Chapter 40

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"You bastards!" Keigo shouted, but before he could attempt to save you, he was restrained by a fair few guards, keeping his wings tied down and his arms behind his back. He was furious, fire in not just his eyes but his very soul as he watched covered figures gently pick you up and take you to a helicopter. Just as he tried to wiggle free he felt sharp pain in his neck.

"Goodnight Keigo Takami." Came the same unfazed voice that  was just talking to you, his vision started to go blurry, the more he fought, the worse of he would be and he knew they would take it out on you so he did what was best right now and let himself give in to the darkness. 


Every part of your body felt so heavy, like it was weighed down by the very ocean itself. You tried to move but were unable feeling the ropes containing you and the coolness of the wall you were up against, even opening your eyes proved useless as there was a blindfold covering your vision, everything was so deathly silent it was driving you mad but you couldn't focus on that now, where was Dabi? What about Keigo? What would happen to Celine? Your mind raced at these thoughts, just then you heard something, a shuffling of feet and the door closing.

"Miss Y/N L/N" Came a males voice, you stayed where you were and didn't move, if push came to shove you'd try and get out of here, find the others and escape. Or at least that's what  you wanted to do, you'd probably get hit by more tranquilisers before you could even find out where one of your friends was being held.

"H/N used to be your hero name, correct?" The voice asked but once again you said and did nothing, if they wanted answers from you then you wanted answers from them.

"Where is Dabi, Keigo and Celine?" You demanded, slowly rising to your feet. Your hands had been tied behind your back but the whole time you were sat there, you had turned a finger into a claw and subtly started cutting through your restraints. Suddenly the lights blinded you as your blindfold was taken off.

"You really think I'll answer your question?" Came the voice, he was a basic looking man, no main features or anything that would make him stand out from a crowd except his hideous beige suit and fading brunette hair. You let your eyes adjust and stood tall and firm, a blank expression on your features. You then got a good look at the room you were in, it was plain white, very boring apart from one metal wall and the 2 way glass beside it. Celine had taught you how to tell the difference just in case.

"You think I'll answer yours?" You retorted, he didn't seem taken aback or stunned at all at your response, instead he just smiled. Pulling a small remote from his pocket and pushing the button, you watched as the metal wall lifted slowly, what you saw next could've had you on the floor in tears and mentally you were, but you held your resolve and kept a poker face as you knew they would want you to.

"I think you'll answer anything I ask you or else" He was serious, all you could see was red as you looked at Celine on the floor, beaten and bruised. Dabi next to her, he looked so much worse off than he normally did and Keigo was tied to a chair, out cold with his wings bound and a bloody lip. You were trying so hard not to flip out and kill this guy for hurting them but you remembered Keigo told you, these guys were dangerous. 

"What do you want?" You asked eventually.

"I'm glad you asked," He started with a devious grin on his face. "We want you to work for the commission and help us with some projects we're working on" He explained.

"So you want me to be a lamb to the slaughter willingly" You spoke coldly, using your quirk to heat the room up, the phoenix fire was slow to rise as you couldn't control your anger as much as you had hoped.

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