Chapter 29

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You woke, sore as hell, to the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the curtains. Groaning, you propped yourself up on your elbows to see you were alone and you wondered where Dabi had gone. Almost as if you had summoned the devil with your thoughts he came into the room, closing the door quietly behind him before seeing you were awake.

"Your finally up" He spoke calmly, he had towels and your clothes in his arms, placing them on the bed, you looked at him with a confused expression.

"What do you mean? I haven't been asleep that long, it was night not too long ago right?" You asked, he sat next to you placing the items onto the end of the bed, his smile turned into a smirk.

"No, my ember, we didn't stop for a whole day, you've been asleep for a full 24 hours" Your eyes widdened at the information you had just been given. Keigo must be so worried about you being gone for 2 whole days! Worry clearly covered your face as Dabi took your chin in his fingers and forced you to look at him.

"Still thinking about that bird? Guess I didn't fuck you enough" His voice laced with a mixture of anger, annoyance and lust. How could he be ready for more again? You tried to move your legs but they weren't listening to you.

"M-my legs won't move Dabi" You spoke quietly.

"Want a bath?" He asked, you nodded and he went to a side room and you heard rushing water before he came back, sliding himself behind you and embracing your body, he was so warm and it was nice, he wasn't treating you as an object of his sexual frustration but treating you as a person. You hugged his arms and leant back into him.

"I need to make sure the tub isn't overflowing, I'll be back in a second" 

"Kay" You responded, he quickly kissed the top of your head before getting up and leaving you for a moment. You thought about how kind he was being right now and if Keigo could see this then maybe, just maybe, he'd let Dabi come and see you.

"Toga gave me things to put in the bath so its super bubbly and a funny colour" He picked you up gently and held your form close to him as the duvet fell from you, taking you to the bathroom, he asked if you needed to pee first and left you alone for 5 minutes to use the toilet.

You finished up and tried to get yourself to the bath but your legs had other plans, you fell to the floor with a thud before he came into see what the noise was, seeing you on the floor he quickly picked you up.

"The hell are you playing at?" He asked.

"Just wanted to get to the bath but my legs are jelly..." You looked down at your arms, seeing some light bruising and rope marks, you must've been too lost in euphoria to notice.

"Idiot" He chided before setting you into the water, he was right, the water had gone pink and the bubbles made it look so nice. As your body descended into the waters it felt heavenly, your legs stopped aching as did your core. Dabi let go of you and dried his arms carefully so he didn't agitate his scared skin.

"Thank you Dabi, I wish you and Keigo could get along better" You spoke gently, letting the water calm you and your thoughts.

"Yeah but he won't, don't worry about it, I'll get someone to make you something to eat, I don't cook" He didn't look you in the eyes and kept his head down before leaving you alone in the room. 

There had to be a way to get them both to get along, you loved Keigo with all your heart but Dabi held a space as well. You needed to bring them together some how, to make them see that they had similarities and things in common. Two things you already knew they had in common was their want of affection and their love for you, they just had slightly different ways of showing it.

Now all you had to do was make them see that.

Sweet Blissful Hell (Hawks x Reader x Dabi)Where stories live. Discover now