Chapter 5

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I have given up on giving genuine titles for these chapters. They don't really match the chapter.

I managed to sneak away dreading every step as I neared the exit. It was drastic weather as if it knew that it was about to get a whole lot worse as if it was trying to stop me from making the biggest mistake of my life, the weather acted as if it knew that I, Bakugo one of the top students in U.A. had PTSD and anxiety that mainly triggered when I was at that place. I straightened my back I now stood outside of the door a somewhat divider between reality and a torture chamber; prison it seemed more of. I took a deep breath mentally preparing myself for the nightmares which would attack me as soon as I turn that handle. I turned it slowly and walked in respectively trying my hardest to keep a straight face which successfully worked surprisingly, I shut the door quietly. The worst memory always was the first to hit in the hallway blood covering the marble floor and mahogany walls, I always see my sister looking at me her hair mainly Father's colour with slight highlights of Mother's which blended perfectly, surrounding her limp body drooping as it collected more and more blood that was pooling around her making her fair skin paler. Her light scarlet eyes staring at the door the sensation of falling and falling until i was surrounded by blood and fire- destruction all around.....Her sparkle her light fading more and more leaving me stuck staring, surrounded by more destruction.

I carried on walking the memory lingering with me I walked into the living room. I pause when fully in the entrance taking a swift bow at my Mother and Father who were waiting in there usual spot, I take a unnoticeable glance at the clock as I arose from the bow. I'm early by ten minutes 'Phew' I wait for there next move. Mother was the first to move, ' Oh shit what have I done' Mother is the worst by far she slapped me in front of the teachers and blamed me as well as them. She shows no mercy, Mother was the one who....murdered Hajora. She stopped at my straight, stiff form " You have a modelling session. Don't mess up everything like you normally do." I raised my head and replied "Yes Mother." It was strange to say the least. Modelling was the job Mother picked out for me as it pays well also if I do well I get more money meaning less of a beating when I got back.

When we got back I was more relaxed then when I arrived due to me doing well at the session, she then placed a collar round my neck. I HATE COLLARS!!! They trigger all my senses before I could react my alpha state was emitting fumes it wasn't of fear it was of anger, making both my parents jump back with fear flashing in there eyes. I wanted to murder them so instead I walked into my room to play my games. The weekend seemed to take forever as the torture was done slower and more vigorously it definitely was painful, so when it was time to go back I guess for the first time in...... years? I was ecstatic to leave and be alive. Did my Todoroki cause this? I believe that Shoto changed me. From that day on I made a vow that I, Katsuki Bakugo will hurt anyone who hurts Shoto Todoroki.

No fucker (known as the obtrusive narrator) :

Once Katsuki had arrived back at around 2am meaning he had to sneak in. This was easy for Katsuki until he remembered that he had to go     check on the league, so he raced to the league. Bashing the door open, startling most Tomura turned his head from kissing Toga he looked pissed. "The hell King Reaper can't you not sl-" he was cut off by Bakugo, "are you telling me off Tomura Shigaraki cause if you fucking are I'll fucking have a go at torture~!"  At this Tomura cowered into his girlfriend Katsuki went to his office and within ten minutes came out with a lot of papers. The papers made a large thud on the table they were in a box labeled assignments they gulped Katsuki then took a swift turn and headed to the door before fully exiting he called, " your names are on those which you are targeting or doing. Have fun~" Now it was his second attempt of sneaking in to the school then to the dorms into his apartment which he shares with Shoto, he had the new trouble of also sneaking past his Kitty who was sound asleep on Katsuki's bed.

Katsuki somehow managed to sneak into the dorms, now stood his final challenge getting past Todoroki opening the door slowly and carefully poking his head around the door... it was silent after checking that the coast was clear he tip toed in. He now was at his open door standing over a peaceful Shoto, Katsuki sighed then got into pjamas having a glance at the alarm clock it was now 2:53am with a quick mental equation of how he was going to get to sleep. Bakugo decided he was going to get in and leave it at that slowly sliding in - Shoto didn't move. Bakugo pulled on the quilt ever so gently - Todoroki moved slightly then cuddled up to Katsuki making Katsuki love it even more. They both fell asleep only to be woken up three hours later to an alarm once Shoto realised there positions he blushed whilst hoping he could move quickly and pretend this didn't happen. Sadly this wasn't the case Katsuki looked down at the omega lay on his chest, "Kitty are you comfy down there~" Shoto jumped from his position yet only managed to lift his head as Katsuki had his arms wrapped around him affectionately they stayed like that for ten minutes till Katsuki arose and said, " I'm gonna change then make breakfast, Love you." Shoto was stunned as this was the first time Katsuki said 'I love you' first he felt amazing.

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