying to say something but I looked at them angrily and they stayed quiet. I went out from the restaurant and came to SYE.

I don't know why but I felt betrayed. She was staying with him. I don't know for how long they were together. I could not imagine them being together, on the same bed. I got so angry on these thoughts, I broke my mobile on the floor. My security could not say anything. No one dared to ask me anything. I made my way to the lift.
I pressed the button quickly but it stopped and opened. Someone was entering the lift. Who dared to do so.
It was none other than Zaylee. I guess she did not notice that I was inside and I decided to made her aware by coughing.

She looked at me shockingly and started to apologise and told me that she had a meeting with me and did not want to be late. Oh yes I remembered Mrs Florence informed me this morning.
Still angry, I lashed at her and started telling her that she was flirting openly with her boyfriend and she is ruining SYE's reputation.

She dared to tell me mind my own business as I was interfering in her personal life. I came to her closely so close that our breath met and told her nothing is personal in my office.
She couldn't meet my eyes. I don't know what I was feeling that moment when she even told her that the boy was not her boyfriend but only her friend.

Only friend, I thought. I had to ask my private detective to look for more information because I believed my Zaylee. MY Zaylee???? Since when???

However I was happy when she said this. I wanted to claim her and make her mine. I didn't think of anything and went on to place my lips on hers. For the first time ever, my eyes were closed when kissing a female, hers also. She stood there numb and I thought she wanted me to continue. But unfortunately the damn lift started working.

As I was going to actually kiss her,still she was there numb, in a fraction of second, she just pushed me. I could see she was trembling and crying.
Crying why? I wanted to take her in my arms and console her, tell her I am here to protect her. To my great surprise she pushed me and went out the lift without even turning around.

She disappeared even before I could call her.
Arriving in my office, the first thing I did was to call the detective and asked him to find more details about Zaylee and William.

I waited for Zaylee as I had a meeting with her. I waited for around ten minutes when Mr Daniel, her hod came. He told me Zaylee was suffering from terrible headache and she had to go home and to postpone the meeting. I agreed. After he left, I wanted to phone her and asked what happened to her. Was it because of the kiss she left? I just wanted to talk to her. I decided to let her alone these moments and to talk to her next day.

Just then, the detective called. He told me about Zaylee's family, her scholarship and about how her family is conservative. He also added that William is not her boyfriend and only childhood friend whom she considers as brother. I was really relieved. He added that another girl Peggy also lived in the same house. Three best friends own that house. He also found some personal things like Zaylee was shy and introvert and according to him does not have any boyfriend nor she had ever before due to her nature and family. They always wanted her to marry and not stay alone to work and that she managed to convince them to let her work. These were sounding like music to my ears about Zaylee's nature and how good she was. I thanked the detective and cut the call.

It suddenly struck me that if she never had a boyfriend before, then, what happened between us yesterday, the closeness, the kiss, it was her first time, her first kiss. That is why she behaves like this. I was like a foolish possessive person. I ruined her fist kiss because of my possessiveness. I was very angry on myself. I decided to clear all the misunderstandings.
I phone Mr Daniel and asked him to inform Zaylee to meet me for the forecast whenever she comes.

He unluckily informed me that Zaylee was not well today also and that she got two days to rest. This means I will not get to meet her tomorrow also. I will meet her on Thursday then. I could not wait for two days before seeing her. I hope she was well. I was really missing her in her absence.

I tried phoning her. She cut the phone on my face. After that, I decided to go to her place. I was not going to accept defeat so soon.
Arriving at her place, I knocked the door. She opened the door. She looked at me shockingly. She was so pale. I wanted to hug her tightly.
She asked me what I was doing here.
I told her that I wanted to talk about yesterday.

She seemed irritated and told me that she did not want to talk about this and to go away from here. She would meet me in the office. I got angry and grabbed her arm and blocked her against the wall. I told her I wanted to talk right now.

I started by telling her that I was feeling guilty about what I said and did yesterday. If she could accept my apologies.
She was still trembling and told me that any apology would not erase what I did. She could not forget these quickly. She just requested me to go from here.

Before she started to cry more and become more ill, I decided to go from there. I went straightaway at home and there, my saviour, my advisor, my mother who was surprised to see me home early. She asked me what happened and I just asked her directly how to apologise to a girl. She stood still and looked at me, her eyes wide open.

Mrs Sylvia pov:

Yasiel wanted to apologise????? Somebody pinch me. This was a dream. It was the first time in my life I hear he wants to apologise. I quickly asked him what the matter was. My boy told me everything. I was angry on what he did and then told him he was doing right to apologise. I asked him why he was doing so. He told me he was feeling guilty and protective towards Zaylee. So the girl who is changing my Yasiel is Zaylee. I must meet this girl. Poor boy he was falling in love without not even realising. I just told him to let her quiet right now. When she comes to office when see if she is well and then try to talk to her. Whatever he will be doing should be sincere and come from his heart and he should try to remain calm and not get angry.
I made up my mind to meet this girl who has captured my boy's heart.

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