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Someone nearby was getting a blowjob, and if the disturbing groans he was making were any indication; he was having the time of his life. I had never wished I was deaf before, but now the ridiculous notion couldn't stop crossing my mind as I desperately pressed my pillow against my ears in a vain attempt to thwart the revolting sucking sounds.

Suddenly it was quiet.

I blinked. Had it ended?

Too soon, I let out a relieved sigh and rearranged myself on the bunk so that I was more comfortable, considering my fractured arm and all. Maybe I could rest my eyes for a little bit now...

Another sound drifted to my ears. A blush crept up my neck and infused my cheeks until my face radiated heat. I squeezed my eyes shut against the terrible onslaught of images the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and horny cries and pleas elicited, mortified.

I supposed it was useless to wonder where the guards were. It had already been made very clear to me who the true voice of authority here was. The guards, more or less, were apparently just for show; perhaps no better than the inmates they invigilated.

Overly excited moans and pleas for the unspeakable threatened to give me nightmares for life. It wasn't that I was a homophobe, but I wasn't prepared for it.

Had they no shame, engaging in... in...?! And in an open place where anyone could just happen upon them!

"...use the baton too..."

I squeezed my eyes even harder and started humming, trying to drown out the sounds but ultimately failing.

"...harder, faster..."

I covered my face with my one hand, utterly miserable.

"Oh God, yes! Yes! Ah! Yes!"

I disappeared under the covers, flushed.

"...inside me...!"

A long, hoarse cry ricocheted of the block's walls, and then all was quiet again. I let out an extremely agitated groan, wanting to be anywhere in the world but in my cell.

Only I couldn't.

Schneizel had locked the cell's door before he left with a dismissive motion of his hand before a hanging CCTV camera. Being King apparently gave him the power to roam about even though it was lock-up time.

The memory of what had transpired between us returned to me. Mortified, I groaned. What had possessed me to let him do what we did? The way he had looked at me.... No one had ever looked at me like that before. I was ashamed to admit that my cock had gotten hard. I closed my eyes again against a fresh wave of mortification and embarrassment.

Stumbling footsteps alerted me to an approaching presence. A guard slowly passed by my cell, his appearance disheveled, unkempt and wild. His uniform had been left unbuttoned at the front and it looked as if it had been haphazardly crumbled and tossed to the floor. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of him awkwardly walking –more like stumbling, a strange smile on his face. There was something dribbling down a corner of his mouth, something thick and white...

As if sensing my dubious eyes on him, he paused and turned to look at me, a sated look in his eyes.

There was no doubt it my mind what this particular guard had been doing just minutes ago.

He gave me a toothy, shameless grin that spoke volumes and I blanched.

He seemed to notice the brazen evidence of his tryst trailing down his chin only then. I watched, still as a mouse, as his tongue darted out and licked it away.

"When the King is done with you, maybe we you and I can have a good time together. Fresh fish is always the best."

Suddenly I was very glad the cell was locked.

His grin infuriated me. I wanted more than anything to plant my fist square onto his jaw and wipe that shameless grin off his face. Luckily, he was gone before I did something rash that I would regret.

I gulped, feeling sick to my stomach. What the heck was going on? How did I suddenly become the target of sexual harassment for the depraved inmates of this prison? To me, it didn't look like they needed me. They were doing a fine job sating each other by themselves!

"Dammit!" I growled, throwing the covers over me once more in an attempt to escape this debauched joke of a reality.

Time went by painfully slowly. I stayed like that, unmoving, until my body ached and protested and I had to shift and find a comfortable position again. Maybe it was the boredom that caused my mind to wander to thoughts of my cellmate, the most feared man for miles and miles. The man who'd thankfully interpreted a big mistake had mentioned something about a shipment arriving when he came to call his boss. A shipment of... drugs?

Schneizel. The man himself was an enigma. Jaded. Complicated. Cruel. Unrepentant. Yet beautiful. Striking. Commanding an air of authority seldom were capable of. Mesmerizing. So mesmerizing he plagued my every thought until I even saw those changing eyes of his behind my closed eyelids, as if they'd been tattooed there.

And apparently, I was under his protection. I couldn't even begin to fathom why he'd want to protect someone like me. Unless....

An unsettling image flashed through my mind that jolted me out of my reverie. I paled, completely and utterly horrified at the thought of me on my knees before Schneizel, his hand gripping my hair and urging me toward his exposed shaft.

I shook my head till I felt dizzy, flabbergasted. Why would I even imagine such a thing?! And with a cold-blooded murderer of all people!

I gingerly rose off the bunk, careful not to bang my head or disturb my bandages, and headed to the sink attached to the opposite wall. I half expected the water to be full of rust, but the water running down the tap seemed as clean as the water back home. I splashed my heated face with it and drank a little from the tap, but I didn't feel refreshed at all.

"Why the long face?"

Startled, I jumped and turned to face the door. Schneider grinned back at me. Standing right beside him was Cade.

"Hey. I would let you in but the cell is lock—"

All Schneider had to do was simply wave a hand in front of the same camera his brother had waved to earlier for the cell's door to slide open.

"Hey! I tried that like twenty times but it wouldn't open!" I protested, already knowing the answer.

"They don't just obey anyone, you know," Schneider informed as he strolled into the cell and climbed onto his twin brother's bunk.

Cade leaned against a wall, his eyes trained pointedly on me. I got the feeling he wanted to ask me something but was reluctant to.

"So, how's the arm?" Schneider extracted a can of beer from a plastic bag I hadn't noticed he was holding before.

"I took some painkillers. It's better now, I guess," I told him, spotting the chair by the table from the corner of my eye. I went to it, pulled it from under the table and straddled it backwards, careful not to hurt myself. In truth, I wanted to hide the bandages; this wasn't the place to show any kind of weakness neither to friend nor foe.

"Good, cause we're here to talk to you about something important."

Immediately, I tensed in reaction, already knowing I wouldn't like whatever it was they were here to talk about.

The Prison (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now