Chapter 17

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Keigo get dressed into a clean set of clothes and went to the living room, you and Celine were face to face holding hands, he quickly snapped a picture of the pair of you before putting his phone in his pocket. Celine stirred awake as he lent on the back of the couch.

"Mornin" He smiled sweetly, she glared at him rubbing her eyes, Y/N had already told him she wasn't a morning person, he quickly went to the coffee machine, he had to get away from the imaginary daggers she had put in his face.

"Y/N, wake up chickadee" She whispered in your ear while gently rubbing your arm, you opened your eyes slowly as you stretched your arms out and yawned, sitting upright, you saw Keigo making coffee.

"Celine has hers black no sugar" You told him sleepily, he came over with a mug and handed it to her, she took it and nodded to him.

"What do you want baby bird?" He asked leaning on the couch, you put your head against his and hummed.

"Cola?" You asked sweetly.

"Don't do it, it's a trap" Celine grumbled.

"Yeah I gathered, I don't think so, you can have water, tea or coffee" You made a fake sick noise as he said coffee.

"She hates the stuff" Celine quickly added drinking hers.

"Okay, noted, which do you want Y/N?" You thought before answering.

"Cola" You answered again, he sighed and lowered his head a little.

"Just get her some water" She spoke annoyed at your antics already. "Stop being so bratty it's too early" You grinned at her as Keigo went to the kitchen area again, coming back with water and putting it onto the table in front of you. You stuck your tongue out at him and he did the same back. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, pulling it out it was another text from  the commission.

'Report in ASAP Hawks' he read, he sighed before straightening out and stretching his wings out.

"I've gotta go for a bit but I'll be back as soon as I can be okay" He said leaning in to kiss you, you gave him what he wanted as he stood back up.

"Okay, stay safe" You said to him as he went to the balcony, closing the door behind him, he stood on the edge before giving you and Celine a little salute and falling backwards, he fell for a second before shooting into the sky and heading to his destination. 

"Left overs for breakfast?" Celine asked after finishing her mug of coffee, you nodded and both went to the fridge to get what you wanted. 


Kiego eventually fluttered down to the commissions entrance and walked in, his hands in his pockets. Everyone greeted him as he went, he knew where he needed to go already and didn't want to spend more time than he had to there. He opened the door to the meeting room and closed it behind him.

"Glad you could join us Hawks," He bowed to them, standing up right again. "What do you know about that white sparkling bird you flew with the other day?" He stiffened, great, the whole world knew and now it'd be a matter of time before something went wrong.

"Not a lot, I was out for a fly and saw it so I went on bit of a road trip type thing with it" He said calmly, they all talked amongst themselves before turning to the board behind them, up came pictures of you in different forms, in your hero costume and as the caladruis. Fuck he thought.

"This is why we ask, this hero vanished from the radars a while back, that bird was her signature. Everyone presumed she was dead but this tells us otherwise, we want you to bring her in the next time you get to see the bird, understand?" One of the men asked in a demanding tone, Keigo bowed again and stayed down.

"Of course" As he came back up they waved him out, he walked quietly until he got out of the building and back up into the air.

"Fuck! Now what?" He asked himself soaring through the skies back to you, he didn't know what they wanted with you but  he didn't like it.


You and Celine had eaten left overs for breakfast and were just on the couch watching tv, she was sitting upright while you laid your head on her lap as she stroked your hair. You felt nice and relaxed as Mochi was asleep on the opposite side of the couch.

"I asked for it yesterday" You spoke randomly, Celine hummed in a questioning tone. "With Dabi and Keigo, I asked for it, wanted it the first night we met, it was hot..." You trailed off, she smiled and chuckled.

"Wasn't that one of your fantasies? A threesome?" She asked, you giggled.

"Yeah, its a kink now" You admitted, she chuckled before sighing.

"Dabi's not the kind of guy you really want to get involved with girl"

"I know that but doesn't stop me from wanting it again" You rolled your eyes and Celine made you look at her.

"There's always me" She smirked, you blushed and pushed her arm.

"Stop it, you know what I mean" You giggled.

"I know but if you ever wanted to change the threesome to four, I guess I'd be fine with it for you" You smiled and pushed her again, she pushed you back, you got up and readied yourself.

"Are you challenging me to a fight madam?" you grinned.

"I think I am my good lady!" She launched herself at you, you managed to roll out of the way before she came at you again, you fought a little with her but lost as she pinned you down, her hair falling around her head like a waterfall. She grinned before kissing your face all over and tickling you.

"N-no s-stop please! I-I give I g-give!" You screamed out but she didn't stop, Keigo walked in and watched with his arms crossed. You squealed out in laughter before you saw him standing there.

"Keigo! K-Keigo help me!" You breathed hard between laughing.

"No help me!" Celine yelled, pinning your arms down and giving you a break for a moment. You breathed deeply as he came over and pushed Celine backwards pulling you with him, you both laughed and Celine gave chase before she knocked you both onto Keigo's bed, you all laughed hard and tried to calm down.

This was perfect. All you wanted was this to be your lives forever, it was amazing. Celine got up and smiled before stretching. You never wanted this to end but you knew it was going to. 

Sweet Blissful Hell (Hawks x Reader x Dabi)Where stories live. Discover now