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Cade's P.O.V

"Why the hell are we on a tanker instead of your boat? This thing is slower than a dry stool." I finally broke down and complained to Schneizel, who was watching the island through some military issue binoculars. It had been days since we left New York, and I never thought I'd miss dry land this much. Another wave of sickening nausea assaulted me; it seemed that the sea was not my element.

"Somehow, I doubt we'll be unnoticeable on my superyacht. The point is to get as close to the island as possible without being spotted. The element of surprise is crucial."

"An oil tanker is unnoticeable?" I arched a questioning brow at him, not that he was looking at me to see it.

"An oil tanker that's seemingly passing by is inconspicuous. It blends in. It won't raise Cain's guard." he patiently explained, still peering through the binoculars.

Ten minutes later, Schneizel was still staring into the binoculars, as if he were fascinated by some sight.

"I doubt you'll find Aiden standing on the beach; he's probably being kept deep inside the island."

"Think again."

Schneizel shoved the binoculars at my chest as he walked by. Shrugging, I brought them to my eyes and scanned the island for any signs of Aiden. Not a second after, I spotted him. He was standing on the beach staring back at us, unsupervised. "You've got to be kidding me." I grinned.

"Take us to the other side of the island." I turned around to see Schneizel handing the captain of the ship the black briefcase filled with mint money I'd prepared. We'd bribed the captain of a prominent oil company ship to steer off course for a few days and get us as close to this island as possible. He'd then blame his tardiness on a storm or a malfunction in the ship which took a few days to repair. Of course, he didn't need a job anymore, not for a very long time.

The captain nodded obediently and walked away in the direction of the bridge, about a million dollars richer.

Since Aiden was taken by Cain, Schneizel had turned into an absolute demon. He was already cold-blooded to begin with, but losing his love had unleashed a storm in his heart of apocalyptic proportions that had laid waste to all in his path. I'd never seen him like that before, and frankly, it was uncomfortable watching him. As far as I knew, he rarely slept, hardly ate, and spent most of his days tirelessly hunting for clues of Aiden's whereabouts with a single-minded focus and determination that would put the greatest minds on this planet to shame. And when he did find clues, it was open hunting season. Everyone he'd found connected to Aiden's kidnapping was now dead, no exceptions.

Now that we've located Aiden's exact location, I would finally have relief just as soon as he was freed. And I'd get to some much-needed sleep. All this running around and spying was making me miss prison.

For the first time in months, I saw Schneizel smile. Even thought it was one terrifying, diabolical-looking smile, I was not going to complain.


Aiden's P.O.V

I heard him coming toward me before I heard him say, "What are you doing?" It sounded more accusatory than usual.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm sitting on the beach," I replied in monotone. I dug a hand through the sand, sifting through it. Something in the sand pinched me and I jumped and yelped. Muttering darkly, I brought the pinched finger to my mouth and sucked on it.

"Get back inside the cabin."

At the unusual command, I finally looked at Cain. His expression was dark, cautious. It was highly unusual for him to care about what I did around the island, at least before his precious dinner time. So, what had brought on this change of temperament?

He wasn't looking at me. I followed his line of sight and saw that his suspicious gaze was fixated on oil tanker far in the horizon.

"Relax, it's just a tanker, not the coast guard here to rescue me from this... prison," I said morosely, my voice full of bitterness.


"Okay, okay," I tossed the sand in my fist at the ocean and rose to my feet. "Tell me you at least made dinner."


Tonight, Cain didn't show up for dinner.

As I passed by the stove on my way out of the kitchen, I saw that he'd made steak for me. He was telling me to not wait for him and have dinner.

I went looking for him in his office. When I tried the handle, I discovered that the door unlocked.

I froze, stunned by the discovery. Cain never left his office unlocked. Ever.

Was this a trap?

Even if it was, could I really let this chance to take a peek at what he considered 'forbidden grounds' slip by?

Determined, I opened the door and saw that the office was empty. Biting my lower lip in nervousness, I peered over my shoulder at the living room, searching for a sign of a handsome villain. Only when I was sure that the coast was clear did I push the door open and rush to his desk. Hastily, I rummaged through the many, many drawers -what kind of ugly ass desk had fifteen drawers?!

I was desperately looking for a telephone, or maybe even a miraculous red button to hit that would summon the coast guard. Anything to get me off this godforsaken island and off of blowjob duty.

When I pulled the sixth drawer, it wouldn't budge from its place. My eyes narrowed suspiciously. I tried all the other drawers and saw that they were all unlocked and contained random, particularly unimportant things like stationary and stacks of papers looking like contracts. So why was this one locked?

Frowning, I searched around me for a key, or something to break the lock with. I spotted the silver letter opener on the desk and grabbed it. I tried to stick it into the keyhole and unlock it, but the opener alone was not enough. I slid the potential weapon into my pocket and went searching for another item to open the drawer with. My eyes fell on a stack of papers at a corner of his desk. The papers themselves were inconsequential (some bills and invoices), but the paperclip holding the papers together would prove most useful.

I unbent and bent the paperclip into a long wire with a small 'hook' at the end. Instead of a screwdriver, I had the letter opener. I'd come across a reddit page a few years back that was talking about lock-picking, and I'd taken some mental notes for no reason. Thank God for the internet. As the thread instructed, I applied slight 'rotational pressure' with the letter opener by twisting it left and right. Simultaneously. I pushed the paperclip into the lock and then pulled it out continuously, creating a 'pistoling' motion. All the while, my heart was thumping painfully in my chest. I was afraid that Cain would walk in and find me trying to lock-pick his drawer. He'd make me take it up the ass as punishment; it was already hard enough blowing him whenever he pleased.

Finally, I felt the lock give. Hallelujah.

Inside the drawer, I found a worn out, torn and re-taped photograph. 


Guess who. I've finally started The Cage, the second book of the The Prison Series on my Patreon for all tiers! Join my Patreon to find the entirety of The Prison and start reading The Cage and so much more like exclusive NSFW content!

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