Stockholm Syndrome

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 Stockholm Syndrome

"Did you forget about my ever-watchful companion?"

"I'm going to google KFC's chicken recipe, deep fry you and eat you with ketchup!" I roared at the stupid black bird sitting on Cain's left shoulder. It simply eyed me with familiar disdain. I'd forgotten about the parrot; it was so easy to since the last time I'd seen him was the first time he'd tattletaled on me.

Cain chuckled at my fit of rage, dismissing it as if he were dismissing a child's tantrum. While I remained standing in the cabin's living room, he was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, the picture of calm. He didn't even look worried.

It didn't make any sense. Only a fool would not fear Schneizel. Or someone with a plan.

"How can you be so relaxed, knowing Schneizel is just a few miles away?" I asked, incredulous. Angry, I asked, "Have you gone mad?"

"You think I'm the one who should be worried?"


"It's Schneizel that should be worried. After all, I have something he wants." He smiled sadistically at me, causing goosebumps to erupt across my skin.

"I won't let you use me against him."

"I'm afraid that's not for you to decide."

"I'm sick and tired of men like you deciding things about me that you have no right to decide!" I burst out, seething. I was so furious that I wanted to hurl the nearest heavy thing at his head. I'd been so close to Schneizel -a single call away- when I was snatched again. Then again, when did I ever catch a breather? My life was turning out into a black-and-white tragedy film and there was nothing that I could do about it, no matter how hard I tried. It seemed that in my story, the bad guy would win over the... slightly better guy.

"You let Schneizel decide things for you."

"That's because he hasn't kidnapped me! Oh, and he's my boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend. I know about your little breakup; in fact, I'm thankful for it. I would not have never gotten my hands on you otherwise. It's funny, isn't it?"

Warily, I asked, "What?"

"Schneizel thought he was doing the best thing for you by letting you go. He didn't stop to think that you had already been tainted by him. From the moment you became his boyfriend -or is it bitch in prison? -you became a target for all his enemies. That's the kind of man he is; poisonous."

I didn't say anything and simply remained standing with my mouth closed. I hated how he was sort of right. All my troubles began not long after leaving prison. If Schneizel had not suddenly developed a conscience on me, none of this would have happened. If he had just let me stay alongside him...

"You see, me on the other hand, I would have never, ever let you go." When he rose from the sofa, the bird flew away. He came to stand in front of me. "I would have treasured you, kept you close." He raised a hand and traced his fingers gently against my cheekbone.

"You... would have?" I looked beseechingly into his eyes.

He grabbed me by the forearms and confirmed, "Yes. I would have done anything and everything to make sure you stayed in that prison with me. Forever. Schneizel is a damn fool to have let you go."

I let him bring me into his arms.

"What should I do?" I asked him, my head resting right over his thumping heart.

"Be mine. I promise I'll take care of you. I have all that Schneizel has. I'll give you anything you want; you need only ask it," he assured me confidently.

Tears flowed freely down my face. I hadn't even realized I was crying until Cain wiped away my tears. Holding my face in his hands, he leaned in to kiss me.

I let him.

It was a brief kiss to test the waters.

Holding me at arm's length, Cain said, "You should be happy, Aiden. This story has finally reached its climax. Soon, it'll all be over."


Cade's P.O.V

As I slashed a few long-hanging branches with a machete and emerged through the thick foliage, I asked Schneizel, "Was it just me, or did I hear Aiden's screaming voice just now?" I couldn't be sure, especially with all the thunder rumbling unceasingly overhead.

"It was Aiden's voice. He was on top of that cliff a few seconds ago, but Cain got to him before you could see him."

I gaped at Schneizel, incredulous. I blinked, then scanned him from head to toe. Had one of these low-hanging branches smacked him in the head? Or was the jungle heat getting to him? But it was raining and cold! "Are you telling me you saw Aiden and Cain, but didn't so much as blink in reaction?"

"I chose not to react," he corrected nonchalantly.

I nearly lost my mind. I could certainly feel the cracks forming in my brain. "Why on Earth would you do that?!"

"For starters, they were on the cliff. I may be strong, but not even I can scale a cliff in five seconds." He turned away from me and continued walking.

Schneizel was playing mind games with the enemy again, I realized. It was his favorite thing to do, and part of the reason why he was such a fearsome and dangerous man. Outward, he was an iceberg, cold and unaffected, when inside he was anything but. It was when his anger boiled to the surface and he exploded, shooting a million deadly icicles in all directions, that he was his deadliest.

Too bad his mind games tended to affect those closest to him. I only prayed that Aiden had the strength of mind and will to survive what was coming. What Aiden did or did not do would play a part in writing the end of this story.

"Do not tarry, Cade. We have to make it to the other side of the island before sunrise. Let's not make it easy for those following us to get to us. And while we're at it, let's give those watching us a good show." 



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