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His other arm snaked around my torso and pulled me deeper into him, deeper into the kiss. It was a mind-numbing, knee-buckling kiss of claiming, a kiss of branding. As soon as our lips touched, his tongue darted out, seeking entrance into the cavern of my mouth, and I had no choice but to grant it. It ignited my senses, setting ablaze every nerve ending in my body. I moaned against him, and when he finally released the hand that he'd been holding high in the air, I buried my fists in the front of his shirt, gripping onto him for dear. I was so starved for his touch and attention that I let him have his way with me.

All the while, I could feel the gazes of our audience burning holes in the side of my face. My cheeks could not get any redder.

When he finally broke the kiss at least a full minute later, he leaned into my ear and whispered, "You will later show me where he touched you."

Oh, not this again!

My only response was to shudder in his arms like an untouched virgin.

Focus, Aiden!

Right. Focus on making sure my boyfriend didn't kill his ex-boyfriend. That statement alone made me question the reality of my life these days.

"Schneizel," I pulled away from him and took a few steps back before looking into his eyes and saying, "Please don't hurt Cain."

"You plead for his life." It was not a question, nor did he sound surprised.

"I do." I nodded.


"Because I've already forgiven him."

"And I should too?"

"Yes. His resentment and grudge towards you are all the result of a stupid misunderstanding. I know he's caused you a lot of pain, shot you and-"

"And took that which is mine."

"-and took that which is... hey, I'm my own person! But you have to find it in you to forgive him. Please."

"And why do I, when he hasn't even bothered to apologize himself for his own actions, and is instead opting to use you as a shield?"

Schneizel had a point there.

I sent a pointed look Cain's way, who looked ready to disagree with me all in the name of his pride. I glared at him until he finally relented.

"Schneizel," Cain began, then looked away. Clearly, having to apologize to Schneizel was eating him up. Just when I thought he'd changed his mind, he said, "That day when my family attacked yours, I lost my dream. You know I wanted to be a runner in the national track team more than anything. We talked about it for hours, days, months, remember? It was all I ever wanted. And then I got shot in the kneecap and my dream went to shit."

"The loss of your dream is not my fault." As soon as I noticed Schneizel getting angry, I took his hand in mine and squeezed it, mentally urging him to calm down and listen.

He calmed down.

"I... I know that now. But for so long, I held a grudge against you that was fueled by my misery and resentment. I sought to hurt you whatever way I could. When I got news about Aiden, that you... had feelings for him, I wanted to make you feel real loss the way I did. I know now that I was wrong, and an idiot." Cain turned away from us, a pained expression of guilt and regret knitting his eyebrows together. Even a blind person could see that his regret was genuine.

"Give me proof so that I can believe you."


"I want proof that you won't betray us and come after us again if I let you go."


Aiden's P.O.V

"I want proof, Cain. Or I kill you right now." Schneizel said in all seriousness without batting an eyelash.

"I don't know how to give you proof." Cain admitted, meeting Schneizel's gaze. A moment of silence ensued, disturbed only by the loud sound of my heart hammering against my chest. I was so worried that bullets of sweat rolled down the side of my face. All this tension couldn't be good for my health.

What did Cain have to do to prove to Schneizel that he'd reformed himself and no longer posed a threat?

The undergrowth rustled.

Oh, what is it now?!

It was Cain's army, that was what. In a matter of seconds, we were completely surrounded by over two dozen fully-armed, camouflage-wearing men, with no chance of escape. Their faces were covered in black war paint, and the forbidding expressions on their faces foretold doom and death. I was no gun expert, but I was pretty sure that they had Uzis. Instinctively, I inched closer to Schneizel as three menacing-looking men approached Cade, who was still pointing his gun at Cain.

Cade cursed, threw his gun away and raised his hands high in the air in surrender.

I thought Cain had called off his men!

Had all that heartfelt confession and everything he said been a total and complete lie? Was he just trying to buy time until his men arrived and they swarmed us? Had I been betrayed?

I suddenly had the overwhelming urge to puke. Because of my insistence and foolishness, I'd doomed us all! How could I have been so foolish?! I'd actually talked Schneizel into sparing him when he had the advantage!

I surreptitiously glanced at the gun on the ground. It was right next to my feet, but there was no way that I could bend down and grab it before eating about twenty-four bullets first.

Aiden, you fucking idiot.

"Boss, what are your orders?" One of the camouflaged men addressed Cain in a heavy Irish accent. He looked just about ready to gun us all down upon the merest indication from his master.

Terrified of what was about to go down, my head whipped to Cain.

Don't! Please, don't!

As if sensing my gaze on him, he looked at me. I saw that he was waging an inner war, torn between fulfilling a grudge he'd held for a very long time, and doing the right thing. It was written all over his face for all to see. The intoxicating, blood-fueling urge to get revenge was within his grasp, poisoning his heart against us.

But it wasn't too late just yet. Perhaps a nudge in the right direction would help him decide in our favor.

"This is your chance to prove yourself." I told him softly.

He said, "You're right. This is my chance." 


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