Chapter 32

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Keigo screamed holding the child close to him, he watched as Y/N fell, plunging into the hell that had unfurled before them. He started heading down to the ground.

"Are you okay little one?" He asked noticing she was crying and clutching the bear close to her.

"S-she told me to jump to you... S-she knew it w-was going down!" Lily cried, he landed, quickly handing her over to the ambulance personnel before hearing a woman screaming, rushing over to her.

"You have to save her H-Hawks, I know you can!" Lily cried aloud to him as he quickly took to the skies again, looking down through the flames to find where you were but he couldn't see any sign of you. There were fire fighters putting the blaze out from below but that wouldn't help him find you right now. 

He heard someone shout his name, looking down below to see Endeavor and Rumi. As he landed Rumi quickly hugged him.

"What's wrong bird?"

"She's in there, she saved a kid but the building went down before I could get her!" He shouted in hysterics, Rumi's eyes widdened before Endeavor started heading into the building with a small team of fire fighters, spraying water everywhere as they went.

Keigo couldn't loose you, he finally had someone worth fighting for, someone to come home to every night and cuddle. He couldn't take it, Rumi had to fight with him to keep him on the ground and to stop him from going in there and getting hurt.

He managed to get out of her grasp and rushed into the building behind the team that had just gone in, easily catching up with Endeavor.

"We need to cover more ground, I'm going up!" He shouted before heading up in the areas that weren't too much for him to handle. There was still no sign of you anywhere, he couldn't get high enough for a birds eye view. Just then he caught a glimpse of something, a white feather. He picked it up and found you laying there, covered in ash with a beam over your body.

"Endeavor!" Keigo screamed, you were on the second floor near the stair case, he tried to move as much from your way as possible and checked your pulse, it was weak.

"Come on baby bird, don't quit on me, I'm here!" He cried, sending a feather down to the little team so they could find you easily. The flaming hero was first there and held back a gasp, the sight in front of him was bad. Keigo was crying beside you stroking your hair from your face, careful not to rub soot into the deep cut on your head.

"Hawks, we need to move this, she need medical attention now" They both worked together to move the beam from you. Keigo picked up your weak form as Endeavor cleared the way of fire fighters, helping you both out of the building and straight to an ambulance.

"I won't leave you Y/N, I promise I won't leave you again" He whispered between deep breaths. The paramedics put you in the back of an ambulance with Keigo and rushed you to the closest hospital. They asked him questions as they drove which he answered. Once you all arrived at the hospital you were rushed to the emergency room. 

Keigo wasn't aloud to go with you, he broke down in the hallway where they had just taken you from him. 10 minutes passed before Rumi had arrived, they took them both to a private room so Hawks could be checked out for injuries and so he could cry in peace.


The league had been informed of a group of villains that had caused havoc in a public place, turning the TV Dabi switched it to the news, Toga gasped as they saw the clip of you plummeting into the fires after saving the child. Dabi dropped the remote in shock before looking to Toga, they both rushed out of the house they were in and headed to the hospital, quickly putting disguises on as they went.

Dabi could kill Hawks for not keeping you safe but he knew you probably wanted to help. They moved like lightening to get there as fast as possible. After an hour of running they got to your hospital but had no idea where to find you but they did spot a certain rabbit hero taking a breather outside.

"Where is she rabbit?" Toga asked angrily. 

"Why the hell would I tell you two? Your villains, you probably helped them do it, didn't you!" Rumi retorted with more anger and fury as she held her fists at bay.

"No, I would never hurt Y/N, trust me, I want to know she's okay" Dabi took of his mask to show how worried he really was, his scars were bleeding from stressing about you. Rumi sighed and took them in to the room Keigo was in.

"Kei don't get mad" Rumi said as she opened the door, letting them inside before closing the door. Keigo didn't hesitate before he had Dabi by the throat against a wall, Toga immediately pulled a knife to Keigo's throat while Rumi just held her head in her hands.

"You, if you hadn't have taken her she'd be okay!" Keigo shouted, Dabi grasped his wrist and twisted hard.

"If I hadn't have let her go she would still be okay!" He shouted back, pushing the winged man away from him. They both glared at each other, ones tear stained face couldn't take his eyes of the others bleeding scars. Rumi quickly shoved a box of tissues in Dabi's face before she promptly sat Keigo down.

"Your both super worried about her, as soon as we heard we came rushing over here" Toga explained, eventually everyone sat down and had calmed down a little before anyone spoke.

"Is the girl okay, the one she saved before... it happened" Dabi asked, testing the waters.

"She's okay, a few scratches but Y/N took everything on herself to keep her safe..." He responded, not looking up from the floor. The girls looked at each other for a second.

"I'm gonna go grab you a coffee Dabi" Toga said to him, placing a hand on his back.

"I'm going to get you one too bird brain" Rumi stood as Toga followed her out the room. It was silent between them. They both felt guilty for you being in hospital for different reasons.

"Did she eat enough?" Keigo asked.

"Yeah, she had waffles and berries for lunch" Dabi replied. Quiet again.

"You better have taken good care of her"

"We did, Toga gave her some things for a nice bath"

Sweet Blissful Hell (Hawks x Reader x Dabi)Where stories live. Discover now