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Schneider pulled out a smartphone, unlocked it, and then handed it to me. All three of us leaned in to watch the black and white camera recording of a familiar corner of the library.

A few seconds passed before I saw Schneizel walk up to a shelf and select a book. Then the conniving Hazel emerged. Schneizel turned around and said something to him. Hazel replied, suddenly appearing distraught and quite livid. He talked expressively, his hands moving all over the place. Though I couldn't be 100% sure because of the recording's quality, Schneizel seemed to be ignoring him. Not once, but twice did Hazel reach for Schneizel, but Schneizel shoved him away, rather forcibly the second time. Suddenly, both heads turned in the same direction –the direction that I would be coming from.

And just like Schneider had claimed, Hazel jumped Schneizel the moment I walked into the camera's view and locked lips with a surprised –and reluctant—Schneizel.

Tears stung the corners of my eyes. Relief washed over me like a tidal wave, putting out the terrible, raging fire that had burned in my heart since yesterday.

"Why are you crying?" Schneider exclaimed, surprised. "Aren't you happy my brother isn't cheating on you?"

Embarrassed, I lowered my head and swiped at my tears with the back of my hands.

I was wrong. I was wrong about everything, thank God! Schneizel didn't betray me. It was all just a big misunderstanding, exactly like the one I saw -and often mocked- in movies!

Which meant that I had been unfair to Schneizel by accusing him unjustly.

"Well, now I feel stupid," I muttered.

"Yup, you are. Don't you know how much my brother loves you?" Schneider rolled his eyes, but not before I saw relief in their depths.

I really needed to apologize as soon as possible. I was furious at the world for accusing me falsely, and yet I'd gone and done the same to Schneizel. I hadn't even given him a chance to explain himself. I felt absolutely terrible and like the biggest hypocrite.

"But why would Hazel do something like this? What have I ever done to him?!" I felt renewed anger at that petty creature. Oh, what I wouldn't give to wring his little neck.

"Isn't it obvious?"

I shook my head no.

He sighed and explained, "He's envious that Schneizel has eyes only for you. He's been 'upset' about being dumped, and he's made a few attempts at getting back with Schneizel. But they weren't out of undying love. Everyone here knows that Hazel latches on to the toughest dog like a leech and feeds off of him till the next top guy comes along." Schneider explained, then he excused himself and left the room.

I looked down at the table.

"Oh, no," I breathed. I was still being released, whether I liked it or not, and now I really didn't like it!

I looked up at Julian with my distress visible in my eyes. Realizing what I was about to ask, my lawyer shook his head, "I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done. This is going to happen. I suggest you make peace with your lover before the boat leaves this afternoon."

Julian started to rise.

My heart lurched.

Wait a minute. This was Schneizel's prison, isn't it? He could do something about this. He could keep me in here! He has to be able to!

I didn't want to leave, and that was the god honest truth. I wanted to stay here with Schneizel, the man I loved. If it meant that I'd stay locked up forever, then that was fine. Wherever Schneizel was, I would be too. Besides, with him and his 'privileges' around, life here wasn't so bad -except for the occasional kidnapping, of course.

"I'm going to wait for Schneizel to come. Schneider said his brother's on his way here," I told him stubbornly.

Julian nodded. "I'll let the guards know you're waiting for him. Goodbye, Aiden, and good luck."

The door closed after my lawyer with a slam.


I waited and waited and waited until noon came and it was time for the boat to leave. Guards came to escort me out of the Prison from Hell and off the island. Heedless of my protests, they practically dragged me out and onto the bus that would take me to the boat. I protested tearily the whole way.

Schneizel never came to say goodbye.


Cade's P.O.V

"I can't believe you are letting him get away. I thought you loved this one," I grunted, obvious displeasure marring my forehead, my eyebrows drawn together in a furry frown. I watched the sullen figure walk toward the waiting bus, and I could see that figure had his shoulders hunched. Clearly, Aiden wasn't happy about being let go either.

If I could see it, why couldn't Schneizel?

I glanced at Schneizel who stood right next to me from the corner of one eye, deeply surprised by his actions. I knew how possessive he was; it wasn't like him to let go of that which he considered belonging to him.

The glow of a dozen CCTV screens cast a bluish haze on Schneizel's face, bringing to attention every taut line marring his attractive face. A deep sadness had settled across his features, making him look like he'd aged years in the span of a day.

"The woman responsible for putting him in this dump finally decided to do right by him. She's offered him another chance at a decent life, a real life. This place would have destroyed him, drained his soul. How can I stand in the way of that?"

"Right," Cade said slowly, "Why do I feel you have something to do with that?"

Schneizel remained suspiciously silent, watching Aiden reach the bus and step into it.

"But why would you let him leave thinking you cheated on him? And with that human fungus Hazel no less."

It was old news that I had no love to spare for that hazel-eyed, unoriginal bitch who went by the name Hazel. As a matter of fact, I had never liked him since the time he was Schneizel's bitch. All of Schneizel's previous bitches were partly with him because of the elevated position in prison 'society' they received by being with Schneizel, but Hazel was something else entirely. The little cunt devised disgusting ways to use Schneizel for his benefit, and even went so far as to leech off of Schneizel's business.

"How else would I get him to leave? He was already getting too... attached."

I let out a huff of air in exasperation. "You mean he loves you."

The bus' exhaust puffed out a large, grey cloud as the old bus roared to life.

Just when I thought he wouldn't reply, he said, "Yes, and I love him. Which is why I must let him go." There was so much misery and defeat laced with Schneizel's words that my tongue was tied.

I could think of nothing in reply, because he was probably right, which was a damn shame; I was starting to like the kid. But even I knew that this place was not for someone like Aiden.

Together, we watched the bus drive away in silence until it finally disappeared from all the screens. 


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