Part 14 - Normal

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Yasiel pov:

Gosh... I could not concentrate on my work. I was just thinking about the incident. I would classify this as a sweet incident. Well that was in my eyes.
These two days are going to be really hard for me to wait.

Zaylee pov:

My mind was struck on the incident. I could not move on to concentrate on anything. Poor William and Peggy were thinking that I was just tired from over working. I could not even tell them the real reason. But, I had to muster courage. I had to face Mr Yasiel. So, I decided to act normal in front of everyone. I had two days to prepare myself for this. I prayed to God and asked for strength.

For myself to recover, I decided to do some activities I like. I spent some hours alone near the beach, enjoying fresh sea breeze, the smell of the sand. I also bought some books to read. I went to the park to enjoy some scenery and the beauty of the nature. I even ate my favourite pizza. I did some shopping for myself and my two buddies. Well my two best friends supported me during these days. Peggy felt something was wrong and she even tried to ask me. I just diverted her mind by telling her that nothing was wrong. I did not wanted her to worry so much for me. She will think I am overreacting.
Ok so, the two days passed with me doing my favourite things to become normal. Now I guess I was ready to go to work.

Yasiel pov:

Finally!!!!! The wait was over. She will come to work today. I will find an opportunity to talk to her. I could easily do so because I am the ceo. I can call her for some work and have a conversation with her.
I was a bit tensed as to how to start the conversation. I had done deals worth millions, had so many girls in my life but now I was thinking how to talk to a girl. I don't know what was happening. I really had to take to her. I was getting ready to reach office on time. I had an important meeting with some clients today.

I reached office a few minutes before nine. As usual I had my arrogant face and my staff greeted me. I made my way to my private lift without looking at anyone just nod my head. This lift gives me sweet memories. This is my most favourite place in the office I guess. My lift opening when I saw someone familiar coming. Wearing her usual knee long blue dress and her hair in messy ponytail, looks like she doesn't even comb her hair. I like it this way and no makeup at all. There she was Zaylee. She was running late as it was nearly nine. Her brother, William I mean was also running. Just as they reached the lift, it was full and closed. Other lifts would take time to get down. Zaylee saw me. She stared at me for a few seconds and turned her head to talk to William.

I called William and made a sign to come take my lift. The security guards and receptionist looked at me shockingly. This was the first time I asked someone to take my lift apart from my family. When Zaylee took the lift, they did not get time to stop her with her coffee in hand. I still remember that day.

I was waiting for them. They were coming closer. Just then, Zaylee spoke. She said that they would wait for the lift to come as this was my private lift and they didn't want to disturb me or break the rules. I looked at her, she seemed serious and her face was expressionless. Her eyes seemed cold when she spoke to me.

Well, I was the boss so did not listen more and just closed the lift. I wonder why she was behaving like this.

I arrived at my cabin and was greeted by Mrs Florence. I asked to to come immediately and to know today's schedule. I had only an important deal to finalise and the meeting was in the afternoon. I had a meeting with the HR department and finance department. It was a monthly meeting. Each month, I always meet with all heads and some employees  in all departments  to see if everything is well or they have any complaints or suggestions. I like keeping my staff close and make them feel valued at SYE. This was very important as without them, there would be no SYE. I had to also meet Zaylee concerning forecast of an upcoming project. The meeting was postponed and was for today as Mrs Florence told me that Miss Albert, that is, Zaylee would be coming today.
Ok so, the meeting was scheduled at 11 a.m. I had sufficient time to talk to her before lunch time, I thought.

I did some usual work and waited for 11 a.m. At sharp eleven, I could hear my door being knocked. I knew who it was and asked to come in. Zaylee came in and greeted me with a faint smile. I asked her to sit down and I was about to talk about that incident when she started talking non stop about the upcoming project. She said by looking at some reports, she already prepared one and to go through it and advice on anything to add or correct. She was not even giving me the chance to open my mouth.

I was observing her. She appeared to be a bit disturbed. Her facial expressions were saying it all. I was not paying much attention to her talk. I was just observing her. I felt like she wanted to finish talking as soon as possible and go out. I came out of my thoughts when she said she has finished and if she can leave.

No, I couldn't let her go without talking to her. I was starting

Y: Zaylee listen, I actually wanted to... wanted to talk about last Monday. You know I ......

She stopped me and she started speaking:

Z: Mr Yasiel please I know you would say it was a mistake. I know it was surely a mistake. I know you will not apologise since this may be normal to you. Don't worry, I will not tell anyone and can take it normal. Can we be normal please?
We can behave like nothing happened. I am going to talk like an employee to you and you as a boss. That is it. I will act like a simple employee.

I was amazed by her talks. She seemed talking everything normal. She thought it was my habit to behave like this. I I don't blame her for this. I was always like that. But still, how could she think like that?

Y: So is it normal for you? Didn't you feel anything? Are you hiding something?

Z: No I am not. Actually after a lot of thought, I came to conclude that this might be your everyday behaviour. I decided not to overreact. Thank you and may I leave now?

How could she behave like this?
I wanted to apologise and she just told me to forget all these and behave normally. She turned so cold in just two days. I was getting angry. I told her to leave. I called Mrs Florence and asked her to cancel all meetings. I went home after this.

Zaylee pov:

It was so difficult to behave like nothing happened. In the morning, I saw first his face and then he proposed to come in his lift. William was with me but I simply rejected his proposal and he looked disappointed.
When I arrived office, everyone enquired about my health and I told them I was well. Mr Daniel told me that meeting with Mr Yasiel was today at eleven.

I had to mentally prepare myself to face him.
I went in his cabin and greeted him. Just not to give him time to talk, I kept on talking and talking until I finished.

Mr Yasiel could finally speak. I wouldn't be able to hear anything. I knew he would be saying that I forget this incident and he does not care about what happened and he had his girlfriend. I would not be able to hear all these. All I did was not to let him speak and told him directly that we should behave normally and not to worry as I would not tell anyone anything.
His expressions changed and looked angry or perhaps shocked. Before he could say anything else, I told him I am leaving. I left without turning back. I came to know later that he had cancelled all the meetings he had. I got worried a bit. I just hope he is well. Today was quite a hard day. I wonder for how many days I had to behave like this. Tomorrow would be a public holiday, so I would see him on Monday now. I will miss his face though

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