Going Berserk

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Going Berserk

The brothers fought like demons. With every punch they threw, blood went flying into the air, splattering the walls and concrete floor. They hit each other with unrestrained strength and unnecessary violence, like two wolves going at each other's throats. Their eyes glowed like flint, murderous intent flashing in them. Inhuman growls and roars tore out of their mouths, sending chills spiraling down my spine.

At one point, they even butted heads.

I gasped, shell-shocked by the terrifying sight. More than that, I was shocked to see Schneizel go berserk. It was like he was in a frenzy -a black miasma that could not be penetrated. His eyes were utterly black as he battled his twin, swinging punches and throwing kicks mercilessly.

I'd never seen him so utterly enraged before, and I could have gone a million years before I ever saw it.

They crashed into the cell and fell right onto the chair, crushing it under their combined weights.

Instinctively, I threw my hands up and blocked my ears at the startling sound the breaking wood made; for a moment, I thought it was the sound of breaking bones.

Speechless, I watched chaos unfold before my very saucer-like eyes.

They scrambled to their feet and then were at it again. They were oblivious to my presence, lost to the madness and the rush of blood in their veins.

The prison became aware of the fight pretty quickly. An inmate passing by saw the fight, his eyes bulged out of his sockets, and then he roared at the top of his lungs, "Schneizel is fighting Schneider!"

"What?!" Someone from deep within the prison bellowed.


Chaos ensued.

It wasn't long before a ruckus arose in the cell block and inmates came clamoring to watch the show.

Meanwhile, Schneizel managed to get the better of Schneider. He punched him clear across the face, sending him falling to the ground. Relentless, he fell on him and punched away until Schneider's face became a bloody mess.

My tongue unknotted then. "Schneizel, stop!" I screamed. Forgetting myself, I attempted to sit up, only to be speared by a bolt of pain right down my side.

Gasping, I yelled again, "You two, stop! What the hell are you doing?! Stop!"

My cries fell on deaf ears.

Schneizel was beyond my reach.

For some reason, the moment I realized it, I felt like a mountain had come between us, dividing us. Schneizel was suddenly so far away that no matter how much I cried out his name, he couldn't hear me.

Panic gave away to fear.

Abruptly, I remembered the cold way in which Schneizel had looked at me just a few minutes ago.

Something had changed between us.

At the cell's door, a gaping crowd of inmates and guards had gathered, blocking it completely.

"I bet the King wins! Look at him throw those punches!"

"He's going to kill his own brother!"

"Should we stop him?"

"Are you insane?! He'll kill anyone who tries; he's completely lost it!"

"Move aside, you idiots!" Cade appeared. He easily shoved the people standing at the door out of his way, clearing a path for him to enter.

"Cade!" I unconsciously yelled out his name, grateful to see him. "Stop them!" I urged.

He nodded and was standing over the two in less than two strides.

He grabbed Schneizel by the nape -and received an elbow in his face for it.

Blinking, Cade stumbled backward a few steps. The stunned look on his face told me that he hadn't been expecting it. Then, like a great timber tree, he tipped backward and fell on the floor, shaking the earth.

The cheering crowd went quiet, as shocked as I was.

So much for an intervention.

If Cade couldn't stop the twins, who the hell could?!

Somehow, Schneider who now had blood running down his nose, managed to throw his brother off him. He quickly scrambled to his feet, grabbed one of the books lying on the table, and slammed it into Schneizel's face, who had still been kneeling on the ground.

Schneizel fell.

Schneider wiped the blood off his face with the back of a hand and tossed the book to the side. He was breathing heavily, his chest rising up and down noticeably like a great fire-breathing dragon.

"You fucking idiot," he growled low in his throat at his brother, who had yet to stir. "It's not like I wanted him to get hurt. Don't you understand the meaning of an accident?"

I realized with a start that they were talking about me and my accident.

Did Schneizel blame Schneider for my injury? I could scarcely believe it. But what else could this be about? I'd never seen the two brothers even bantering, let alone exchanging blows. If anything, they always seemed to respect one another.

Schneizel slowly rose to his feet. His eyes were still the color of the blackest tar.

I shuddered.

"Who told you to take him there? Who asked you to touch that which is mine?" Schneizel's voice was much calmer than before, but I wasn't fooled. I knew perfectly well that he was still very, very furious. "And how many times did I warn you -warn all of you!- not to throw those ridiculous fights?"

Schneider looked away. I could see that he deeply regretted that things had taken an unfortunate end, but Schneizel didn't seem to see it -or he just didn't care.

"I admit it was foolish of me to orchestrate the fight, but you have to understand that it's always been an outlet for us, a way to let loose a little. No one who isn't willing is supposed to get hurt. But things got out of hand-"

"Things got out of hand in your presence! You took him there, so you were supposed to protect him!"

Schneider was silent for a few moments as he contemplated his brother's accusations. Then, he said, "Fine. You're right. What would you have me do?

Where Schneizel was standing, he was close enough for me to reach out my hand and take his in mine. When I did, he started, looked down at me as I lay helpless to do naught else on the bunk, and pulled his hand away as if singed.

My heart plummeted.

"Get the fuck out of my sight. Don't let me see you near him again."

Schneider left the cell. Five people came into the cell, lifted Cade by the armpits and dragged him out. The crowd quickly disappeared.

When Schneizel turned to leave as well, I called out to him, but he ignored me and left. 


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