Crimson Red

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Hey guy! How are you enjoying the story so far? If you like The Prison and Abyssal, you're going to looooove the new Patreon-exclusive short story I'm currently working on. It's under a new tier that's dedicated to the most debauched, NSFW short stories that my depraved mind can cook up >:) The first short story is called Black & Red:

Rating: R-Rated

Synopsis: If you ever wondered what the colors of obsession are, they're Black & Red.

Red is being hunted by the man who owns the world. Zephyr de Corbin, the World Imperator and King of Humanity, has decided that he must have Red as well.

Long ago, Red crossed swords with Zephyr and he'd left the duel a scarred and humiliated man. But instead of losing interest in Red once he'd defeated him like Zephyr was rumored to do, the World Imperator developed an all-consuming interest in the fiery sword master, for Red was the first challenger to make his blood boil and his loins stir. Very quickly, interest turned to an unholy obsession until Red was left with only two choices: either flee or become the tyrant imperator's possession.

Proud and headstrong, Red would rather freeze in the icy pits of Vetiruza itself before he lay in Zephyr's bed. He chooses to flee, abandoning his inheritance to save his honor, virtue and himself from the Imperator's corrupting hands.

Zephyr pursues, for Red plagues his thoughts and dreams, coming to him in the form of a sultry seductor, taunting and daring. As World Imperator, he hasn't lost a conquest yet, and Red would be no different. But first, he has to get his hands on his elusive prey.

Check it out if you're interested! ;D

Now onto the chapter!!!

Crimson Red

Blood from Raven's nose dripped down onto my face. I inwardly cringed. I was too afraid to open my mouth and speak lest some of his snot-blood got into my mouth.

"You little shit." Raven bore his bloodied teeth at me in a sneer and raised his fist in the air.

I closed my eyes, knowing what was coming. Agonizing pain exploded across the whole of my left cheek. I could already feel a dark bruise forming.

"I'm gonna make you pay for this." Raven promised, his voice hoarse and rough. Madness glowed in his eyes. The adrenaline faded and I began to feel fear. It seeped into my limbs, paralyzing me and formed a lump in my throat, choking me. Wide-eyed, I stared up into Raven's crazed eyes and bloody sneer and realized with a jolt that only one of us would survive this night.

He punched the living shit out of me again, then proceeded to tear at my uniform with one hand while the other hand was pinning both of mine high above my head.

"What are you doing?!"

Every time I would struggle, Raven would deliver another paralyzing blow. Soon, I was seeing him through blurred, darkened vision; I could barely keep my eyes open from how much my head swimming. The runny, metallic liquid oozing out of my nose told me that Raven had punched me one too many times. The fight in me was all gone now.

My mind barely registered that I was now completely naked except for the boots on my feet and the one chain attached to my right wrist. In these dire moments, I found myself thinking of a pair of beautiful blue-violet eyes. They appeared every time I blinked on the backs of my eyelids, as if tattooed there, forever burned into my memory.

Help me.

Raven tweaked my nipples so hard, he elicited a pained cry out me. His mouth swallowed the now red, sensitive bed. Thoroughly disgusted, I looked away. I wouldn't give the bastard the satisfaction of hearing me beg.

Help me, please!

Raven moved down my body, showering me with rough, wet kisses, biting and licking here and there. His teeth were too sharp, leaving tiny cuts and punctures all over. His tongue felt like sandpaper on my skin. His callused hands clumsily groped everywhere. It was torture. In my mind, I was screaming for him to stop, screaming for help, screaming for a reprieve from this hellish fate.

Was I finally about to get raped like I'd always been afraid of?

"Still haven't got it up, huh? Don't you worry your pretty head, Aiden. Once I start pounding that little asshole of yours, you can rest assured that you'll be feeling it all the way to your colon." He raked his nails across the pale flesh of my abdomen, drawing a cry out of my lips. "You think you're so special just because you're the King's new boytoy? Well, let me tell you something; you weren't his first and you sure as hell aren't going to be his last. Schneizel's had a taste of every cutsie boy such as yourself you see in this prison. A few of them won't mind you disappearing out of the way in order to get back with Schneizel again."

"Fuck you, Raven." I spat into his face out of sheer anger.

His tongue darted out to lick my saliva away, his eyes burning into my eyes.

"Well, if you insist." The crazy bastard grabbed my dick and started pumping like my member was a fucking clogged bottle of ketchup. I tensed, feeling violated rather than turned on. I was going to throw up.

I squeezed my eyes shut against the onslaught of nausea that crawled up my stomach, willing my body to not react.

Help me, Schneizel!

Something like an explosion went off and nearly burst my eardrums, reverberating in my skull. Something hot splattered across my face. I opened my eyes to see that Raven was no longer on top of me. My ears rang. I blinked up at the bright bulb.

What just happened?

I reached a hand up and wiped some of the mysterious liquid off my face then looked at it. Looked really, really hard at it. Red. It was crimson red. I blinked a few times as realization dawned on me. My heart seized. I inhaled sharply, so sharply that I tasted my own blood at the back of my throat. Slowly –very slowly—I turned my head to the side. Vacant eyes stared back at me. I looked away, feeling the room grow smaller. The walls were closing in on me again. I was terrified.


At the sound of his voice, my heart soared. I sat up and saw him at the door, his broad shoulders practically filling the doorway. Unthinkingly, I got up, swayed, stumbled, straightened, then raced to him. I reached out a hand for him. The damned chain tugged me back. I didn't resist; I'd already exhausted my few remaining ounces of strength. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall, welcoming the darkness that engulfed me all at once like a blackhole, shutting down my senses. But before I was completely out cold though, I realized that I never hit the ground.

And I was also right about thinking that only one of us would survive the night.

Raven was dead.   

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