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The moment you thirsty hoes have all been waiting for. Mature content warning!


Schneizel swallowed me whole. My hands fisted in the air. I let out a cry and arched into him again. I squeezed my eyes shut and stiffened against shiver after powerful shiver of absolute pleasure. It was all I could do not to nut in his mouth right then and there.

Once the shivers subsided a little, I peeled my eyes open and met his eyes. They were pitch black. He was staring up at me with a look in his eyes that made my stomach turn with anticipation.

His head bobbed as he expertly worked me until I thought I would burst. What was undoubtedly a mind-numbing orgasm began to build up deep inside me. It wouldn't be long now before I came long and hard. I started to close my eyes, anticipating it.

"Look at me." He released my cock with a pop and growled. "I told you to look at me as I suck you off."

I did as I was ordered.

He released my cock again, stuck two fingers into his mouth, wet them with saliva, then swallowed my cock immediately after he pulled his fingers out of his mouth. I felt a finger probe at my asshole. I immediately tensed. It slid in with minimal resistance; the finger was slick with Schneizel's spit. I moaned when the other finger slid in. Almost forcefully, he finger-fucked me.

"Schneizel... I'm..."

I was at the edge. I could feel my balls tightening.

"Schneizel, let go..." I was about to explode. If Schneizel didn't release my cock right this second-

But he continued to suck and lick as if his existence depended on it.

I came. It was like a starburst. My vision went black then white. I screamed my lungs out and nearly shot off the bed if it weren't for Schneizel and the handcuffs holding me there. Schneizel swallowed every drop of cum to the very last drop. Tears of pure ecstasy flowed down my cheeks.

When I opened my eyes again five minutes later, he was on top of me.

"Forgive me, Aiden. I can't wait any longer." Schneizel was naked, his clothes nowhere in sight. In one hand he held his massive horsecock, furious and swollen, demanding release. It dripped precum onto my navel. My mouth watered at the sight of it.

"Will it fit?" I asked in a panicked voice, a new kind of fear overtaking me. I was afraid it would hurt. And I knew it would; I had a virgin asshole. I began to struggle against the handcuffs. "Would you take these off? They're starting to hurt."

He ignored me and brought his cock to my twitching asshole, then looked at me. "I'll go slowly." he promised.

I swallowed. There was little else I could expect from him. I was just going to have to man it up and take it, quite literally.

"Relax. Loosen up," he told me, then bent down to give me another hot, wet kiss that made the hair on my nape stand on edge.

I felt the head of his cock started to enter my asshole. I reflexively tensed.

"Don't," he growled against my lips and bit my lower one. I whimpered against him, but tried my hardest to relax.

I took in another inch of him before the pain began to rear its ugly head. I tensed again, unable to completely relax.

"Wait, Schneizel, wai—" I mumbled against his lips, shaking and trembling as if I were a leaf on a branch on a windy day. I kept on trying to unclench, but I'd reflexively clench again when the pain speared me. It was a lousy place to hurt.

"Dammit!" he growled, his voice dangerously low.

In one thrust, Schneizel buried all 8+ plus inches of him in my asspussy. I cried out, but he swallowed my cry. More tears trickled down my cheeks freely. The pain nearly made me faint. As soon as he released my lips, I gasped for air as the walls of my asshole stretched to accommodate him. The sensation of having something up my backside was completely foreign to me, especially something so big. How could he possibly be so huge?

"Damn you, Schneizel." I grit out past clenched teeth. "You're going to split me apart."

He licked my tears away then said, "Sorry. I couldn't wait..."

Slowly, very slowly, he pulled out of me until only his head was inside. I groaned, because even that hurt. Then, inch by inch, he pushed into me, much slower than before. He repeated the act. It slowly became uncomfortable, then the discomfort began to subside. When he repeated it a fifth time, the pain was replaced by something else entirely. Something different. It was a new type of pleasure I had never felt before. It felt good.

Schneizel didn't fail to notice this. He picked up his pace. His thrusts became more powerful until he was pounding into my ass with all his might. The bed rocked with us. My head slammed against the metal headboard with each thrust.

"Fuck! Fuck! Schneizel, fuck!" I cried, completely immersed in the pleasure it was bringing me.

My toes curled and my eyeballs disappeared into my head.

"It's your first time and you're coming from just being assfucked? How lewd."

"Schut uhp...!"

It was building up again; a climax that would surely throw me to the ground this time.

Schneizel began to hit a certain spot inside me, making me scream, "Not there! Not there!" My vision began to blur and darken at the edges again. He wrapped a hand around my cock and began to pump it. At the same time, I felt his cock pulse inside me. He, too, was close.

"Come with me, Aiden." he said into my ear. I barely managed to nod and close my eyes just as a chaotic wave swept over us both. We exploded at the same time. I cried out and arched. Schneizel grunted, then pumped his thick, hot cum inside me spurt after hot spurt. My own cum covered my abdomen and belly. Behind me eyelids, I saw twinkling stars. He collapsed on top of me, weighing me down into the mattress. He was heavy, but I had no energy left in me to utter a word of protest.

Schneizel uncuffed me while his face was buried in the cradle of my neck. Together, we drifted off to sleep.


When I finally reach the complete sex scene between two characters I've been dying to see bong, I fire a cannon into the ocean or shoot from my rifle into the sky at diagonal tilt so the bullet doesn't come down and kill anyone.


Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! I tried to keep it as explicit as I could, but a bunch of it had to go. The uncensored version is on my Patreon, as well as the next chapter for early access privileges. ;) 

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