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As I was pulled under water, I barely had time to gulp down a mouthful of breath before I was submerged. I blinked as my vision refocused, and I saw Cain staring at me. He approached, floating in the water until his handsome face was just a few inches away.

I instantly kicked my feet, meaning to break the surface, but he grabbed my arm, keeping me under.

My heart gave a sharp pang in response.

I scowled, showing him my displeasure, and then my eyes moved down of their own accord and I saw his manhood and my scowl grew. What the hell was he doing swimming around naked?

Upon seeing my disapproving expression, Cain grinned. I was taken aback. I'd yet to see a genuine smile from him, and frankly, it made him even more handsome.

Finally, he released my hand, and it was just as well, because I was running out of oxygen.

I surfaced with a gasp, swallowing the fresh jungle air.

He surfaced soon after.

"How childish," I said in response to his prank. For a moment, I thought he really meant to drown me.

"Oh, get a sense of humor."

"And you get some pants."

"Why, don't you have what I have too?"

"That's not the p- You know what, never mind."

Cain chuckled, much to my annoyance.

Goddamn, but he knew how to get on my nerves!

Fortunately, he swam away, leaving me be for the time being.

"How did you find this place?"

"I stumbled on it."

"What are you doing outside the cabin?"

"I was looking for you."

"At the bottom of this lake?"

"I gave up when I couldn't find you and decided to go for a swim. Where did you go?"

No answer.

Go figure.

By now I was sure he'd gotten off the island. Clearly, the island wasn't too far into the ocean if Cain could get off it and presumably go inland, and then return in half a day. Still, I doubted that swimming off it would ever be an option. Even if I somehow mustered the herculean strength to power through a swim across the ocean, I didn't know north from south at the moment. With my rotten luck, I'd swim farther into the ocean.

As I watched him swim about, I realized that I was seeing Cain's playful side for the first time. He did a few laps around me, making my head spine as I followed him with my eyes.

Lately, he'd been in a relatively good mood.

When he wasn't slapping me around and shooting Schneizel in the chest, he was a pretty decent guy-

No, what was I thinking? That train of thought was too dangerous for me to entertain. It would sway my resolve, and I was resolved to get the heck off this island and back to my lover's arms.


That night, we had dinner as usual before Cain rushed off into his office, slamming the door shut behind him. He hadn't been himself throughout dinner. He'd been quiet, almost aloof. There had been no snide remarks or taunts, no questions about the nature of my life with Schneizel in prison, and no questionable accusations of betrayal directed at Schneizel. He hadn't even cracked jokes at my expense.

It was a 180 degrees shift from his personality earlier when we'd swum in the lake. In fact, he'd seemed oddly deflated after the swim, like he was low on energy.

As I turned on the PS4, an unrecognizable noise reached my ears, and it wasn't the PS4's lasers whirring to life.

It was coming from Cain's office.

I went to the door and slowly opened it, seeing as Cain hadn't locked it behind him. 

Cain was standing with his back to me. I opened my mouth to ask him what the sound was, then immediately closed it. Though the office was unlit, I could clearly see his form shaking. He didn't notice that I'd opened the door and was peeking in.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! How can it all be gone already?" It was my first time hearing genuine urgency in his voice.

Slowly, so as not to be noticed, I stepped closer to him to get a better look at what he was doing. I saw him vigorously shake a white medicine canister over his open palm, but nothing fell out of it. Angered, he tossed the canister aside and let out an inhuman growl.

He noticed me then.

"Who gave you permission to enter my office?"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" he roared, his roar ricocheting off the walls of his office.

I would have done what he wanted, but the sheer agony I saw reflected on his face stopped me from doing so. He was in pain again, just like that night.

"Are..." I hesitated, then quickly summoned my courage and asked, "Are you alright?"

Cain laughed, a humorless sound that grated on my ears. "What does it look like? I'm out of painkillers." Like an injured animal, I watched him limp to the chair at his desk. He practically fell into it.

For some reason, I did not like seeing him like this. I did not enjoy watching the man who kidnaped and held me hostage suffer.

Damn, I really am an idiot.

In my defense, he was also the man who bandaged me up (even though it was partially his fault I got hurt in the first place), made me steak dinners and allowed me freedom to roam and play around the island.

I sighed and rolled my eyes upward in a prayer for salvation. How had I not toughened up even a little bit during my stay in prison? "God give me strength." I murmured.

I went to stand in front of Cain's desk. Fists clenched, I asked, "What can I do to help? Do you want to call that doctor that stitched up my foot?"

Cain looked absolutely shocked. It seemed to momentarily distract him from his pain. "You would help me?"

I nodded. "I'll do anything." I belatedly realized it was a wrong choice of words, but the damage had already been done.

"Come here," he beckoned. A chill skittered down my spine at the new, feral look I saw in his darkened eyes.

"W-What?" I breathed. I already regretted offering help.

"Massage my leg."

The Prison (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now