Caught in the Act

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The veiny monstrosity hovered directly in front of my face, commanding attention like a nun in a brothel. I stared at the huge dick —Schneider's huge dick—wide-eyed, speechless and completely and utterly horrified. It was an exact replica of Schneizel's.

My cheeks flared.

My cock twitched in my pants.

I gasped.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I instinctively pulled my face away, distancing myself from it as much as possible as if it were a python—wait, it really was a python. I scurried back on my ass to the other side of the bed until my back met the cold, metallic headboard, my heart thumping in my throat.

"Just suck it, Aiden." Schneider, with a hand wrapped around the base, wagged his cock at me. I was instantly consumed by the urge to slap it away. I wasn't sure what was more terrifying: the situation I'd suddenly and without warning found myself in, or the fact that Schneider had a completely serious look on his face.

He wasn't kidding; he really did want me to suck his dick as a sexual orientation test!

"I-I won't!" I sputtered, spit and all, feeling the heat rise to my ears.

"Don't be stubborn." Schneider reached for me. I shrieked like a banshee. He grabbed my nape with a hand and jerked me forward. I shoved back against his hand, my spine tightening and straining against his superhuman strength. I only lasted a few seconds before Schneider jerked me again and I lost my balance, falling forward.

My lips touched the tip. My heart stuttered. My eyes flew to Schneider's amused ones.

Damn him, he was enjoying this!

"Just hurry up and do it, Aiden, so we can both get this over with. I'm taking a huge risk for you here. You better appreciate it."

"No one's asking you to! You're going to get us both killed!"

Just thinking about what Schneizel would do to us if he found out... I shuddered.

"I'll protect you," he grinned insolently.

Sighing in surrender, I looked at it. Schneider's cock— Schneizel's cock....

My own member twitched again and started to swell most uncomfortably.

Schneider's cock... What would it taste like? It was ridiculous to even assume that Schneider's would taste like Schneizel's, but if they looked exactly the same, would they not taste similar?

I glanced at the cell's door. Things had already quieted down in the block and the 'orgy' had ended a while ago, it seemed. I looked at it again. Would this really put an end to all the doubts that constantly swarmed my head? Probably not, but who the fuck was judging me anymore? I was already in fucking prison. I supposed it was worth a try.

"Fine. But you asked for it and this is my first time willingly sucking dick, so if you say anything or complain, I'll bite it off."

"What do you mean 'willingly'?"

Ignoring his raised eyebrow and slightly alarmed look, I tentatively wrapped a shaking hand around the base, the crisp, blond curls brushing against my fingers, then quickly realized that a single hand wasn't sufficient to hold all of him. My hands didn't even fully wrap around him. I stuck my tongue out and licked the tip. He tasted a little sour, but not entirely unpleasant. Would Schneizel's cock taste like this? I licked him again, this time more boldly, on the underside. The popping, throbbing veins tickled my tongue. Emboldened, I started slobbering all over him, getting him all wet and worked up, while I pumped him with my hands. In my mind, every notable porn video I watched was replayed and I took inspiration from the women in those videos, mimicking their movements and their techniques. I felt him start to quiver beneath my touch. It filled me with a sense of power —that I somehow held sway over him by holding his most sensitive part. It was intoxicating.

My stomach started to tremble.

"Put your whole mouth around me," he grunted.

I obeyed, taking the pink tip into my mouth.

"More," he demanded breathlessly, gently pushing my head forward until I'd swallowed him up to where my second hand was wrapped. He was so big that I felt my jaw straining to accommodate all of him. Nevertheless, I worked up and down his rod like my life depended on it. The feeling of tip of his dick striking against the back of my throat was so surreal. Soon, nasty squelching sounds could be heard all the way from outside the cell.

It seemed that it was now our turn to put on a show for the rest of the prison.

As shamefully as it sounded, the thought of being watched was getting wetter and harder. The bulge in my own pants was already straining against the constricting fabric.

Not even five minutes later, I felt Schneider start to shudder, on the brink of release.

I pulled away immediately, his dick slipping out of my mouth with a wet pop that echoed in the cell.

"Aiden!" he whined, clearly disappointed at being denied the chance to empty himself straight into my stomach.

"I'm not letting you cum down my throat!" I protested, disgusted by the very thought.

"Why not? You looked like you were enjoying it."

I froze. Schneider turned into a statue. His dick went limp in my hands.

It wasn't Schneider who'd said that but his twin brother, none other than the King of the Prison From where he was leaning against the cell's door, watching us with his arms folded. 


Show of hands, how many of you saw that ending coming and were inwardly SCREAMING? XDI bet you wish you had a time machine so you could travel to next week and read the next chapter ;P Well, no need for that. Instead consider joining my Patreon for early access to chapters, exclusive NSFW chapters and drawing and so much more! ;D 

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